Summary: Christina Marriage is defined by Christ and is guided by God's Word.

The Seriousness of Christian Marriage

(Mark 10:2-12)

Intro: There are 2 huge decisions we make in this life—maybe 3

The first most important decision---accept Jesus as Savior

Because this one decision has eternal consequences

The third most important—career

How we will make a living –support ourselves-and family

The second most important---who we marry

Because marriage is very important-

For in it we are taking another person to walk beside-share our lives

For many marriage is a big deal—but maybe in wrong way

Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent on wedding dresses

Flowers-music-reception dinners

Extreme stress is brought about-because of all these plans

Because the couple want this big event—to be perfect

So-every aspect of it—is choreographed to “enth degree”

Yet-with all this money spent and stress expended

Very little time and effort is put into getting ready for the marriage

I get many calls from people wanting to be married at C. Harbor

I tell them I am willing—but required counseling with couple first

And when they hear that-they not call back


Because we’ve based marriage on wrong things in our nation

Things like sexual attraction—passion

Rather than commitment and compatibility

Idea that if it not work out—they just divorce

And the results—have been disastrous

Divorce rates-growing higher and higher

Lives are shattered---especially children

That’s why when Jesus was approached by some religious leaders

He spoke about the seriousness of marriage

Jesus is asked by these leaders if it is OK to divorce someone

So Jesus asks—well what did the law of Moses say

They said—well Moses said it ok---

Jesus replies-well God only allowed Moses to give

that stipulation--- as a concession

Divorce is NOT what God intends for married couples

You see in Jesus’ day—women were treated as property of men

(Its still that way in many Muslim countries)

They were property that was transferred from fathers household

And brought into the husbands household—

It was like a legal transaction----much like its seen by many today

And if the man found fault with the woman

He could write a letter of divorce-send her out of his household

But by giving her a letter of divorce—

She was free to marry another person----

Why did God allow it—to protect the woman

For if the woman was cast out with no divorce—couldn’t remarry

Thus she would have no one to provide for her

She be w/o home-income

So God allowed this as a means of protection—but not what He wanted

Now—from that-two schools of thought developed

Hillel- who permitted followers to divorce wife on whim

If she argued with husband-wasn’t what he wanted sexually

Or even if she burned t6he bread-she could be cast out

Then there was the other school of thought

Shammai-who took very strict view about divorce

It should only happen in the most extreme of circumstances


So-these Pharisees were really asking Jesus

Which interpretation do you think is right

But Jesus doesn’t answer them-knows they have hidden agenda

Instead he lets them know how serious Marriage is

And by His answer to them and His disciples

We learn something that needs to be said about the seriousness

Of Christian marriage

Christian Marriage....


WOW have we heard all sorts of what

definitions of marriage in today’s society.

Some say that Marriage is simply a civil contract that 2 parties enter into

They go to a judge or justice of peace—get a license

Say a few words—sign a line on paper

They are married—because state says so

It’s kind of like buying a car----problem is there’s no “lemon laws!”

And because in our country this definition is so prevalent

I must have a marriage license in my possession

Before I can marry a couple

And because its seen mostly as a civil contract

Many think that it should be open to any two people

Who want to into it

But Christian marriage is different—Jesus lets us know this

He defines marriage as a holy Covenant and not a civil contract

For He says what God has joined together-no one should separate

Thus marriage is not just some sort of legal contract

Instead God is supposed to be involved---

Thus it becomes something higher—it enters into the spiritual plane

A Holy Covenant that should not be taken lightly

Or broken at whim

That’s where we are as a country today

People think “ I’ll marry this person but if it doesn’t work out

Then I’ll just toss them aside---get a divorce.”

But Christian Marriage is Holy Covenant

So much so that the Catholic church considers it a Sacrament

“An outward and visible sign of a spiritual and inward grace.”

And while we Protestants don’t see it as Sacrament

We do see it as Holy—set apart by God

Something that is to be taken seriously

That’s why –it should never be entered into lightly

You young people-as you think about getting married

Need to hear this-you should not base who you want to marry—

On how “Hot” the person is—how much you want to be with them

Or how much passionate love you feel for them

Because as the years go by—that “person’s hotness may cool”

And that passionate feel good lovey dovey feeling

May not be felt so strongly

But when u understand that Christian marriage is a Holy Covenant

You understand that is based Agape love—

based on unselfish commitment...

And Jesus also defined the two parties that constitute it

"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.'

A Christian marriage—when he goes all the way back to creation

And Jesus says God made males and females for each other

Thus—according to JESUS-the only 2 parties that can enter into

Christian marriage is one man and one woman!!!!!

The US govt may one day allow two men or two women to marry

But---that will not be a Christian marriage-no matter who marries them

Because Jesus Himself defined marriage—not me

Therefore—if people who follow Jesus’ teachings

Are called Christians-its seems to make sense

That a Christian marriage can only be defines the way Jesus defined it!

Christian Marriage:


a. Marriage before others…

I’ve known some married couples who still look to mom and dad

More than their spouse for support and help

And I believe this hurts a marriage!

Parents of married children can really hurt their kid’s marriages

By trying to always interfere

Now there may be some cases-they have to—

Like if you have a daughter whose hubby is beating them

Jesus showed us one of the requirements of Christian marriage when he said:“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife”

The man and the woman-when they enter into Christian marriage

Are required to reorient their lives

Around God first and spouse second

They can’t make mom or dad over spouse

Nor can they put their old buddies on same plane as spouse

Instead other than God—they should be each others first love

Putting the needs of the other over the needs of self

B. Agape Love

Paul in the famous love Chapter-

Corin 13- speak about the kind of love that should be involved

Love is not selfish---or demand its own way

The reason why many marriages fail

Is we are selfish sinful people

And want what we want---but Christian marriage

Should be based on sacrificial love

The man putting wife over self

And wife putting husband over self

Many US marriage fail because

One of the parties involved or both

Have the idea-that their needs should be met

And if their spouse loved them—they would meet them

So-if the other person doesn’t-they justify sins

Like watching pornography-having affairs

Or even abandoning the marriage all together

But that is NOT what Christian marriage should be about

C. Only Marry Other Christians (2 Corin. 6)

Another requirement for Christian marriage

Is that both people entering into it—should be Christian

Paul talks about this need in 2 Corinthians 6

Its not easy when a Baptist marries a Methodist

Because they may have there own theological tweaks

But for a Christian to marry a non-Christian is asking for trouble

Why—some say well maybe the Christian will convert the other

But it may happen the other way---

That is why I am very reluctant to marry a person who believe in Jesus

To one who flat out denies Him

Christian Marriage


Did you know that God intended that there was to

be a purpose in marriage?

No-it not just so we could have God’s blessing

On indulging in fleshly pleasures

And its not just so we can have kids—though that is a special blessing!

The purpose of Christian marriage is hinted at by Jesus as he said

“And the two will become one flesh.”

Now we know the physical union that happens

When a married man and woman come together

And some have thought that is what Jesus was talking about----

But I believe He is pointing out something much higher

That a man and woman who enter into Christian marriage

Should become like a well oiled machine

Running smoothly because all the part function in tandem

There should be such unity between them

That no power of hell or plan of man can split them

That children can go to one parent and get the same exact answer

As they would from the other

You see I really think God’s design for marriage

Was that it would model for lost world

The unity God desires between God and humanity

For God created humanity for Him to love

And to walk in complete harmony

A sense of one nesss between the Creator and the Created

But something happened—that messed all that up....

Which leads to my last point:

Even Christian Marriage


The issue of divorce

If you have never been through one

You do not know how deep emotional pain can hurt

It cuts to your very core

It makes you feel worthless-unloved

It makes you feel branded

Because the church has done such a poor job in dealing with it

In fact in many denominations –

treated like the second unpardonable sin.

So much so—if pastor has ever been divorced-kicked out of ministry

Never to be allowed return

Or even person feeling call of God

Not allowed into ministry—if divorce in their past

They can be a former felon-thief—drug addict-womaniser

All that can be forgiven and put into past and forgotten

If they have gotten saved since then

But if divorce is part of their moral failings

Then—that’s always held against them

Jesus acknowledged that divorce is part of human condition

Because sin is part of human condition

Because of sin in us-we divorced the very one who loved us the most

We ran from the very one who desired unity with us more than any other

So in a way—all humans are divorcĂ©es—

because we are separated from God by sin

Sin is what makes even Christian marriages vulnerable

Let me tell you what I mean

Even though Christians may be born again

They are still “in process” for moving from sinner to saint

So they have temptations and struggles with the flesh

That if they are handled wrongly can lead to divorce

For example---a man who is so bent on making name for self

Or amassing great fortune—that he neglects wife and family

To the point the family feels alone

And he gets disconnected with his wife

Along comes good-looking younger woman

Who begins to talk with him a lot

Makes him feel like he used to feel with wife of youth

Soon one thing leads to another---affair—leads to divorce

Or maybe he decides to start going out with guys after work

Even though his not much a drinker-

Begins to “throw back a few” every afternoon

You know just to be with guys

These few drinks get to be a full blown habit

And when he comes home—he’s mean

Beats his poor wife----what is she to do

Stay till he kills her?

Or maybe the wife begins to feel like hubby not pay enough attention

She’s getting older and wants to feel young again---

And the good looking man at work—begins to flirt with her

Then one thing lead to another-----adultery-divorce

All marriages are prone to have problems

And Christian marriage no different

But I honestly believe that the divorce rate among Christians

Can be zero—if we would simply repent of sin

And live as Christ taught us......

You see God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16)

Because he knows it destructiveness

For when humanity chose to listen to lies of Satan

And we ran from God---it hurt us

Divorce tears lives apart

Damages hearts

For that which was one is now torn apart

Kids suffer for it too

But there’s hope!!!!!

Even for all of us divorcĂ©es—we sinners

And this hope has a name---Jesus

For through Christ

We can all be reconciled to God

Get a fresh start

Through Christ---marriages that are on the brink

Can be restored

And through Christ—those who have ran from God

Can be made whole----be forgiven

Get a fresh start

But before they come forward

I want to open the altar up

For anyone who would like to come forward for prayer

• Maybe—your marriage is in trouble and you need to pray about it

• Maybe you have children or grandchildren’s whose marriages on rocks

• They have kids who will be hurt

• Maybe you –like me-are a divorced person

• And you just need to know God forgives you for whatever your

Part In what lead to the divorce and you are feeling far from the One whose love you need

The altar is open as we sing together

And if you need to pray—I invite you to come