Summary: I wonder how each of us would score if there were a test available that could reveal … how devoted we were as a Christian… You see, on the surface most of the time it appears that things are going well & display that we’re doing a pretty good job of b

I wonder how each of us would score if there were a test available that could reveal … how devoted we were as a Christian…

You see, on the surface most of the time it appears that things are going well & display that we’re doing a pretty good job of being a Christian.

In fact, I’m convinced that most people if asked… “How’s your faith walk with God doing?” Most would answer…"It’s doing just fine."

ILL. I’m afraid that we tend to be like the fellow in the old story who showed up for a court hearing concerning an accident in which he had been involved.

His arm was in a cast, there were bandages covering ¾ of his body,…& the parts that were left exposed were clearly bruised, scratched & cut. He was a real mess.

Looking rather surprised, the judge asked about his injuries. He replied, "Judge, I’m in a terrible condition.

I have cuts & stitches all over me, & I’m just feeling awful."

The judge said, "I don’t understand. The accident report filed by the Police Officer says that at the time of the accident you told him you were just fine."

"Well Judge," the man replied, "let me explain.

I was driving my pickup truck & pulling a trailer. In the back of the pickup was my old dog Shep, & my mule was in the trailer behind.

All of a sudden an 18 wheeler sideswiped me, knocking me off the road."

As a result…"My pickup truck & trailer rolled over & eventually we ended up at the bottom of a big embankment.

The next thing I remember, a police officer was picking his way through the wreckage.

I saw him stop & examine my mule; he then pulled out his pistol & shot the mule between the eyes."

"Next, he got to where Shep was lying, & after examining him, he shot old Shep, too.

Then Judge... he walked over to me & asked, "How are you?" And I said, "I’m doing fine."


I would imagine…if I took the time to ask every one of you here today how you were doing spiritually…you would tell me, "I’m doing fine,"

But if we were to be truthful…for most of us…life may not be going that well at all.

I wonder what the results would be if we all were required to take a test…

A test that if taken… could reveal the commitment level you have made to Christ.

For some of us here this morning…this test would be easy to take…while for others…this test might be a little more challenging…

You might be here this morning and not even know what it means to be committed to Christ.

This is why I think it would be good for all of us to take this test this morning …to help each of us identify where our relationship with Christ is….

The believe the best way to prepare for a test is to study…so let’s begin…

The first step we must take to help us prepare for our test is to examine ourselves…

Slide #2 We Must First Examine Ourselves (2 Corinthians 11:5a)

When most people get sick…they prefer to go see a doctor…so that the doctor can examine or diagnose what is wrong with them.

And I do believe that every doctor does their very best to help people with their problems.

But in all honesty…there is only ONE physician who can diagnose and cure whatever ailment you are carrying around.

Week after week people… who look just like you and I…walk into churches all around the world looking for a cure for the mistakes that they have made in their lives.

Many who come into the church…are ready to turn their mistakes over to Christ…but there are those who are still searching to find the right doctor.

Well good news…if you are the one who is here today that is looking for the right doctor to identify what’s ailing you…you have made the right choice by being here today.

In 2 Corinthians 13:5 Paul confirms to us why people like you and I come into the church seeking help with our problems…he explains that we are to first

“Examine yourselves…to see whether you are in the faith…”

Living in the faith is the first step of feeling better… to admit that you might have a problem…

People are kinda funny about this…they don’t want people to know that their struggling with life.

Matter of fact…most people wait almost until it’s too late to help themselves…so in a last ditch effort they decide to see if Christ can help.

Just this last week we got three calls in the church office by people who had failed to pay their bills and their utilities had been turned off.

It still amazes me how the world is daily trying its best to shut God out of the picture…but when all else fails…the church is the first place they call?

My first question for these people is…where do you go to church? (Their main response is…I don’t…or I attended there once)…

I don’t do that to harass them…rather to try and help to convince them that there is stability in Christ.

If more people would structure their lives by what 2 Corinthians says… “we are to daily examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.”

Our world and our lives would be a much better and easier place to live.

When people are living their lives daily for Christ…They understand that God is the one who helps people through their storms they face in their lives.

And He is the only one who provides all their daily needs… (Not the wants) that people need to survive.

The second step we must take to help us prepare for our test is to be ready to…

Slide #3 Accept our Score

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Master of Divinity… the salutatorian of your class…or a CEO of you company.

Not one person… is gonna score a A+ on this test !

Trying to get through your life without making mistakes is impossible.

Jesus is the only one who did...

There is not one person here today that gets excited to hear about the truth of living life.

Clear back in Genesis chapter 2 and 3… we read that because Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge…our lives became difficult…

Can you imagine how much different life would be if sin would have never entered into the world.

Life was so innocent for Adam…living in Eden…kicking back naming the animals (duckbilled platypus???) and birds…and to make it even better.(helpmate)

God created Eve…

Life was perfect…it was truly a paradise…Stress less…It was fun…

Adam and Eve would walk in the garden and fellowship with God himself…Life was soooooo sweet………

But how much fun would life really be without sin?

Satan is a SPOILER

Read…Genesis 3:1-11a

News Flash… whether you want to admit it or not…

Satan doesn’t even want you to be here…or worse yet be thinking that maybe…just maybe… you can find a cure for the baggage you carried in today.

Satan wants you to believe that the current way you are living your life… without Christ… is ok…it’s not…

The people who are living their lives without Christ control are being controlled by Satan…the ruler of this world…

Satan loves sin…Because of sin

People believe that they can make up their own rules and regulations…(and there acceptable)

Day after day… more and more of these make-shift rules and regulations are being brought out of the closet…and I wish they would just leave them in there.

For us today its decision time…you are gonna either choose God or Satan?

All you need to know is this…If it’s found in the Bible…its true…if it’s not…stop supporting it.

And just a side note for those us us here today who claim God as our Lord and Savior…if you are clearly disobeying God’s rules…STOP doing it.

You r circle of influence is much larger than just you…The me, me, me syndrome has got to stop.

People are watching you…your families are watching you…your kids are watching you…your co-workers are watching…and God is watching

As I mentioned earlier…the step of recovery is first to admit that you might have a problem…

Can I get personal with you today?

If you’re the one here today…that’s thinking… man every time I’m here…Pastor Bret’s always talking about me…

How does he know that my life is in shambles?

How does he know that I have sin weighing me down…

How does he know that without Jesus’ help today…I do not know what else to do.

Just look around this room…each and every person here today carried in their sins looking for help too.

Before a person is able to ask Christ into their life…(Just like Paul says…)they have to reach a point where realize they are in need of assistance.

Sadly enough…what our kids are being taught in the public schools…and what the world is daily displaying in front of our very eyes.

Is not gonna get you into heaven…

Like the video we watched before the message…Jesus is the only one who can remove the baggage in your life.

Which brings me to our last step…

The Final step we must take to help us prepare for our test is to

Slide #4 Ask for Help

I can remember when I first asked Christ to remove all the baggage from my life…I felt an overwhelming relief from the weight of stress in my life.

The world has a way of dragging a person down so quickly that they feel there is no way of releasing the anchor that holds them down.

From the very moment that you ask Jesus to forgive you of your past…He begins to examine you…to make sure that you are sincere about the request.

Read Ephesians 1:3-7

God controls life in His hands…He has the power to remove our sin. He holds the power to change lives.

How many of here today want to walk out of here a brand new person?

If that is true…you have got to be willing to give something up…you have got to be willing to sacrifice…

Slide #5 Hebrews 9: 24-28…read

“For Christ has entered, not into holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true things, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf.

25 Nor was it to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters the holy places every year with blood not his own,

26 for then he would have had to suffer repeatedly since the foundation of the world. But as it is, He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,

28 so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.”

On the Day of Atonement…people would eagerly wait outside the temple for the High Priest to appear…to prove that the sacrifice had been accepted by God.

But on this day…Vs. 28 shares that…when God returns…it will be confirmed once and for all that the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for all man kinds sin is final.

You have got to be willing to admit…that without God’s sacrifice…life is too difficult to bear.

Why in earth’s sake…would you not want to spend eternity in Heaven with those who have gone on before.

And those even in this room who have made a sacrifice to serve Him…

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