Summary: How many times we realize all God´s blessings in our lives? This sermon is focused on how much we get from our Lord. Every day there is something to be thankful for.

The sermon starts with the video “I Choose Thankful”

Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving – for some people it is just a day

off which extends a weekend; for others it is a good chance to see their

relatives and have good food. – Nothing against it but for many of them

the day of giving thanks will finish on Tuesday morning when they will

get back to work and start their everyday routines – that moment they

begin to complain about a terrible life, about all those difficulties,

problems, troubles, and inconveniences they must face day by day.

For us Christians, however, this day should be a moment when we look

back on previous days and realize God´s presence and His active work

in every moment and situation of our life, even though sometimes the

circumstances are not always the best. In fact, they may be downright

bad, but still, we look for something to be thankful for! And there is

ALWAYS something good for which we can be thankful!

So, today I want to look at three areas of our life which give us

opportunity to give thanks to God. Let´s look at our blessings from an

outward, inward and upward perspective...

1. An outward look will reveal thankfulness for what I have...

In the 1st Tim 6:17 we read, “Command those who are rich in this

present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is

so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with

everything for our enjoyment.”

To better understand our situation here in Canada, let´s look at our world

and how it would look like, if we could shrink the earth’s population to a

village of one hundred people: There would be 57 Asians, 21 Europeans,

14 from the Western Hemisphere, and 8 Africans. – 50 of them would suffer from malnutrition and one would be near death. – 80 would live in

substandard housing. – 70 would be unable to read. – 6 would possess

more than half of the world’s wealth and all would be from North

America. – If we attend church without fear of harassment, arrest,

torture, or death, we are better off than 3 billion people in that regard. If

we have money in the bank, food in the fridge, clothes on our backs, and

a roof over our heads, we are richer than 75% of this world.

We often overlook our blessings because many of them we understand

as a standard living condition. We really don´t know what we have until

it is gone. – Our power is shut off, and suddenly we become thankful for

electricity. Our garbage is not picked up, and suddenly we become

thankful for the garbage collector’s weekly stop. A good friend dies, and

suddenly we discover how much that person meant to us.

Some people may say, “I am really content with what I currently have...”

– I am really content – until I start looking through the Sears catalogue.

– I like my car – until I see the newest model of Lexus. – I am satisfied

with my clothes – until I stroll through the Mall. – I love my home –

until I think of what it would be like to have a log cabin on the shore of

some remote lake. – I am satisfied with every area of my life – until I

start comparing with someone else’s life. – I really feel like I have

enough of everything – until I see someone who has more.

Let’s not be far-sighted. We should focus on and look at that which is

near and what we have! The secret of a satisfied life is not to get what

we want but to live with what we have. – Most of us spend our lives

concentrating on what we don’t have instead of thanking God for what

He has provided us for living. Then we wake up, our life is over, and we

missed the beauty of the present.

The Bible tells us – “give thanks” in all circumstances even if you

sometimes have less than you think you would deserve. If you trust in

God, He will always provide you with enough for your daily life.

2. An inward look will reveal thankfulness for what I go through...

Psychologist, Dr. Dale Robbins writes, “I used to think people

complained because they had a lot of problems. But I have come to

realize that they have problems because they complain. – Complaining

doesn’t change anything or make situations better. It amplifies

frustration, spreads discontent and discord, and can invoke an invitation

for the devil to cause chaos with our lives.” Complaining makes us


In Philippians the Apostle Paul says, “Do everything without

complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure,

children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation.

Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” (2:14-15)

A positive, thankful person is a great witness in this dark world. We only

shine when we are thankful. Our light shines for the Lord when we are

thankful, when we live it and express it! – Instead of looking at the

negatives in our lives and complaining, we must look at and for the

positives and give thanks. – Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is

God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – Giving thanks is God’s will for our

lives. Giving thanks to God and others is what pleases the Lord.

Instead of complaining and grumbling, be thankful for...

...the taxes you pay – because it means you are employed.

...the clothes that fit a little too snug – because it means you have enough

to eat. that need cleaning – because it means you have a home.

...the spot you find at the far end of the parking lot – because it means

you are capable of walking.

...all the complaining you hear about our government – because it means

you have freedom of speech.

...the lady behind you in church who sings off key – because it means

that you can hear.

...the piles of laundry and ironing – because it means your loved ones are


I know how difficult is to give thanks to God when we only experience

betrayal, sorrow, pain, hatred or some inconveniences. But we need to

know that even during these times God is near and His power is greater

than anything in this world, greater than bad people, illnesses, or even

death. His power is sufficient to win the victory over all the enemies that

come our way. – And that is a very good reason for our thankfulness.

I will never forget the man who unexpectedly appeared in the Prague

congregation where I served as a pastor. That person was a constant

complainer and persistent battler for his truth. He basically had a feeling

that something was going wrong in the congregation and he was

determined to prove it even by legal action. During a few months that

man was able to confuse, paralyze, separate and almost destroy the

whole congregation. It took almost 4 years to resolve it. – Now when I

look back I can say that it was one of the most difficult times in my life.

But I admit that the Lord was my “refuge and strength” (Ps 46) and

today I am thankful for everything that had happened. Who knows – it

might be that if all of that hadn´t happened, we wouldn´t have made a

decision to come to Canada. Only now I am able to see God´s plan

which was bigger than I could ever imagine.

3. An upward look will reveal thankfulness for God´s Love.

A college man walked into a studio with a picture of his girlfriend… He

wanted the picture duplicated. – The owner of the store noticed the

inscription on the back of the picture, which read, “My dearest Jeffry, I

love you with all my heart… I love you more and more each day… I

will love you forever and ever…” It was signed “Diane,” and it

contained a P.S.: “If we ever break up, I want this picture back…”

Friends, when God calls us and we follow Him, there’s no “PS”… We

are His and He is ours forever… Once we “acknowledge that Jesus is the

Son of God, God will live in us and we in Him.” (1 J 4:15) His love will

penetrate and transform our very beings and we will be able to clearly

recognize His promises in our lives. Here are some of them:

His protection – “I am your shield...” (Gen. 15:1); His power – “I will

strengthen you...” (Is 41:10); His provision – “Ask and it will be given

to you.” (Matt 7:7); His rest – “Come to Me, all you who are weary and

burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28); His cleansing – “If we

confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to

cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 J 1:9); and His faithfulness –

“The Lord will not forsake His people for His great name’s sake.” (1

Sam. 12:22)

Our thanksgiving is a respond to the Triune God for His LOVE: the

Father, for His creation of all that exists and for everything He provides.

– Jesus Christ, the Son, who became human to suffer and die for the sins

of all human beings and to rise to life again in the ultimate victory over

death and Satan. And the Holy Spirit, who creates and keeps our faith.
