Summary: Israel/Jerusalem is the location of the final countdown clock (God’s timepiece) for end time events. (Our eyes should be focused there in the coming year)

The Final Countdown Has Began Series

What To Look For in 2012 and Beyond 4 of 4

(Inspired by Jonathan Cahn’s book “The Harbinger”)

March 4, 2012 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker

A God sees Jerusalem, The Temple Mount in particular, as the “navel” of the earth according to the ancient Jewish writings found in The Book of Jubilee.

1 Israel/Jerusalem is the location of the final countdown clock (God’s timepiece) for end time events. (Our eyes should be focused there in the coming year)

a Israel is spiritually surrounded by Biblical prophecy (Armageddon, Mt. Olives, Temple Mount, etc.) in the last days & physically surrounded by advisories who seek to destroy her.

aa Iranian President: “Attack Israel this Year”

bb Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: “Iran’s Shahab 3 ballistic missiles could easily kill Israel’s population . . .Genocide is a moral obligation.”

cc Syria’s President Assad has threatened to start a regional war if the UN tells him to step down (Like they did former Egyptian president Mubark)

dd Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood “We will not recognize Israel under any circumstance . . . this is not an option . . .Muslim Brotherhood is taking legal procedures towards canceling the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel that was signed in 1979. (Show Video of Pale Horse; Rev. 6.8)

b God established Jerusalem as His dwelling place on earth.

aa “I [God] have chosen Jerusalem, that My name might be there . . . For now I have chosen and sanctified this house [the temple], that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually . . . In this house and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen . . . I will put My name forever.” 2 Chron. 6.6; 7.16; 33.7

bb 1 Kings 11.36; Ps. 87.2, 132.13

cc Neh. 2.20 (Nehemiah told surrounding nations who wanted a piece of a restored Jerusalem that . . . Jerusalem is not up for grabs, negotiations . . . it belongs to God!

c The Middle East is always ready to erupt but at this juncture there are perfect conditions for it to explode.

2 The question of war breaking out in the Middle East is not a question of “if” but of “when.”

a When it does, I believe we’ll see the coming of a 7 year tribulation.

aa Some believe the church will be caught up/raptured before/mid/after the tribulation.

bb I’m of the mind that the rapture will happen before the tribulation . . . however, we may be around to see the last of the birth pains before the tribulation really begins.

b Jesus described the end of the age/coming of Messiah as a labor/delivery room (Matt. 24.8) and there are two facts about a woman who goes into labor.

aa First, once the birth pains stop they don’t stop until the child is born.

bb Secondly, the pains become more severe, rapid as birth approaches (one right after another.)

c We (Israel, America, Nations) are seeing the birth pains right now (War, famine, drought, natural disasters, terrorism, destruction of family, perversions, etc.)

aa Since May 1948, the contractions have increased and now we are seeing them gain in frequency/intensity every night in 1080i HD, or live-streaming on the Internet.

cc We are racing toward the end of the age; Jesus is coming sooner than you may think.

3 There is a special blessing for Christians who watch what God is doing on the prophetic landscape (2 Tim. 4.8).

a Not everybody is studying prophecy, zealously anticipating His appearing.

b Those who do are watching Israel and will be blessed.

B As we watch Israel, you need to know a little about Islamic eschatology, 12th Imam/Mahdi, who according to the Muslims will be the ultimate savior of mankind.

1 They believe he was born around 869 and God has hidden him ever since, waiting until the right time.

a Islamic Eschatology has the 12th Imam/Al-mahdi & Isa (Jesus) marching into Jerusalem, bringing peace & justice to the world (Islamic/Shia peace & justice).

b I believe they will potentially be the Antichrist & the false prophet of Revelation.

2 These two people will emerge at the beginning of a coming 7 year tribulation, but prior to this the world will see the arrival of Ezekiel’s war (ch. 38-39.) (Map of Ezekiel 38/39)

a The King of the N, orth and her allies will soon attack Israel at God’s appointed time.

aa The king of the North is identified in Ezekiel 38.1-2, 6, 15,16; 39.2 ASV

bb Gog=leader; Magog=Chief/head, Hebrew is Rosh; Russia according to Jewish scholars.

cc Meshech & Tubal are Moscow & Tiblisi/Tobolsk

dd Russia will attack Israel for her access to the Mediterranean, natural resources, treasure. (As it attacks it will claim her treasures & promise to give the Temple Mount to her Arab Allies)

b Gog’s friends are revealed in Ezek. 38.5-6

aa Persia=Iran, Ethiopia/Libya/Cush/Put=Coalition of Arab Nations

bb Europe/America’s response is found in Ezek. 38.13 ASV.

cc America/Europe will not save Israel . . . because God is about to teach the greatest object lesson the world has ever seen. (Make the Exodus look pale in comparison) God will save Israel & Israel will confess that He is the Lord!

3 At this point, a power vacuum will exist and the head of the European Union will offer Israel peace that it will quickly sign. (Antichrist & false prophet to Israel)

a At the heart of this coming storm is the drumbeat of Islam.

b Islam is setting the stage for all this to come to pass.

c President of Iran believes his mission is to be a John the Baptist to the 12th Imam, “to pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance.”

aa If Iran gets nuclear weapons, they will use them against Israel and America.

bb Paul L. Williams, former consultant to the FBI on terrorism says there is empirical proof Al-Qaeda have nuclear material.

cc He says there are at least 7 teams in America working within mosques & Islamic centers (a federal judge will not provide any FBI or law enforcement agent a warrant to search a mosque because it is a house of


dd The cities identified are New York, Miami, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington D.C. & the attacks will occur simultaneously at the seven sites.

I The Muslims are being used as an instrument of God’s judgement and agents of the end times.

A The spiritual children of the spiritual father of terrorism (Radical Islamism) are at war with the nations of the world: America is at war with radical Islam.

1 We did not respond to the terrorists attacks during the Carter Administration when the radical Islamic group lead by Ayatollah Khomeini overran the American embassy in Tehran, capturing over 60 US hostages.

a Demanding America apologize, we were called “The Great Satan” & mobs chanted “Death To America.”

b Our inaction lead radical Islamics to see America’s leadership as weak and weak leadership leads to war.

2 We retreated from Beirut, Lebanon in 1983, when 220 U.S. Marines were killed by Hezbollah terrorists (The same group that attacked Israel on July 12, 2006, killing 8 Israeli soldiers/2 kidnaped; which have to this day have not been returned.)

3 When the terrorists attacked the WTC in 1993 during the Clinton administration, we did nothing.

4 1998, the US Embassy in Tanzania was attacked

a President Clinton fired missiles into an abandoned terrorist camp (killing several sand dunes/frightening a few camels)

b Done to get the focus off of Clinton’s sexual exploits with Lewinsky. . . again, we did nothing.

5 9/11, believing America would not retaliate, terrorists murdered nearly 3,000 Americans.

a The horror of the sight is in our minds (as heroism) of that day.

b It was the worst attack on American soil since the British burned the White House in 1813.

6 America is at war with Islamofascism (Jihad has come to America) and it is a war for our survival.

B England is at war with radical Islam

1 On July 7, 2005, London, England, Islamic terrorists exploded bombs on 3 underground trains and a double-decker buss, killing 52 and injuring more than 700.

2 2006, British police arrested 24 Islamic terrorists who plotted to blow up 10 passenger planes flying between Britain & America.

a The New York Post reported that two of the suspects in custody had planned to sacrifice their 6 month-old son in the name of jihad.

b The parents were going to use their baby’s bottle as a liquid bomb to destroy themselves and the plan.

C France is at war with radical Islam

1 A few years ago we watched Islamic youth set Paris on fire night after night (to make France submit to the laws of Islam.)

2 10 to 12% of France is Islamic & often heard “Death to the Jews” chanted from the streets.

D Canada is at war with Islamofascists.

1 In 2006, Islamic terrorists were arrested in Canada w/ 3 times the explosives used on the Alfred E. Murray Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

2 Goal was to capture the Prime Minister of Canada, cut off his head.

E Spain is at war with radical Islam.

1 On March 11, 2004, bombs exploded on 3 commuter trains in Madrid, Spain, killing 201/injuring 1,400.

2 Islamic leaders told Spain to take its troops out of Iraq, and Spain bowed immediately.

a Spain is finished as a democracy.

b Islam has learned that the Spanish government will bow/submit if sufficient terror is applied.

F Russian & China are at war with America & Israel.

1 We have seen Russia, China form an axis power with Iran.

a Russia has warned Israel not to strike Iran (nuclear facilities)

b Russia has been helping Iran develop its nuclear arsenal for years.

aa Russia/China have done everything in their power to protect Iran from sanctions in the UN.

2 It’s clear that Russia/China have sided with Iran against the U.S. & Israel.

G North Korea is at war w/ America & Israel.

1 North Korea supplies weaponry to Iran & Syria.

a They have an agenda against America & Israel.

b North Korea has tested nuclear missiles in 2006 & what ever technology they have, Iran has!

2 When we consider the alliances of Russia, China, North Korea, Turkey, Egypt, Philippians, Iran, Iraq, Stan brothers . . . there is little doubt how the stage will be set for Earth’s final moments.

a Video of Mahdi (being of light)

b What if the Mahdi is already appeared . . . false prophet is here.

II The Alarms are sounding all over the world.

A The piece of real estate we call Ground Zero is a symbol, as was the alarms following 9/11.

1 Is. 9.10

a So far (because this is only the first phase) we have followed the same path that Ancient Israel took in 731 B.C. after they were attacked by the Assyrians.

b The bricks have fallen . . . (Ruins, piles of rubble) PIC

aa Rebuild with hewn stone . . . .Gazit Stone/ One World Trade Center PIC

bb Sycamore has been uprooted . . . Corner of Ground Zero PIC

cc Replace with cedar . . . Tree of Hope PIC

c As long as Israel continued their descent from God, His pattern of judgment moved forward.

aa God’s judgement will progress until God’s purposes are achieved.

bb In this case: Return to Him. (If 9/11 didn’t get our attention, Economic implosion didn’t get our attention . . . greater judgements can be expected.)

B Calamities come to the nation that decides against letting God rule.

1 These calamities come in many forms.

a Economic disintegration, military defeat, disorder and division,

aa Collapse of infrastructure, manmade calamities (oil spills, ships run aground, nuclear reactors spilling radiation into the environment),

bb Natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis, etc.)

cc In the case of nation blessed by God ...the withdrawal of God’s blessing, favor, hedge of protection. (Lose of protection, peace, prosperity)

b The fall of the Twin Towers were more than steel and glass but also a shadow.

aa The collapse of America’s financial power; America’s global economic preeminence; American Empire; American Age.

2 After the vow, “We will rebuild, recover”, the next pattern of judgement was set into motion.

a The vow, spoken in defiance, actually ushered in national destruction.

b Israel vowed to rebuild, overcome, recover. Never again will Assyria hurt us.

aa Instead of returning to God, prayer, Word . . . they trust in their own potential.

bb In 722 B.C., after a 3 year long siege, Israel’s defenses collapsed and the kingdom of Israel would vanish from the pages of history.

3 Isaiah 9.11, 12,19; 10.3 (NASB)

a 11Therefore the Lord raises against them adversaries from Rezin And spurs their enemies on, (In v.11, the national destruction of Israel begins. (Northern Kingdom of Israel)

b 12 The Arameans on the east and the Philistines on the west; And they devour Israel with gaping jaws. In spite of all this, His anger does not turn away And His hand is still stretched out . . .

19 By the fury of the Lord of hosts the land is burned up, And the people are like fuel for the fire; No man spares his brother. . .

3 Now what will you do in the day of punishment, And in the devastation which will come from afar? To whom will you flee for help? And where will you leave your wealth? Isaiah 10:3 (NASB)

C Did the judgement have to happen? Did Israel have to be destroyed? Was there a way out?

1 God’s desire is to show mercy, for none to perish (2 Peter 3.9)

a 9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

b Judgement isn’t His desire . . . judgement His necessity. (Good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good.)

2 His mercy is still greater than judgement, His heart always wills for redemption, His hand is reaching even now to this nation and therein is our hope!

a Sodom was a city of violence/corruption/immorality/depravity but not beyond hope!

aa God would have spared the entire city if 10 righteous men would have been found.

bb Destroyed because there was no one persuing God’s heart.

b The Southern Kingdom of Judah had once known God but had forsaken their foundation.

aa The land was filled with foreign gods, idols, children sacrificed to Molech & God pronounced judgement.

bb King Josiah, a righteous man, comes to the throne and takes Judah back to God. (Bans pagan worship, destroys idols, smashes the altars, and sought to restore the nation to God.)

cc Judgement did come, but it was delayed/forestalled, as long as Josiah lived.

c Nineveh, the great Assyrian city, had judgement decreed against them when God sent Jonah to preach to them.

aa Jonah didn’t want to go because he wanted them to be judged and he was scared God would show mercy. HE KNEW GOD’S HEART!!!

bb The city’s leaders called the city to repent, to pray, and seek God’s mercy and God heard their prayer!

cc God heard their cries and showed mercy! His heart wills for salvation! That’s our hope as Americans!

3 Each of these cases of judgement being decreed and executed are all different even though they share warning/alarm to repent. (America is its own case!)

a How long did Israel make it after Isaiah 9.10?

aa About 10 years, God gave them a decade to repent . . . but they didn’t.

bb The Assyrians would consume Israel in 721 B.C.

b The Southern Kingdom of Judah, where Josiah was enthroned, saw a similiar pattern.

aa In 605 B.C., Babylon invaded Judah with an initial attack.

bb That same army would return to destroy the land, city, and the Temple in 586 B.C. (About 20 years)

c There is no formula but there is a pattern.

aa Israel was warned but doesn’t turn back . . . destroyed.

bb Sodom could have been saved if 10 people were found who loved God . . . destroyed.

cc Judah has a righteous king and their calamity is pushed back for a time . . . but eventually destroyed.

dd Nineveh is warned, the city repents and God’s judgement is turned away.

4 As long as America has breath and God is merciful, there’s hope.

a The hope is dependent upon our response to His call to return to Him!

b If America turns away from God, its blessings will removed and replaced with judgement.

aa And it’s not even really a question of “if” is it? We’re already turning away from God!

bb I do not know how long we have before God says, “Time’s Up”, but I believe that we’re closing to the end than the beginning.

5 When Solomon dedicated the Temple to God, God gave him the answer for a nation under the shadow of judgement and the message He gave Solomon is now for America (2 Chronicles 7.14).

a 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chron 7:14 (KJV)

b If my people? Is the nation as a whole, and specifically those who follow His ways!

aa It’s the call to those Jesus Lord in America.

bb In our case, America was dedicated to God/His purposes/His Will and He’s call us to return!

cc Why would Christians need to repent?

dd If the righteous had been the lights they were called to be, the nation would never haven fallen as it did. (In Israel and America both!)

ee Christians should be repenting first from our apathy, complacency, compromising with darkness, omissions, sins committed in secret, withholding our lives, failure to fulfill our calling (Light of the World).

c “will humble themselves . . .” Just like Nineveh did!

d “ . . . And pray and seek My face . . .”

aa America was founded on prayer: the removal of prayer form our public life was a central part of Americas fall from God.

bb The calamity of 9/11 returned to the ground where the nation was consecrated . . . He was calling us to return in prayer!

cc A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.

dd After 9/11 church houses were full for about 3 weeks but that was not seeking God’s face, repentance.

e “ . . . turn from their wicked ways . . .”

aa We must pursue God by seriously turning away from everything else to pursue Him.

bb People went back to church for two-sundays but nothing changed, repentance.

6 With out repentance we can sing “God Bless America” all we want but God will not bless until we remove the altars and return to Him.

a Altars to idols of carnality, impurity, greed, materialism, vanity, self-obsession, abortion.

b If we don’t repent/change course, there can be no change of destination and we will experience the white hot wrath of the God of Heaven.

aa Only in repentance can judgement be averted, and only in a true turning away from darkness to the light.

bb When we do “ . . . He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.”

c God’s part is one of certainty . . . we know what He’s gonna do!

aa We pray, humble ourselves, seek His face, turn from wickedness . . . He is going to show mercy, His arms are open, His mercy is without end.

bb There’s no sin so deep that His love is not deeper still. THAT IS NOT THE QUESTIONS!

7 The question is will America experience judgement or redemption?

a The future of America rests on three words . . . “IF MY PEOPLE”

b In fact, it really rests on just one, “If.”


Notice to Sermon Central Users:

My name is Mike Fogerson, and I pastor a Southern Baptist Church in Chester, Illinois. I have been a long-time user of Sermon Central and truly appreciate its content and contributors. Some of the best sermons I’ve ever preached have been reworked material from this website. As you use the material from my sermon bank, understand that it is work that has been done from not just myself, but from hundreds of other pastors as well. If you see part of your message, or a bunch of your message with my name on it and this upsets you, please email me and I will quickly respond and cite you as the main source. My intent is not to claim someone’s work as my own. I am disclaiming up front that I use the resources from Sermon Central and appreciate the tool. I simply want all those who use my work to know that some of these messages were inspired by the Holy Spirit working through other pastors. Because I do use the messages of other pastors I waive all claims of originality or origin of creativity for the messages posted under my messages. I pray God blesses your preaching ministry for the glory of His Kingdom.


Mike Fogerson