Summary: Death, resurrection, Jesus' power, grief


John 11: 17-27 July 10, 2022


I became a different minister on March 2, 2004…and the difference was created by experience, not by choice. On that Tuesday I stood next to my dad's casket…I was the one receiving the hugs, and the expressions of condolences …it was my Mom, brother, and sister I was sharing the grief with…I'd ministered to hundreds of Mom's, sons, and daughters in the past…I felt compassion and saw their pain, but on March 2, 2004 I became an understander of the pain and grief by experience…before this day I did not have the right to say "I know how you feel" After this day I had that right…at least as far as burying my father.

You cannot enter the valley of the shadow of death and then emerge on the other side the same person… you will be different…not by choice but by experience.

verse 1 in John chapter eleven tells us Lazarus was sick…Lazarus has 2 sisters…Mary and Martha, they live in Bethany…and Jesus is close to them…they're the family…. Jesus has eaten in their home, spent time with all three, shared his heart with them…

So when Lazarus gets sick (and its serious) they naturally send word to Jesus…the one who love them…the Messiah who heals sick people.


When Jesus gets this news he tells his disciples…. "This sickness will not end in death No, it is for God's glory, so that God's son may be glorified through it" (v4)

Then verse 5 emphasizes "Jesus Loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus."

Last week we saw a young man, blind from birth…the disciples wanted to know if it was his sins or his parents that caused his blindness. Jesus said. "Neither this happened so the work of God might be displayed in his life" (John 9:3)

Now Jesus is saying Lazarus's sickness is for God's glory…so that Jesus God's son may be glorified through it."

Maybe that explains why Jesus stayed where he was for 2 more days after hearing about Lazarus sickness.

Here's a real question I'd like you to consider…which displays God's glory…and the son's glory more effectively?



Has there been anyone of us that when someone we love deeply gets sick doesn't beg God for a healing?

My Dad was 79…had fought cancer for 3 years and been through an aortic aneurysm surgery…. and I wanted God to heal him…I didn't want him to die….

Lazarus is a young man it seems…the patriarch of the clan…probably already buried Mom and Dad (they certainly weren’t in the picture)….2 women left on their own would find it tough in 1st century Judean.

And Jesus loves them…this seems a no brainier to us, doesn't it? A healing is what's needed…come on Jesus, step it over to Bethany and take care of this…it makes sense…perfect sense.

That is unless God has something more powerful in mind…and Jesus is going to display God's power in nuclear explosion form as compared to a Roman candle.

What we want may seem to make perfect sense to us and everyone else…but we might be settling for the appetizer instead of the feast.

It seems the disciples think just like us when it comes to this selection…

First of all its dangerous in Judea…they'd just tired to stone Jesus…and going back there didn't seem too smart…Hey Jesus why don't you do that centurion servant healing thing…we like that plan"

Jesus says (Here's the message version) "Are there not 12 hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in daylight doesn't stumble because there's plenty of light from the sun…walking at right, he might very well stumble because he can't see where he's going" )v. 11)

Its dark in the valley of the shadow of death…you hurt, you're scared, and you're confused. But fear no evil…even in the valley "I'm with you "Jesus is a light brighter than the son…and he's about to prove it.

"Lazarus is asleep" His disciples think…"Oh good…he's resting…that means he'll get better. No, Jesus says "He's dead, and for your sake I'm glad I wasn't there…why? "so you may believe"…. Believe what you might ask…So you may believe a resurrection is better than a healing…. I'm glad your gonna see God's power displayed in me in the most powerful way possible.

"Let's go to Him!"

Thomas and the others get a little fatalistic about now "O'k lets all go with him and die"

One last thought [All we know by experience is here and now…here and now is better if Lazarus is healed, for me…if my Dad gets better…if my loved one survives…come on

God, make it so…it's what I want. But what if God has a better plan. ..what if God is going to ask me to trust him when my loved ones been in the tomb for 4 days, or 4 years, or 40 years . I wonder what Lazarus answer would have been if we'd said, "Man I'm so glad your back. are you?"] 2.

He's one of the few in scripture that would have to go through physical death…twice.

Life is short in comparison with eternity…80 years is like a winter's break, or a lilies blown in the field according to James.

Jesus knows all this as he heads to Bethany. The disciples think they're headed to their death…but Jesus knows something amazing is going to happen that confirms their belief on Him. A resurrection that proves God's glory and His proves as the resurrection and the life.

The greatest hope for all of us who have stood next a casket.


Jesus shows up in Bethany and tells Martha "your brother will rise again."

And Martha answers, "I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the Last day"

And Jesus responds "Martha…I am that resurrection". "I am the giver of life" Do you believe this?"

Remember Lazarus has been dead 4 days…Martha know his body has already started to decay…if you open that tomb it's gonna stink.

But she still confesses her belief…"I believe you are the Christ, the Son of God who has come into the world"

The Christ came for one reason…one primary purpose to defeat sin and to conquer its punishment…death.

The ultimate punishment for death isn't physical it's spiritual…death isn't about caskets and tombs…real death is about eternal separation from God because of our sin. That's why Jesus said..

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matt 10:28)

Cancer can't kill your soul! Heart attacks can't rob you of salvation! A car accident isn't an eternal thief. But Satan is…He's a liar, a thief and a murderer!"

Be afraid of Him, but don't fear those temporary consequences of sin…fear the one who caused them…and put your trust in the one who loved you enough to defeat them.

John the Beloved wrote this story in his gospel about Lazarus…but as an old man he wrote these words in his 1st letter.

1John 4:13-28

"Perfect love drives out fear" That word perfect means "Mature Love" "Grown- up love". God's Holy Spirit makes us more sure of the eternal promises of Jesus each day we live in Him.


The more we grow in our relationship with Jesus the Savior…the more fear is replaced with assurance…and one day, all fear will be removed with sight. Faith will be replaced with the reality of Jesus' face.

As Jesus comes to the tomb of Lazarus…He weeps, it's the shortest verse in the Bible, but one of the most meaningful…. He doesn't weep because Lazarus is dead…He weeps because he feels Martha and Mary's grief…. Death has stung them…and it hurts…and because it hurts them…it breaks the Son of Man's heart.

Look with me at the end of the story

John 11: 38- 44

Here is God's power on display...the proof of their belief in Jesus…Here is what Jesus will do one day for all…in one man.

"Lazarus come out" By the way I believe he specifically called for Lazarus or every tomb would have opened. But Lazarus lives again…a physical body resurrected…but it's just that a physical body…Lazarus will not live forever in this body…Hell die again. Jesus just gives him a new tent.

After the gross, after the resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven with a promise...the best news this bad news world can ever hear…"I'm coming back…and when he does he will speak the words "Come Out"

And every grave will open…the sea will give up her dead, the ashes scattered to the wind will be gathered…and regardless of your millennial view…. "We will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive what is due him, for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad" (2 Cor 5:10)

God's child has nothing to fear, for those who have not trusted him as the resurrection and the life…there's eternity to fear…real death, the 2nd one according to scripture. As the old preacher's use to say "If you've been born only once you will die twice. If you been born twice you'll'' only die once",

The Apostle Paul wanted to share good news with those who had stood next to a casket…it’s the hope of the resurrection for those who are in Christ, or have buried

Moms, Dad's, mates, and loved ones who are believers…it's how I'll end…As Martha

said, "I believe my brother will be raised up in the resurrection at the Last ;day". I believe it's true for my father and others as well.

1 Thess 4:13-18

Let's pray.
