Summary: We rid ourselves of sin by confessing it to God. No one can live in light without being overwhelmingly convinced that he still sins. Honesty before God results in forgiveness & cleansing.

1 JOHN 1: (5) 8-10 [LIFE, LIGHT & LOVE SERIES]


[Romans 3:23-26]

Every form of life has its enemies. Insects have to watch out for hungry birds, and birds must keep an eye on hungry cats and dogs. Even human beings have to dodge automobiles and fight off germs. Spiritual life has its enemies too, and we read about one in this section. This enemy is sin. [Warren Wiersbe. Bible Exposition Com. Vol. 2. 1989. Victor Books. Wheaton, IL. P. 479.]

Sin is darkness and God is light. The contrast is evident just as our walking in light should contrast walking in darkness. [Our text last week taught us that] Walking in light is blessed by fellowship with God and with the brethren and experiencing the purification of Jesus' spilt blood (1:6-7).

Walking in the light also does something else. It intensifies our consciousness of sin and, therefore, our desire to get rid of it. We rid ourselves of sin by confessing it to God. No one can live in light without being overwhelmingly convinced that he still sins and is not pure. Fellowship with God and with each other is broken unless we recognize daily our missing the mark of the high calling of God and confessing our falling short of God’s glory. This honesty before God results in forgiveness and cleansing (CIT).




Verse 8 teaches us that no matter how good we think we are [or that our fellowship with God and others is], we must realize we are still sinning. “If we should say that we have no sin, we are misleading (deceiving) ourselves and the truth is not in us.”

Some people see sin as heinous evil such as murder or adultery. Sin is also the waywardness that plagues most of us day after day. [Daily we don’t believe, don’t think, don’t act as we should but as we as we shouldn’t.] The definition of sin is God’s domain, His prerogative, not man. Verses 6, 8, and 10 contain three common false professions that people make. They are indicated by the phrase if we say. The second false profession is that people have no natural tendency toward sin and sinning. Only some people say so but many think man is naturally good. Only one human being has been able to say "I always do the things which are pleasing to God" (Jn. 8:29, 46; 14:30). The refusal to recognize and admit the sin that is within our life is to lead a life of self-delusion.

A minister was walking down a street when he noticed a group of boys standing AROUND A DOG. Concerned for the dog’s safety, he walked over and asked what they were doing. A boy replied, “All of us want this old stray dog. We decided that whoever told the biggest lie would get it.”

“You boys shouldn’t have a contest telling lies,” said the minister. “Don’t you know that lying is a sin? Why when I was your age I never told a lie!” There was silence for about a minute. Then, just as the minister though he had gotten through to them one boy gave a deep sigh and said, “All right, he wins. Give him the dog.”

We smile, but the fact is we’ve all told some whoppers. Oh, we tolerate some lies, calling them exaggerations –like when we add a few inches to the big fish we caught. We aren’t that tolerant, however, when lied to and cheated in a business deal or when an untruth threatens our reputation. Yet, anyone who says he’s doesn’t sin is telling the biggest lie of all.

The closer a man walks in fellowship with God Who is light, the more he realizes the absolute purity and holiness of God, and the more conscious he will become of his own impurity and sinfulness (Job 9:2; 14:4; 15:14; 25:4; Prov. 20:9; Eccles. 8:20), of how far short of the glory or perfection of God he still falls (Rom. 3:23).

Friend, pride goes before the fall. If you see little or no sin in your life, then you need more and longer exposure to the truth. If you are satisfied with your righteousness, you need to see what true righteousness is. As one hears, reads, meditates, studies, and memorizes the truth, you become more aware of how far short you fall and of your great need for continuing to walk in the light.

Years ago, a RADIO STATION received a letter from a shepherd who lived on an isolated ranch in the western part of the United States. Never before had the station received such an unusual request. It read, "Will you please strike 'A' on the piano in your studio? I am far from a piano, and the only comfort I have is my fiddle. Just now it is out of tune. Will you strike 'A' so that I can get it in tune again?"

Isn’t that a picture of us when our lives get out of tune with Jesus? The strings of moral conviction, once attuned to God's Word, become loose through compromise or neglect. Only a memory of once joyous fellowship with God and others remains. It happens to all of us. Usually it starts with the discord of selfish attitudes and negative thinking. Secret sins rarely distort the tone of outward respectability, but sooner or later an off-key word or deed betrays that something is wrong inside.

Daily we need to make sure we are in harmony with God. The Spirit through the Word gives us the sure note to which we can tune our lives. When we are off key, confession retunes us.

Do you listen for God’s true note? Do you recognize when your off key with God?.


Verse 9 summarizes the basic realization and need of sinful man. “If we should confess our sin” (9a)

Confession is the Greek word homologeo from homo meaning "same" and logo meaning “word” or “say.” It literally means to say the same word. Confess means "to admit the truth of the accusation, to own up to the fact that one is guilty of having committed the sin.” This needs to be the constant attitude of the saint. We should be eager to have any sin in life exposed by the Holy Spirit and eager to confess it and have it put out of our life. When God’s Spirit convicts or His light expose our sin instead of trying to cover it up or rename it something less offensive we need to agree with God about our sin. We need to confess it, for only through confession is there forgiveness.

[Confession or owning up to our sin helps rid us of guilt. GUILT is a serious disease. We find it "written all over our faces." Many sermons have caused it to bring aches to our toes. Mothers often see it in the eyes of their children. Guilt causes the hands to become dirty with abuse and even murder. It turns one's steps down the pathway of sin. Left unchecked, it becomes fatal.

Guilt advances rapidly. It starts as a wrong action. Then it tries to falsely justify the behavior as being right. Anger rushes forth and someone or something is blamed. Guilt expands once again and negative responses continue. Confusion dominates the thinking process. Feelings of uncertainty control the emotions. Fear cries within us for help. Our whole body aches for a hiding place.

There is a cure for this dreaded spiritual disease. Confession to God is the beginning. It is not an illness we can doctor on our own. Forgiveness is the needed treatment. And forgetting is the sign of final recovery.]

Notice John says our sins. The godly Apostle was including himself and all other Christians in this need for confession of sin. We need to confess corporate, or church sins (Daniel 12) as well as individual sins (James 5:16).

Admitting we have sin as verse 8 indicates we must, may cost us little. Confession of particular sins, individually, one by one, that we have committed cost a good deal. Confession calls for a broken and contrite heart (Ps. 51:1-4). This may be the reason we refuse to do so. But one who refuses to individually confess sins perhaps may desire but certainly does not seek forgiveness. “He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes (them) will find compassion” (Prov. 28:13).

If we are willing to lay our individual sins before God the precious promise in the second part of verse 9 is ours also. “He is faithful and righteous so that He should forgive our sins and should cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (9b,c).

Once we have laid our sins before God, we can seek and find His forgiveness. Again "confess" translates a Greek verb (homologea) which means "to say the same thing." God says, "Right here you have sinned." The confessor says, “Yes, this is my sin.” Confession is man's part, forgiving and cleansing are God's part. Until man has done his part, God cannot do His part. However, once the sinner has fulfilled the condition, he may rest assured that God will keep His promise.

God is faithful, true to His own nature, because He keeps His Word and righteous because He gives each his due. If He says He will give you forgiveness He will. If through confession it is you due to be cleansed, you will be. God's faithfulness and righteousness will appear in His forgiving and cleansing. When God cleanses He washes away the sin and its filth and infecting power. Bless God for the cleansing power of confession, forgiveness, and cleansing!

C. S. Lewis expressed the truth of God’s forgiveness this way: “No amount of falls will really undo us if we keep on picking ourselves up each time. We shall of course be very muddy and tattered children by the time we reach home. Yet the bathrooms are all ready, the towels put out, and the cleans clothes in the airing cupboard.... It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us. It is the very sign of His presence.

I’m so grateful for God’s promise in 1 John 1:9. As I daily walk through life I become soiled and stained and need cleansing. Though this verse is never to be use as an excuse for continuing in sinful behavior, it gives us great comfort. As long as we keep confessing, the Lord keeps on cleansing. God be praised for His limitless forgiveness!

Did you read about the man whose GUILTY CONSCIENCE prompted him to send a letter to the Internal Revenue Service? The note read, "I haven't been able to sleep because last year when I filled out my income tax report I deliberately misrepresented my income. I am enclosing a check for $150, and if I still can't sleep, I'll send you the rest."

Now, it's commendable that the man confessed his wrongdoing, but his halfhearted restitution showed the shallowness of his regret. His confession was prompted by his desire for personal peace, not by repentance or remorse for a moral transgression.

When we believe in Jesus Christ, we are declared righteous. The sins of our past, present, and future are forgiven. But because we are defiled by sin in our day-by-day walk, we need the daily cleansing of confession. This restores fellowship between us and our heavenly Father. But we must be genuine. We must come to Him with a sincere sorrow for our sins and an honest desire to forsake them.

There's no question about it--when we confess our sins to the Lord and really mean it, He forgives. Remember, though, He not only hears our words but He also sees our hearts and reads our motives. That's an awesome thought! Therefore, let's be honest. Only when we are truly sorry that we sinned can we have the assurance that we have been restored to fellowship. When a believer refuses to acknowledge his sin he begins to live in darkness. But confession of sin is the way back into God’s light.

God's stated purpose is to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This cannot occur unless we are confessing our sins individually to Him.

Notice the distinct result of our confession. First we are forgiven or absolved from sin's punishment and two, we are freed from sin's pollution. The one affects our peace, the other our character. The forgiveness which is promised here is absolutely assured, because God “is faithful” and God can do so justly because of Jesus payment for our sin. Forgiveness is accomplished because Jesus' death paid the penalty for our sin and shed His blood that we might be forgiven.

British clergyman F. B. Meyer wrote about two Germans who wanted to climb the Matterhorn. They hired three guides and began the steep and treacherous ascent. They ROPED THEMSELVES together in this order: guide, traveler, guide, traveler, guide.

They had gone only a little way when the last man lost his footing. He was held up by the other four, because each had a toehold in the niches they had cut in the ice. But then the next man slipped and pulled down the two above him. The only one to hold on was the first guide, who had driven a spike deep into the ice. Because he held on, all the men beneath him regained their footing.

Meyer concluded his story by drawing a spiritual application. He said, "I am like one of those men who slipped, but thank God, I am bound in a living partnership to Christ. And because He stands I will never perish."

All of us slip again and again as we walk the Christian pathway. But we are held securely by the Lord, and we can be restored to close fellowship with Him. When we confess our sins we can regain our footing and climb to new heights with Jesus.

We are safe in Christ (Col. 3:3). He will keep us and bring us to our final destination.


Verse 10 makes it clear that if men deny God’s verdict on their sin and sinfulness they have called God a liar. “If we say that we have not sinned, we are making Him a liar and His Word is not in us.”

When a Christian is confronted by God’s Word about his sins, he should admit them rather than deny them. To deny one’s personal sin in the face of God’s testimony to the contrary, is in effect, to “make” God “out to be a liar.” By contradicting God’s Word, a person rejects it and refuses to acknowledge its absolute truthfulness. [Walvoord, John & Zuck, Roy: The Bible Knowledge Commentary. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1983, S. 886]

So another consequence of denying our sin is to cut our self off from God’s Word. As verse 1 stated God’s Word is the “Word of Life.” The Word that gives life, or, God’s life-giving Word, finds no dwelling place “in us.” We may profess that we are in the Word, but it is a false profession.

This is the third false profession uncovered in this paragraph. The 1st is that we can say we have not sinned by ignoring the difference between right and wrong (v.6).

The 2nd is that we may deny that our human nature is sinful (v.8). or 3rd [While admitting the reality of sin and the sinful tendency of our nature,] we may deny our sin or that we have sinned. We may rename it as an affair instead of calling it adultery or call it righteous indignation instead of hate or rage or informative conversation instead of gossip. We may call it “little” or “harmless” like stretching the truth instead of lying. We may call it juicy tidbits instead of character assassination. Fellowship with the Father does not result from redefining sin and making God a liar by winking at unrighteousness.

[Notice the consequences for these three false professions. First is to lie (v.6). The second is to lead ourselves astray (v.8). The third is to make God a liar (v.10). Obviously a gradation with this last one being the worst.

Verse 8 dealt with the sinful state of man, the reward principle of an inclination to sin. This verse indicates the result of being a sinner. The doing of sinful acts.]

If we sit through church services and refuse to be touched by the Bible's teachings or think they apply to others, we are saying that we don't need God's work because we are living just as we should. If we do such the revelation of God has found no home in our heart. It remains outside of us as the light remains outside us and separate as those who shut themselves up in darkness.

Pastor Joe Wright wrote and said, “We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it pluralism. We have worshiped other gods and called it multi-culturalism. We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn children and called it choice. We have shot abortionist and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem. We have abused power and called it political savvy. We have coveted our neighbors possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values or our forefathers anc called it enlightenment.”


What are you going to do with sin? You can cover it, claim that you have no sin. You can rename it, denying what you did is really sin. You can disclaim it. You can say your sin is someone else's fault. Or you can confess it and ask for forgiveness. Which will you choose to do? Be hard and insensitive to sin or be ready to recognize it, deal with it and rid your life of it.

The most deceptive sins don’t leap upon us, they creep upon us. Maybe there are some sins that have creep into your life. With the help of the Holy Spirit and His Word, identify them. Admit your guilt, confess them and find God’s forgiveness and cleansing. Get rid of them before they lead you into deeper darkness.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you have become part of the family of God, and our relation can never be broken. Sin, though it cannot sever our family ties, can break our fellowship. And if our fellowship with God is broken, it is broken with His children also. The way to restore fellowship-communion with God and man is to listen to Him when He points out our sin and simply agree with Him about it. What God says is sin, is sin. I will acknowledge it and let Him forgive me for it and cleanse me of it.

Will you today make the decision to be humbled and contrite before God? Will you agree with Him about and fact and seriousness of your sin? That is the first step for fellowship with God. And there is no way to walk in the Spirit without fellowship in the Light.

Maybe the sin you need to confess today is the sin of not seeing & acknowledging your sin as sin. Maybe you have keep God & His Word at a comfortable distance so you can go on living just as you want. Come to the altar & through confession you can have joyful fellowship with God & begin seeing once again the darkness of your ways. You come as the Spirit leads.

For hundreds of years WINDMILLS around the world have been used to pump water and to process grains. But in the last few decades, as wind turbines producing electricity have become more prevalent, a "fly in the ointment" unexpectedly occurred.

Researchers discovered that wind power generators worked fine at slow speeds, but at high-wind velocity, bugs on the blades reduced power output. Operators found that it was necessary to regularly wash off the buildup of dead insects to avoid having them slowly decrease the turbine's


A buildup of sin in a Christian's life can be a problem as well. God has provided a way to clear the accumulation of sins from our lives. God teaches us, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." But unless we do that often, we'll be running on diminished power. That's because the power for living comes from God and not us (2 Cor. 4:7). When we try to live the Christian life in our own strength, we'll feel defeated-like windmills robbed of their energy.

God's power can be more easily seen and experienced in Our lives when We get rid of sin's buildup every day. Sin drains our spiritual power; confession restores it.