Summary: Because we are no longer unregenerate, we must live according to God’s standard.

Instructions for Living

August 3, 2008 Evening Service

Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK

Rick Boyne

Message Point: Because we are no longer unregenerate, we must live according to God’s standard.

Focus Passage: Ephesians 4:25-32


I. Our Speech (vs. 25, 29, 31)

a. Our words are deeds. (Encourage by speaking)

b. Words are divisive.

c. Talk is not cheap, for words are powerful.

II. Our Temper (Vs. 26, 31)

a. Newness of life means we are able to control and express our temper.

b. It is not a sin to express feeling, for Paul earlier condemned those who had become “numb or callous”, not able to feel.

c. If we harbor anger, it can become hatred and malice. (seething bitterness or wrathful action)

d. Anger is dangerous and can destroy a witness.

III. Our Work (vs 28)

a. Honest labor is a sign of new life. (Stealing is selfish and sinful; working and hoarding is selfish and sinful, but working for others is selfless) (Luke 12, Jesus warns against tearing down barns to big bigger ones)

b. Our labor should have meaning. If it isn’t intrinsic in the actual labor, then the attitude you do it can have tremendous meaning and can be a sign of newness of life.

IV. Our way of relating (vs 25, 32)

a. The pattern is given by Jesus.

b. Be Kind, tenderhearted, forgiving

V. Who shows us the way?

a. The Holy Spirit. When we express our anger in bitterness, wrath, and undisciplined passion, we obviously give the devil a place and grieve the Holy Spirit.
