Summary: Missions, close to home, our neighborhoods and city.


Jerusalem and Judea

Acts 2: 14-21 (p 771) August 5, 2012

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1)


Have you ever sat on a dock, or stood on the bank of a pond and thrown rocks? I’m not talking about skipping contests…but just thrown a rock and watch the explosion of water as it hits and then the ripple of waves that spread out farther and farther?

I’m sure really really smart people could explain the Kinetic energy and the efforts of the rock’s mass, the water’s resistance and gravity’s pull…I don’t really care about the scientific particulars…

I just remember as a boy being fascinated with the explosion and then the waves that seem to go out and on forever. In our text a rock has exploded through the surface of the Jerusalem pond…And it rolled away to reveal an empty tomb and a resurrected Jesus…that explosive message punches a hole in the Holy City…and ripples of waves will spread out in ever widening concentric circles through the whole world.

Luke 24: 1-9 (p748)

The explosion begins with Mary Magdalene and the other women who want to finish up the hurried burial…instead they find an empty tomb and an angelic messenger…

“He’s not here….He’s risen”

The women tell Peter and the others, but they don’t believe them at first…it seems ridiculous…nonsense…John had been there when Jesus was crucified.

But Peter and John run to the empty tomb to see for themselves…they see the grave strips and Peter leaves wondering about what’s going on.

Let me share with you this morning why the resurrection is so explosively essential…and without the resurrection there will be no powerful mission for the disciples or for us.

There is no good news unless sin and death are defeated.


Do you remember last week when we talked about the authority Jesus has…Matt 28:18 says “Jesus has all authority in heaven and in earth.”

Phil 3:21 says “Jesus has the power (authority) to bring everything under his control…and by his power will transform our lowly bodies so they well be like his glorious body.”

Listen to why the resurrection is absolutely essential for God’s powerful plan

1 Cor 15: 21- 26 (p 815)

Sin and death came to mankind through Adam and Eve…Each of us are descendants of Adam…and each of us have inherited his fallen nature. We’ve all sinned…we all are dying.

Death is the greatest and most powerful energy of every single one of us. Who could stop the momentum of born – live – die? Ecclesiastes 7: 2 says “Death is the destiny of every man.”

Now the bigger question…what happens after death…some will say, “Nothing…you’re simply worm food…”

The apostle Paul said, “If there’s no resurrection…no life after death...then we Christians should be pitied above everyone else.” (1 Cor 15:19)

Why would he say that…because if this life is all there is and we’ve spent it serving Jesus and others above ourselves then we’re idiots…we’ve blown all we’ve got…and there’s no chance to get it back.

But if there is an eternity after this life…and if at the end of this earthly life I face a judgment…as Hebrews 9:27 says “Man is destined to die once and after that to face the judgment.”

If I believe God, who said…”Everyone who calls on my name will be saved.”

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God…All have broken God’s law. No one is religious…not the few who had God’s law or the Gentile that didn’t….None are righteous…Sin made us God’s enemy…what did He do to remedy that?

Romans 5: 6-8 (p 798)

This is an eternal truth…I believe it is the only hope and answer for all mankind…it is the good news…the gospel…but how could we hear it and believe it?


The audience believed the disciples were drunk; at least some accused them of it.

These men weren’t drunk…it’s only 9:00 in the morning (it must be 5:00 somewhere, but it’s not “happy hour” in Jerusalem!). Peter recalls the words of the prophet Joel when God promised “I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women I will pour out my spirit in those days. All the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:4)

That’s why some accused them of being drunk. Worldly people can never truly grasp spiritual power and so they will attack it. Jesus’ promise of the baptism of the spirit was taking place. The power the disciples were promised, the power they had been told to wait for was now allowing them to be witnesses of the resurrection, the gospel. And it all started in Jerusalem and Judea.

Jesus had promised to prepare the disciples with the power and gift of the Holy Spirit. It was part of the Father’s plan. John 16:7-15

Whether they were standing before the people at Pentecost, the Jewish Sanhedrin, the powers of this world, Jesus said, Don’t be afraid. The Holy Spirit will empower you with my words. I promise. That is still His promise to us today.

Wherever you go, wherever you are, I am with you. By my authority you are sent and I will be with you to the end of the world. But not only does God work through the speaker, His Spirit prepares the hearer. Peter preaches (as well as the other disciples) about God’s plan. How Jesus was crucified (this Jesus whom you crucified) and how He rose from the dead, “God has raised this Jesus to life. And we all are witnesses of the fact”. (Acts 2:37). Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.” (v 33).

“They were cut to the heart.” It’s that cut that opens the human heart for redemption and salvation. And no human being can do that. Only the Holy Spirit can convict the world in regard to “sin, guilt and the judgment.”

I remember the first time I shared my testimony. I was so scared I threw up before hand. It was at a student lunch hosted by Stonecroft Ministries. They always had a speaker and special music. I sat next to the special music. A guy named David. He was my age, 18. He played the trumpet and he said, “What are you doing here?” and I was so nervous I told him my story. Almost all of it. He just stared at me. But then when he got up to play he was crying. So hard he couldn’t play the trumpet. He said, “You guys need to listen to this guy. He just told me his life story.” He then sat down and I got up and shared how Jesus changed my life.

I didn’t prepare David, nor did I conceive of God preparing him or the audience for my story. So here’s how I’ll end.

III. What are you doing in your Jerusalem and Judea?

Jerusalem and the surrounding area of Judea are mostly Jews. It’s the home court. It’s the seat of religious power. And it’s the place of Herod’s temple. Jesus was a Jew. Most of his followers, the disciples—Jews. They had a history and a heritage.

The crowd that Peter is addressing in our text (verse 5) “God fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.” They might not speak the same language, but they have a similar history.

Your assignment, if you wish to accept it: start your witness in Jerusalem, with someone that shares your history. Josh Cooper does that at Fern Creek High School, Jonathon does that with his refereeing, Heather does that with our single moms, Annette & Yvonne do that with our DivorceCare.

Your witness should not end in Jerusalem or Judea. Your witness should not end with teenage girls who are pregnant, or 17 year olds who are getting high, but your history and heritage allow you to speak their language. And when the Holy Spirit prepares you and those that are listening, powerful things can occur.

When you allow God to speak through you in the circumstance the rock explodes in the pond. And you might never know the extent of the ripples until eternity. When you share how the resurrection of your living savior has caused you to be resurrected from your old self people that knew your old self watch and listen. And some begin to desire what you have, a new life.

This can never happen unless you let those who know you in Jerusalem and Judea, or Louisville and Kentucky, and your hometown and family see the power from on high living in and through you now. There is going come a day (and He’s already done it) where God will show wonders in the heaven above, where the sun is turned to darkness and the moon blood before the glorious return of Jesus. But even more powerful than blood, fire and smoke is the power of the dead coming back to life.

It’s when this happens that the world, especially the Jerusalem world takes note. “That these ordinary, unschooled men had been with Jesus.”

Find the place where you once were dead. Understand the people who are still there. And bring them, tell them, show them the power of the resurrection and the glory of a new life!