Summary: Are the members in a church today just like the familiar faces we see on reality show Survivor?

CHURCH: Just another Episode of Survivor?


So the truth is, I’m one of the biggest Survivor fans in the history of the world. I know, it’s not something I’m proud of, but it is what it is and there’s not much more I can say about that.

For those of you who have somehow managed to escape the last 23 seasons of Survivor and don’t know what the show is all about: 18 contestants are split into 2 groups usually and live in a remote part of the world where they compete in challenges. Every 3 days someone gets voted out and the point is for the contestants to outwit, outplay and all the other contestants to walk away with the title of Sole Survivor and $1 million.

Because I’m a super-fan, and have watched every season of survivor except for the one that is currently airing in the states... I have picked up certain patterns that make Survivor what it is. I’m not going to get into the patterns of the challenges, the rewards and all that - but I do want to share what I’ve noticed about the contestants that take part in this [insert and appropriate adjective] reality show.

Almost without fail, every season of Survivor has:

A typical racial mix

Someone who is previously disadvantaged

Spoilt rich kid

A waiter

Loudmouth person with a chip on his/her shoulder

Someone of questionable sexual orientation

Plain old weirdo.

Every season. Without fail. But more than that - there are certain strategies within the game that are always experienced, and every season as I watch the show I become so aware that very often, the Church of God, the Bride of Christ, The Ecclesia - whatever name you want to give to... US.... very often resembles just another episode of survivor in terms of the various strategies and mindsets that exist.

So tonight I’m going to look at just a few of these personalities with the encouragement that you go through this with me tonight and ask yourself: WHICH OF THESE PEOPLE IS ME?

Now let me say this at the outset. I am passionate about Survivor. I love the psychology of the game, more than anything else. But I am a thousand times more passionate about the church - I am passionate about God’s people working together to see His glory fill the earth. I am passionate about the Church of God being a voice to be taken seriously in our country, not laughed at. So if I say some harsh things tonight - and maybe I won’t - but if I do, it’s not because I want to attack you - it’s because I’m passionate about this topic.


Every season of Survivor has a person who is just there to check it out. They admit to just being there because they wanted to see what Survivor is all about, they don’t expect to win and usually they go out of the game really early. Either because of their lack of commitment to the game and the team, they lose the first or second challenge or are voted out really early. They are usually the contestant who we see at the reunion show and say “Um, who is that again??. They have no impact on the game - but more than that, they get nothing out of the game, because for them it was just an experiment and... well.. whatever.

Church is full of “Let’s see what happens” people. People walk through the doors of churches all over the world every week because they just wanna check it out. Maybe because they want to know what the hype is about, or because someone dragged them, or because it seems like the socially acceptable thing to do - especially in a religiously conscious city like Pretoria. And, as the “hosts” we are excited to see these people.

However, too often, 2 or 3 months later, those people are still just “let’s see what happens” attendees. They only come when something exciting is happening, never get involved in the spirit of what is happening and will never serve anyone else. They are still just there to check it out.

And as much as the “let’s see what happens” contestant isn’t pleasing to other contestants in the game of Survivor, the “let’s see what happens” church goer isn’t pleasing to God.

In fact he says some really harsh words to them in Revelation 3:15-16 - a scripture you may know quite well:

15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 1

You have probably heard the explanation of this verse. It had to do with where the people would drink the water that flowed in the stream. If they drank the water at the top of the stream where it was hot, they would be fine. If the went downstream to where it was cold, they would be refreshed. But if they drank the water mid-way where it was lukewarm, they would get sick and vommit.

This is the connotation associated to people who are “luke warm” - God is saying: I wish you were one or the other. But because you are luke-warm, because you’re always just “checking things out” I will need to spit, or vommit, you out of my mouth.

It’s a little harsh right?

I actually don’t think so. In the game of survivor Millions of dollars are spent to create a show that contestants can be part of. The producers have the right to be angry with contestants who don’t take it seriously.

Likewise, for you and I to be part of the Church of Christ cost Him His life. He has the right to be angry if we don’t take His Kingdom and His church seriously, and consistently live life as a “let’s see what happens Christian”.

Are you a “Let’s see what happens” church goer?


I think in the game, these are the competitors that annoy me the most, personally. There’s also one, usually older, more experienced competitor who managed to master fishing, or catching rodents or climbing trees to get coconuts. They play a very important role in the game of survivor because they get the food that sustains the team. That part is good. But - they know it. They know that they are valuable because they are getting food, so they think they are safe and because of that, don’t give their best to the team in other areas. They are lazy in challenges, don’t do much else around the camp and often become rude and condescending to their team mates.

This person also exists in the church. In fact, they show themselves in different ways. This could either be the person who always decorates the stage, or the person who gives the biggest Christmas presents to the staff and pastors, or the biggest tithers. What’s important to hear here, is that what they “I got the food” competitor DOES is good. Their service, their blessing the ministers, their sowing financially into the Kingdom is all very good and honours God. But the ATTITUDE of the “I got the food competitor often stinks.

I have literally been told by a member of my old congregation when I didn’t want to do something they expected: “I pay your salary”. They sow financially into the Kingdom of God - awesome. But their attitude is wrong. No - you DON’T pay my salary. You obey Christ by sowing your financial seed into the Kingdom of God. When you sow something - you let it go. It just so happens that I work for the church where you sow your seed so your obedience creates an atmosphere where the church is able to employ me. But you don’t pay my salary. You sow into the Kingdom of God.

The biggest problem for this kind of church goer is that they think their works please God enough to give them immunity.

Here’s what Ephesians 2:8-9 says:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

Every one of us - the “I got the food” competitor included - is only here because of God’s indescribable grace. Not because of anything we can do. We aren’t here because of what we do - we do, because we are here. Our works are an expression of gratitude for our position, not a guarantee of our position.

In other words our relationship with Christ is dependent solely on HIS work, not ours. We cannot win His approval. Salvation is ONLY as a result of His work on the Cross.

See Matthew 7:22

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

In the bible, where it says, for example, that Abraham KNEW Sarah - it doesn’t mean he knew who she was. It means there was an intimacy between them. So when Jesus says I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you” - it doesn’t mean he won’t recognize those who are all about works - it means he will tell them, “I did not have an intimate relationship” with you.

Church - Jesus didn’t die because he wanted slaves or workers. He has angels for that. He died for us because He wants intimacy.

Are you the “I got the food” church-goer?


I’m good at spotting these competitors. They are the ones who are really good with words. They are really good at convincing people that they are worth keeping, that they are contributing a lot to the game, that they are able to serve the team well - but if you pay attention, you’ll realize that they don’t really do anything. They are only still in the game and part of the team because their ability to talk their way out of things is so subtle. They fly under the radar and the competitors don’t realize, until it’s too late, that they have contributed very little to the team.

The “gift of the gab” church member saddens me. This is the person who signs up for virtually every ministry, but never shows up to serve. The volunteer to be on every committee, and at the meetings, make promises that they never deliver on. They tell you how good they are at doing XYZ, but you never see it. But we don’t notice because these people are often very “in your face”, always at meetings, always planning things, always talking about ministry.

The reason they sadden me is because you have not been gifted to SPEAK about your gifting, you have been gifted to SERVE with your gifting.

We have people in this very congregation who I have heard speaking about their talent at web design, or their singing talent, or dancing talent, or how passionate they are about teenagers, or street people - yet I’ve never seen those people serve.

Imagine if Tembani had to only SPEAK about leading worship? Imagine if ____ had to only SPEAK about doing sound, and I had to only SPEAK about preaching? Imagine if we had to only SPEAK about going to feed homeless people, or only SPEAK about putting on a Carol service next week, or only SPEAK about growing the church of Christ and making a difference in the world.

I am sick and tired of people who talk about serving God. Let’s stop talking about serving God... let’s stop sitting in our little committees, having cake and tea while we talk about serving God and let’s get up off our in-built pillows and actually serve God.

Are you the “gift of the gab” church goer?


The ‘heart and soul competitor’ has researched the game. They know how it works. They know how best to treat their fellow competitors. They know the required balance between relationships and work, when to work and when to talk. They know that the game is bigger than themselves and that while they are there to win, they will not do it at the expense of others. Often they win the million dollars as soul survivor, sometimes they don’t. USUALLY they win the prize for audience favourite. ALWAYS, they walk away with their heads held high, proud of how they played the game, and a better person because of it.

The “heart and soul” church goer makes up somewhere around 12% of the congregation. They are the members who may have started out as “let’s see what happens” church goers but found that the best way to be part of the church of Christ is to be committed to Christ and His church. They regularly serve Christ in the church and are committed to the vision of their leadership.

They also know that while they serve and do a lot for Christ in the church, they are only there because of His grace. They understand that everything the give to the church is a response of Worship to Christ. They never get upset if they are asked to serve on another ministry, or if they are asked to lead worship for the third week in a row, or to stack chairs before church or make another pot of coffee. They serve with joy when they realize that what they are doing is making a difference in the life of the church and don’t do it grudgingly. The sow financially into the church without questioning where the finances are going because they understand that they are accountable to God for their giving, and that the leadership are accountable to God for their spending.

You don’t often hear them speaking about ministry, but they are always doing it, and you often hear from others how they have made a difference in their lives.

The heart and soul Christian is the one who still faces trials, still faces difficulties, has their car broken into while doing ministry on a Friday night - but puts their head on the pillow at night grateful for the privilege of being part of what God is doing in the world.

Are you the heart and soul Christian in your church?


At the end of every season of Survivor, all the contestants get together and face the host one last time. They speak about the game, various clips are played on a big screen and they watch how they played the game. The host speaks to them about various decisions, mistakes, successes from the game. Usually the contestants who went out early have little to say - there is little to show for their relationship with the game, and very little chemistry between them and the host.

What always stands out about the reunion show, is that each contestant has to take ownership of who they were in the game. They have to be honest with themselves about the way the played the game, the people they hurt in the process, the integrity they displayed and the decisions they made.

Sounds a little like the reunion each of us will face one day, doesn’t it?

My heart’s cry tonight is a passionate one. My desire is to sit at the final reunion with every one of you and watch on a screen how we were all “heart and soul” competitors. People who understood what it cost Christ to establish the church. People who understood the privilege involved in serving Him. People who served Him and His people passionately, with everything. People who say - “NO. Church is not just another episode of survivor. Church is an opportunity to give everything to the one who gave everything for me”.

Will you be that person?