Luke 9:51
• This verse begins the last 6 months of Jesus ministry before He died on the cross for us.
• From here through chapter 21 the emphasis shifts from miracles to parables, from deeds to words.
• Everything about His life is centered on His goal of dying on the cross and training His disciples to carry on His ministry after He ascends back to the Father.
• The Son of God is crossing a bridge to Calvary and there is no turning back.
• In this short verse I see some truths that you and I need to get a hold of.
• [Illus.] The truths of this verse were demonstrated to me in my short basketball career – We called ourselves “Barnie’s Bunnies” [our coach was Coach Barnette] – our record was 1-17
o The one game we won – we were so far ahead, the coach let me play – on the second half jump ball and I scored – for other team – You have to know your goal
o In practice – my shots were going left and then right – coach said “Notice which way you are facing!” – I wasn’t squaring up – You have to face the goal
o In practice – my right elbow was sticking out to the side – “Wilson, you need to practice and practice keeping your arm straight up and down” – You have to have a strong commitment to reach your goal.
• Do you know where you are going? Is there a goal out there that you are shooting at?
• Are you aiming at your goal?
• Have you committed yourself to reaching that goal?
• God has a goal for your life and He is seeking to fulfill it with daily vigor – Romans 8:29 and Philippians 1:6
• Last fall our church celebrated its 120th anniversary. Do we as a church know where we are going?
• In order to arrive at our intended [intended by God] destination we need three things.
• Luke 9:51 Williams says “Now as the time was coming to a head when he should be taken up to heaven, He firmly set His face to continue His journey to Jerusalem”
1. We need to know our goal (to Jerusalem)
a. Jesus goal was where? Jerusalem!
b. He was going somewhere. He wasn’t a drifter, a vagrant, or a wanderer. He was a man with the plan.
c. He had been there before and those seeking His life had tried to catch Him
d. Jerusalem was where He would die a cruel death.
e. Yet that is where He was heading – Luke 9:53; 13:22; 13:33-34; 17:11; 18:31; 19:41
f. Notice – He didn’t weep over His destiny there – He wept over the sinful city itself. I’ve been to Jerusalem and it is a mission field.
g. In 1888 a small group of 8 dedicated Christians saw the southern part of Rowan County as their Jerusalem. And that is why this church stands on this corner.
h. Our Jerusalem is right here!
i. Last month our hearts turned toward South America in our International Mission emphasis. In two months our attention will turn toward our North America missions.
j. Do you remember the commercial where the family is watching through binoculars from a minivan while porpoises are jumping through the van? They were watching out there while the action was taking place around them.
k. I trust you are interested in missions abroad and in the U. S. but every day we should see South Rowan as our mission field.
l. I’m praying for the Lord to give me a greater burden for Random Drive (where I live) and for people like John/Sheri and Joe/Pam.
m. Will you pray for God to burden you for the people around you?
n. Would you pray that God would fire this church up to go to our Jerusalem like He did in 1888? Are you ready? For in just a short while we will be dismissed to go to our Jerusalem.
o. Like in basketball – South Rowan/our neighborhood/our schoolmates & workmates – is our goal.
2. We need to face our goal (to continue His
a. At this stage in Jesus’ life did He suddenly choose to die? NO! From the very beginning He was marching to Jerusalem.
b. You can’t understand the cradle in Bethlehem unless you consider the cross in Jerusalem.
c. At the age of 12 Jesus said what to His folks? Sure – “I must be about My Father’s business”.
d. His goal was dying on Calvary to bring salvation to every person and each step He takes brings Him one step closer to the cross.
e. The shadow of the cross touches every conversation, every story, and every moment. Not a day goes by that He doesn’t envision that cruel timber upon which He will pour out His life for us.
f. He faced His goal – not only to die/arise/ascend but to teach/disciple a small group so that that when He was gone they would share His story with the world.
g. That is why we are here today – 2,000 years of discipling.
h. We are to continue the journey of:
1) Jesus
2) The millions of Christians before us
3) First Baptist’s charter members
4) The hundreds of First Baptist members that have proceeded us
i. [Illus.] a family antique vase was handed down from one generation to another – It was kept on the mantel in the living room – One day when mother came home she was greeted by her daughter who said, “Mamma, you know that vase you told us has been passed down from generation to generation? Well, this generation just dropped it” [1001 Humorous Illustrations for public Speaking, by Michael Hodgin, Zondervan, 1994, Page 160]
j. Are we going to drop the journey that Jesus was on and died to put us on? Is this generation going to drop it?
k. I say “Let’s continue the journey”. It will be tough and Satan will fight us, but we must continue the journey.
l. Today I look out on many widows – your husbands and many others [who Ican visualize in their regular pews] have passed the baton on to us. Will we drop it and not finish well or will we continue the journey?
m. [Illus.] About 350 years ago travelers arrived on northeast coast of America. The first year they established a town site. The next year they elected a town government. The third year the town government planned to build a road 5 miles westward into the wilderness. In the fourth year the people tried to impeach their town government because they thought it was a waste of public funds to build that road. Here were people who had the vision to see 3,000 miles across the ocean and overcome great hardship to get there. But in just a few years they were not able to see even 5 miles out of town. They had lost their pioneering vision. [750 Engaging Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Writers by Craig Brian Larson & Leadership Journal, Baker Books, 2002, Page 758]
n. We can’t let anything stop us from reaching South Rowan for Jesus Christ.
o. On Wednesday night I shot around in basketball with Matt and Caleb. I was missing everything. Then the words of Coach Barnette came racing back to me – “You have to face the goal” – Sure enough the next few shots went in.
p. Are you facing God’s goal for your life? Is First Baptist facing the goal God has for us?
3. We need to have a strong commitment to
reach our goal (He firmly set His face)
a. These are strong words. In spite of the danger ahead, Jesus was fixed on accomplishing God’s goal for His life. The decision had been made and He was committed.
b. Have you ever thought of Jesus not being committed?
1) His family didn’t understand Him.
2) Religious people rose up against Him.
3) People misunderstood Him.
4) One day [John 6:66] thousands of followers left Him
5) His disciples were not getting it either
6) Garden of Gethsemane
c. This church has weathered some storms. I’m grateful to so many before us who saw us through. They kept getting us back on track because they were committed to the journey and the goal.
d. Even in my 7 ½ year tenure with you we have faced some difficult moments as a church family. You have stayed true to the goal when others have bailed ship and I commend you.
e. Our time of greatest effectiveness is now and in the near future. To reach our goal [South Rowan] it is going to take the strong commitment of each of us to that goal.
f. [Illus.] The owner of a small pizza parlor was being audited by the Internal Revenue Service. The agent found several trips to Europe had been deducted as business expenses. “Wait a minute – what are all these trips to Europe?” he asks. The owner replied, “We deliver” [Sourcebook of Wit and Wisdom by Communication Resources, Pages 49-50]
g. Whatever it takes we must deliver! Are you ready to firmly set your face to the goal.
h. As Coach Barnette said to me so many years ago, “Steve you must dedicate yourself to working on your basketball skills. You must be committed!”
• Luke 9:51 – Our time has come
• [Illus.] – Charles Swindoll once shared a children’s sermon. He told them that a shoe has three parts – eyes/tongues/soles. When he came to the third part he pointed to the sole of the shoe and asked, “What is the third thing a shoe has which each of us have?” The answer he received was, “Preacher, we all have bottoms”. The laughter was immediate and lengthy. Since he was just the visiting preacher he felt safe to respond, “And if all of us in the church would get off our bottoms the church would move forward” [Amusing Grace: Humor to Heal Mind, Soul, and Body by King Duncan & Angela Akers, page 60]
• Invitation
o Will you commit to reaching your mission field and helping First Baptist to reach ours?
o Will you join First Baptist this morning to be a part of God’s effort to reach South Rowan for Himself?
o Will you take the next step in your walk with the Lord, stepping out to follow Him in full-time Christian service?
o Will you come forward, giving your heart and life to the Lord – asking Him to forgive you of all your sin and to come into your life?