God Is Looking For A Man
Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Isaiah 59:16 And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.
The supreme need of God in this hour is a PERSON that will give him license to work thru their life.
o What God desperately needs today is:
• Hands to touch with
• Hearts to care with
• Eyes to see through
• And Mouths to speak through.
• God wants to have revival in Lake City.
o We are overdue for revival.
• And God wants to give us revival.
• He wants to work.
• What he needs is a man, woman or child that will let him work!
• God will work, but the question comes echoing thru time, who will let him?
o God NEEDS a man – vessel thru which he can work.
• He needs you and me to let him move.
• He needs a vessel thru which he can pour out his spirit.
• He needs a vessel that he can anoint for his purpose.
• He needs a man or a woman that is willing to be used.
• Did you ever wonder why, when Jonah ran from God, why didn’t God go tell Nineveh himself?
o Why go to the trouble of creating the storm and moving the whale into place?
o For a God that can do anything that he wants, it seems like an awful lot of trouble to go thru in order to get a rebellious prophet to go speak to Nineveh.
• Did you ever wonder why God made Noah labor to build an Ark?
o Why not hold them in his hand or put them on a mountain top and shelter them?
• Did you ever wonder why God persisted with Moses, even after he tried to persuade God not to send him to Egypt?
o Why did God bother with him?
o Why not descend on Pharaoh’s palace in a whirlwind and demand the release of His own people?
Did you ever wonder why, when it came to the saving of the World
• God looked first for a man?
o And when he found none worthy – he became a man!
o God robed himself in flesh, as a man, and brought salvation and righteousness to a lost world.
The bible is replete with examples that
• Every time God seeks to activate his will on this planet for the purpose of salvation
o He uses a man.
• All of the time.
o He chooses a vessel of frail human flesh to become the conduit thru which he moves.
• He’s proven over and over again that he will pursue a man to the ends of the earth in order to obtain a vessel by which he can minister mercy and grace.
• Why does God refuse to act on his own without the vehicle of humanity?
o Why is God so relentless in his pursuit of a man to fulfill his will?
• Why does God try so hard to obtain a man that will let him work through him?
o Way back in the first chapter of the Bible, God gave Adam dominion over the earth.
• He’s a sovereign God, He rules all that is.
• He has dominion and authority over everything – even the devil.
o But when he created man, he created him to fellowship with him.
• He made man the master of his own domain.
• He granted to him dominion over the earth.
o When Satan sought to subvert the plan of God, to tarnish God’s creation
• He went to the one who had dominion.
• When Adam yielded his will to Satan
• Satan utilized Adam’s dominion to bring sin into the world.
o Romans 5:12 tells us that by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin
• Notice, it wasn’t by Satan or by Satan’s authority.
• But it was by Man’s dominion that sin entered the world.
• It was man’s authority that brought condemnation and judgment to the world.
o Romans 5:19 then clues us into the reason why God is so unyielding in his pursuit of a human vessel through which to bring mercy and grace to the world.
• For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
• Sin entered by man’s authority and sin can only be stopped by man’s authority.
• God has chosen to deliver grace and mercy in the realm of humanity through the venue of Adam’s dominion.
• Salvation from God will only come through the vehicle of a man.
o That’s why God went looking for a man, and finding none he became one.
• That’s why God was persistent in his pursuit of Jonah.
• That’s why God made Noah build an Ark.
• That’s why God was patient with Moses.
• Because God has chosen to bring deliverance to humanity thru the vessel of a man.
I want you to know, tonight, that God has a plan for revival in Lake City.
• God wants to pour out his spirit and set the captives free.
• But he’s looking for a person that he can use to fulfill his plan.
• He’s a sovereign God
• But he won’t touch a soul in this city unless we touch them.
• He won’t take one person by the arm and lead them to the house of God, unless it’s your hand that reaches out to them.
• He won’t invite one person to come unless it’s your voice that speaks to them.
• God is looking for a person that he can use to touch our world!
o He’s looking for a Jonah that will declare a word of warning to a people that are facing judgment.
• He’s looking for a willing voice that will go to a people and warn them, the King is coming.
• Get ready for the coming of the Lord.
o Judgment is coming, find salvation for your soul.
o He’s looking for a Noah that will declare to a lost world that there is a way of escape.
• A human vessel that will declare that there is a way of salvation.
• This is why God had Noah build the large spectacle of an Ark.
o Because he was a constant evangelist.
o The whole time he was building, he was preaching a way of escape.
• He would swing that old hammer and declare, you need to repent and change your ways.
o God’s looking for a Moses that will stand in the Gap and declare, “Let my people Go.”
• A human vessel that’s willing to be an intercessor to plead for the liberty of a generation that is bound in the slavery of Sin.
• Someone who is willing to stand between heaven and earth and hold back judgment while declaring liberty and freedom to those that are lost.
o God has a plan, this evening, he’s looking for a man that he can use to bring it to pass.
• He’s looking for a vessel of mercy and grace.
• An individual that will let him work.
• One willing soul to say, here I am Lord, work thru me.
God doesn’t need much.
• He spoke the worlds into existence by the authority of his own voice.
o He created all that is out of nothing at all.
• The heavens are his and the earth beneath.
• All things answer to his authority.
o The winds hear his voice and obey.
o The tides respond to his command.
o The moon and the stars rise and fall according t his voice and his timetable.
• But in this one thing God has a need.
o God needs a man that will let him work.
• God gave Peter a specific commission to go to Cornelius and introduce this gospel to the Gentile people.
• Cornelious was a righteous man.
o So righteous that God sent an angel to him.
o Why didn’t God just share this truth with him?
• He needed a man!
o He sent Peter to bring liberty to Cornelius and his household.
o Because in matters pertaining to salvation, God has chosen to use the vessel of a man.
• God is looking for a group of people that are willing to commit to his service.
o He’s looking for someone that is willing to stand in the gap.
• He’s looking for someone that is willing to fight hell.
• He’s looking for someone that is willing to snatch souls from the jaws of the enemy.
• He’s looking for someone that is willing to love
• Willing to care
o Willing to lend a helping hand.
• I want you to know tonight that there is a work that only you can do!
o There is a part of God’s plan that can only be accomplished by you.
• If you don’t do it, it won’t get done.
• There are souls that only you can reach.
o There are folks that only you can touch.
• You are important to God’s plan!
It’s a simple but important message tonight.
• God needs you!
• He’s looking to you to fulfill his plan and purpose in your world.
o If this world is ever going to know the Love of God, its going to see it in you first.
• If this world I ever going to feel the touch of God its going to feel it in your touch.
• If this world is ever going to know the truth of God, its going to hear it from you.
• There is a world out there that is waiting for you to point the way to Calvary.
o They are waiting for you to shine the light into their darkness.
• They are waiting for you to tell them about a better way.
In the sixth chapter of Isaiah we find the prophet in the temple.
• Three things happened there that transformed the life of Isaih.
o First he saw God.
• King Uzziah had died but Isaiah discovered that the greatest King was still seated on the throne of heaven.
• God was still on the throne and reigning as the Sovereign of the universe!
o From heaven’s point of view, “the whole earth” was “full of His glory”.
o After seeing God, he saw himself.
• The sight of a holy God brought great conviction to Isaiah’s heart; and he confessed that he was a sinner.
• Isaiah cried out to be cleansed inwardly, and God met his need.
o Before we can minister to others, we must permit God to minister to us.
o Before we can show others the way, we must first find the way.
o Next Isaiah saw the need.
• The whole story revolves around this.
• The nation needed the Lord, and the Lord needed a servant to minister to the people.
o God was looking for a man.
• Isaiah, after first seeing is own need, saw the need of his people.
• And when the word of the Lord came saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”
o Isaiah didn’t hesitate to say, “Here am I; send me.”
o Never underestimate what God can do with one willing worker.
• Never underestimate what God can do through the life of one willing man.
• If God can change the world with just one life
o Then God can spark a revival in our cit with just one willing soul.
• Just one person who will say, whatever it takes God.
• I’m willing to be used.
• There still exist today a need for laborers.
• That voice is still going forth from heaven.
o Who will go, whom shall I send.
• God’s still looking or a man…
Many years ago the great explorer, Sir Francis Drake, was attempting to recruit a
crew of young men to join him for an upcoming exploration.
• He gathered them around and told them that if they came with him they would see some of the most amazing things their eyes could ever behold:
o sandy white beaches, trees bearing huge, juicy, ripe fruits, exotic cultures, beautiful landscapes, priceless treasures, and gorgeous women.
o And he told them that this wonderful experience would be theirs if they came with him.
• Not one of them enlisted for the journey.
• The next day a different group came out and this time Drake tried a different strategy.
o He told them that if they came with him, they would encounter storms that would totally terrify them.
• He said that strong winds would hammer their ship and would likely blow it off course for months.
• Water would frequently be scarce and at times they would be so thirsty that their very souls would cry out for simply one drop of water.
• In short, danger would be their constant companion.
o Drake concluded by declaring that if they thought they could handle these things, then perhaps he might consider taking them with him as his crew and they would have an experience that would exceed their wildest dreams.
• Every single one of them joined Sir Francis Drake that day.
o Some didn’t even go home to say goodbye to their families.
o They just boarded the ship and eager for the journey.
• What made the difference between these two groups?
o Why did the first group turn down the mission and the second jump at the chance?
o Was the second group more courageous or more adventurous than the first? Probably not.
• The difference was not in the men but in the message.
o The first group probably had no need for the scenic wonders Drake described.
o What they needed was a challenge that gave their lives meaning.
• That’s why the second group responded so positively to Drake’s invitation.
o The first spoke of rewards; the second spoke of challenges.
o The first offered comfort; the second promised suffering.
o The first tempted them with things; the second promised them the chance to temper the steel of their souls.
• The truth is that every soul longs for the challenge, every heart hungers for something to give meaning to their life.
Today, there is a clarion call going forth from the throne of God.
• I want to work, who will let me.
o I believe that we are poised on the precipice of revival in Lake City.
• I believe that God is ready to pour out his spirit in an unprecedented manner.
• This evening, I believe that God is looking for men and women who will answer his call.
o Nothing else will give meaning to your life like the call of God.
o Nothing else will challenge your soul like the call o God.
• His call is not without its challenges.
o His call is not without its obstacles and storms.
• But his call is the purpose that your heart is hungry for.
• If you will listen now you will hear him calling:
o I want to touch the lost, who will let me.
o I want to minister to the hurting, who will be may hands.
o I want to speak peace to someone’s storm, who will be my voice.
o I want to bind up the broken hearted and bring peace to those in turmoil…
• Will you answer the call?
o God is looking for a man…
o Is there a man or woman that will hear the cry and respond as Isaiah did?
• Here am I Lord, send me!
• Will you dedicate yourself again, this evening to his call for your life?