Summary: Our sin demands great price.

The Cost of Sacrifice

July 20, 2008 Morning Service

Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK

Rick Boyne

Message Point: Our sin demands great price.

Focus Passage: II Samuel 24:1-24

Supplemental Passage: (Romans 6:23 NASB) For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


I. David’s Sin

a. Satan tempted David to number the people (I Chr. 21:1)

b. It was sin because

i. Pride (thinking you can do it in your own strength)

ii. Not Trusting God

II. David’s Choice

a. 7 years of famine

b. 3 months of being chased by your enemy

c. 3 days of God’s wrath

III. David’s Sacrifice

a. David realized his sin affected the nation

b. David realized his sacrifice was necessary

c. The place became the Temple of God

NOTE: the place where David sacrificed became the Temple of God.

Invitation: Jesus has paid the high price for YOUR sin! He took the punishment, but didn’t deserve it.