The scriptures uses several names to identify the saved relationship with the Savior, these names are also in many ways relative to the responsibilities of those who proclaim to be saved. For instance:
The believers are called sheep in John 10:14, the passage says, I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep, and I am known by my own. Verse 27 continues that thought in John 10 by saying, my sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me. The believer is called sheep to identify the relationship and the character of the believers. Sheep are led, (no sheep should be left alone, and no sheep is without a shepherd). The shepherd is responsible for feeding, loving, and caring for that sheep.
The saved are referred to as brethren (sisters), I know that the term is masculine, but in scripture it encompasses the entire body; in James 1:2 we read, my brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials (testings). I Peter 3:8 also says, finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one for another, love as brethren, pitiful, be courteous.
Brethren and sisters, connotes family relationships and a sense of togetherness.
John the aged apostle and the one that that is referred to as the one Christ loved uses the term little children in First John with much frequency. In 1 John 3:18 he says, my little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. The idea of us being referred to as little children is that we are in the process of growing and we need the parenting of a loving and loyal God.
We are even referred to as a body having many members of the body, Christ being the ultimate head of the body. We are even referred to as building with stones that are fitly joined together, with Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. These words are in some form the badge of being His children. They are some identifying marks of us and our relationship with Christ the King.
But in Matthew 5:13, we get an unusual image, an unusual badge is placed upon the faithful. Jesus says: Ye are the salt of the earth!
What an image! What a label to be placed upon us! What a tag on our testimony! What a description of our destiny and duties. This pronouncement comes as a result of what we now call the Be Attitudes (vs. 3-11). The Be Attitudes are the spiritual qualities that should be a part of the attitudes of believers. It’s in 3-13 that we get the attitudes of the faithful and in verses 14-15 that we get the expected actions of the faithful. In verses 3-13 we get the descriptions, in verse 13-14 we get the demonstration, we get the lessons in 3-13, and in 13 and 14 is the living of those lessons.
The disciples and those hearers may not have fully grasped the in depth meaning of verse 3-13, but they got what He said in 13 and 14. Those listening had a clear and working understanding of salt. Salt in that day was a commodity, it was priceless and it was precious, it had a significant worth in that day. As a matter of fact, the Roman soldiers and other soldiers were paid their wages in salt. It could be traded and sold to someone who did not have access to salt, but had the resources to pay for it. Thus the phrase “being worth your salt” is understood. When you heard that phrase, a person was being questioned if they were worth their salt was a way of saying “does your work measure up to your worth”. Is there a correlation or a contradiction between your doing and your being?
Jesus uses a common but priceless commodity to teach them a lesson on the importance of being His disciples and His followers. I think we need to hear and think about this, because too many of us are just relishing in being saved and coming to worship. Which is wonderful and great, but Christ challenges us to do more and to be deeper!
Ye Are The Salt of the Earth!!!!
A Peanuts cartoon, showed Peppermint Patty talking to Charlie Brown. She said, “Guess what, Charlie Brown. It’s the first day of school, and I got sent to the principal’s office. It was your fault, Charlie Brown.” He said, “My fault how could it be my fault? Why do you say everything is my fault?” She said, “You’re my friend, aren’t you, Charlie Brown? You should have been a better influence on me.”
That is what Jesus was saying to the believers, and that is what He is saying to us.
I. This Salt Is Our Influence Upon The World!
The world should not have influence on the church, but the church on the world.
Jesus was saying that you have something that can change the world that can challenge the world.
A. It’s an influence that can demonstrate the power of love. The church should be the place where love rules the heart of its people.
B. Remember Jesus’ words, by this, shall all men know that you are my disciples. King said it; love is the only force that can transform an enemy to a friend.
C. When salt comes in contact with the object, it influences that which it touches upon.
1. Somebody please pass the salt in church.
2. The church ought to be a place where the unlovable can find love, the guilty can find forgiveness, and the down trodden get picked up, the lonely finds comfort!
3. The influence of His love toward us helps us to be loving toward others.
D. Salt has the presence to change the flavor of that which it contacts.
The church should have the power to change the flavor of the lives of those who say they belong to the Lord. People should not come to the church and experience a bad taste! But they should come and if they are bitter find the sweetness of those who are God lovers!
People should not come to the church with a sense of hopelessness, and leave with more hopelessness!!!
As people of God, we do not have a hopeless end, we have an endless hope!
They ought to hear, God is going to turn it around! They should know that God is enroute to your situation!
God is standing at the door of your life just trying to get in!
People should not gather at the church and find a spirit of fragmentation, but a spirit of fellowship!
The salt could enhance the flavor so that which one was ingesting could be appreciated better.
II. This Salt Is Also Our Inspiration In This World!
One of the virtues of salt was its preservative power! It had keeping power! That then known world had know refrigeration. The only way to keep their meat from spoiling was the meat had to be saturated with salt. The only way to keep the meat from becoming corrupt, the salt had to be rubbed into the meat. The meat took on the curative values of the salt.
A. This salt has power to keep you from spoiling, from being contaminated, from being corrupt.
B. The church possesses the potential to be an inspiration to those who are being ruined, spoiled, being corrupt.
1. We are witness that now unto Him who is able to keep you from utterly falling!
2. We are witness that greater is He in us than he that is in the world.
3. We got something that if we use it is right, it will inspire others!
This salt can inspire others to want it! It creates a thirst. The ingredient of salt makes one thirsty.
The problem may be that we are drinking from the same fountains, and thereby, there is no real thirst for God! The believer and the unbeliever are pulling up to the same hydrants, using the same watering holes!
Jesus had it! He offered it to a woman at the well!! He called it living water!
The thief on the cross saw it in Jesus and he asked Him to remember him!
The jailor who watched over Paul and Silas at Philippi saw it in them and asked, What must I do to be saved?
We have this presence of an inspiration that has its own power source, and when it is released righteously it works.
We have a force that is unlike any other force! We have a Spirit that is greater than any other spirit!
There was a time when there was reverence for Sunday, for Preacher, Deacon, for adults.
III. This Salt Can Infiltrate Where Ever We Spread In This World.
The followers of Jesus remembered these words of Jesus. In the book of Acts they decided to get the salt out of the shaker!
They decided to let the world see what side they were on!
They decided to test it power!
Peter on the day of Pentecost stood up and shake his salt shaker!
Paul carried it everywhere he went!
He passed the salt in Corinth, he passed the salt in Ephesus, he passed the salt in Thessalonica, he passed the salt in Philippi!!! He passed the salt in Rome!
We just need to pass it around in church, on Sunday morning; sprinkle it around others that you come in contact with!
One Wednesday night, spread the Salt!
On your job, spread the Salt!
In your home, spread the Salt!