Summary: Wise men and women seek Jesus. He is the source of all truth.

Series: Christmas 2011, Advent

Message: Christmas Wisdom

Topics: Christmas, Advent, Wisemen, Journey, Truth, Worship, Change, Seekers, Faith

Text: Matthew 2:1-12

Date: Dec. 24, 2011

Pastor: David McBeath

(Inspired by a Sermon by Tom Shepard)


This evening as we celebrate the reason for the season, I’m going to talk about Christmas Wisdom as we consider the Wise Men and what made them wise.

To get us started, a few women once got together and asked the question: "What would have happened if there had been 3 Wise Women, Instead of 3 Wise Men?" Here was their answer:

• They would have Arrived on time— (The wise men got there 2 years late! Now that is showing up late to a birthday party!)

• Not only would they have arrived on time, but they would have been there to clean the stable, help deliver the baby, make a casserole, (It’s just like a guy to show up after everything is done, isn’t ladies!)

• Finally, they would have brought practical gifts like diapers, formula, and wet wipes. (I mean Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh—come on. Well maybe the gold would have been OK—it sure would have bought a lot of diapers!)

Anyway, we can all be wise men or wise women by following the example of the Magi. Since we know the story so let me get right into it.


The first thing we can learn from the Magi is this: Wise men and women seek the truth. We learn this from the occupation of the wise men. The word “Magi” refers to those who were experts in the study of the earth and the stars. Today we would call them “scientists” and “astronomers.” The Magi were well educated, very intelligent, and worked for very powerful people, kings and governments, just like our scientists today. And like many of our scientists, the Magi believed that their study of the heavens would reveal the ultimate truth of the universe.

Now, it’s interesting that the wise men’s desire to find the truth of the universe led them to find Jesus. …There is a Newsweek article from in 1998 that suggests the same thing continues to happen today. Here is what the article says:

The achievements of modern science seem to contradict religion and undermine faith. But for a growing number of scientists, the same discoveries offer support for spirituality and hints [sic] of the very nature of God.

While most of our scientists are not believers, a growing number are finding Jesus as they seek the truth behind the universe.

The wise men Matthew speaks about are no different than the scientists today. The Bible says they came from the East. Matthew’s statement is a shorthand way to let his readers know that these Magi were Gentiles and did not believe in the God of Israel. Yet as they studied the stars and this special star entered the horizon, it caused them to consider the truth of the Hebrew Scripture and they came to believe in the God of the Bible. Seeking the truth behind the universe Matthew 2:11 tells us they ultimately found Jesus.

Like the Magi, wise men and women will honestly seek the truth behind the universe. And the

fact is this: People who seek the truth find Jesus. I have full confidence in this fact. I’ve seen it time and time again. That’s why Jesus said in John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” And in Luke 11:9 he said: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;”

If anyone here tonight does not know if God is real or if Jesus is who he said he is. Seek the truth. I believe you will find the truth here at this church. Give the Christianity thing a try—If you do, I know you will find it rings true. But even if you don’t start here at our church, seek the truth in science or philosophy. I am not one of those pastors who say, “Stay away from these things.” I’m not afraid of them—in fact both of these disciplines have bolstered my faith. (My undergraduate degree is in Meteorology.) I am convinced that if you seek the truth in any discipline, it will ultimately end up leading you to God thru Jesus.


What was the result of the Wise Men’s pursuit of truth? It is this: They began to seek Jesus. In Matthew 2:2 they ask: “Where is he who is born the king of the Jews.” This leads me to my next point: Wise men and women seek Jesus!!

Have you seen the movie Jurassic Park. There is a splendid moment in this movie, when world-class paleontologist Allen Grant, who has devoted his life to the study of dinosaurs, suddenly comes face-to-face with real, live prehistoric creatures and falls to the ground, dumbstruck. The reason is obvious. It is one thing to piece together an informed but imperfect image of dinosaurs by picking through fossils and bones. But it’s quite another to encounter an actual dinosaur. There can be no comparison!

It is one thing to piece together the notion that there has to be an intelligent designer behind everything we observe in science, but quite another to come face to face with Jesus, the one who spoke the world and the science behind it into existence.

Christ came to earth at Christmas so humanity could experience his presence in a personal way. And his presence was powerful!! It changed the world! No one can doubt this.

You know what? His presence is still powerful today and can be experienced by anyone who seeks him. The Fact is This: When we seek Jesus we will experience his powerful presence that changes the world!

In the devotional Our Daily Bread there was a humorous story about a man who strolled out of a hardware store with a smile on his face and a brand-new chainsaw in his hands. He was told it could cut down five big oak trees in an hour.

Twenty-four hours later, however, his smile was gone. Frustrated, he was back at the store complaining that the saw would never cut five trees in an hour. "It took me all day to cut down five trees," he said.

Puzzled, the store owner stepped outside with the saw, gave the cord a swift pull, and fired up the steel-toothed beast. Its deafening roar sent the customer stumbling to get away. "What’s that noise?" he gasped!

It’s ridiculous for someone to try to cut down trees with a chain saw without ever starting it up. But that’s how foolish we are as Christians when we try to live for Christ and change our world by our own strength, without his powerful presence. I don’t know about you, but I want to experience God doing amazing things in my life, in my relationships, in my community and in my church. I want new life in all these areas. But I won’t have this amazing life if I don’t seek Jesus and experience his presence.

Joseph Stowell tells of having dinner with Billy Graham at a dinner for the staff and board of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Billy was eighty at the time and Dr. Stowell asked him a question: “Of all your experiences in ministry, what have you enjoyed most?” “Was it you time spent with presidents and heads of state? Or was it….” Before he could finish his next sentence Billy Graham responded: “None of that, by far the greatest joy of my life has been my fellowship with Jesus. Hearing Him speak to me, having Him guide me, sensing His presence with me and His power through me. This has been the highest pleasure of my life!” The Fact is This: When we seek Jesus we will experience his powerful presence that changes the world!

Christians, this Christmas will you make a decision to seek Jesus and his kingdom with all you mind, your soul, and your strength.


Wise men and women first seek truth. Second they seek Jesus; and third, they find that their journey is one of faith.

Tom Shepard writing about the Magi asks: What would prompt someone to leave the comfort of their homes to go on a dangerous journey? Romance? Yes. Wealth? Definitely. But faith? Yes – faith.

Just look at the Magi’s question, “Where is He who has been born the King of the Jews?” What a probing question – there is no doubt in their language that they came to the conclusion that The Promised One had been born – the question is “Where is He?” They had seen the star – the evidence was real – now where is He? They had faith that He was alive – that He existed! Now all they needed to do was to experience him and his power. They risked everything for this experience. They were willing to leave the safety of their homes – to risk a pearliest journey to seek a King. They risked their prestigious, powerful jobs. …How would the king they worked for view this journey to find another king?

Can you imagine their neighbor’s reaction? “Are you going on a journey?” “Yes.” “Where are you going?” “We don’t know for sure.” “How far is it?” “Well we don’t know that either.” How long are you going to be gone?” Well were not quite sure on that either.” “Boy for wise men you sure don’t know much do you?”

But you know they must have said the same things to Abraham when he left his home for the Promised Land. They must have said the same kind of things to Peter, Andrew, John and James when they left the fishing nets to become fishers of men. What are you crazy? Are you insane? Are you out of your minds? No not crazy – not insane – not out of their minds – They

Were Men of Faith.

The fact is this: God’s journeys always involve FAITH. The Bible tells us that it’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because Faith Is What Activates the Power of God’s Presence in Our Life! (Repeat)


Wise men and women seek truth. They seek Jesus. Their journey is one of faith and that Journey ends in worship. Take a look at the first half of verse 11. It says: "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.” The wise men demonstrated their faith thru worship.

Now let’s consider what worship meant to these wise men as we look at the gifts they gave Jesus. What did they give him?

Listen to what this little boy thought he learned about the Magi’s gifts in Sunday school. He went home to tell his parents all about the lesson.....and shared with them the what the wise men brought to baby Jesus.....he said......they brought him goats, frankenstein, and smurfs.

Actually it was gold, frankincense, and myrrh and these gifts have a lot of symbolism associated with them. Gold represents wealth. It is a gift fit for a king. (Jesus was the King of World). The wise men, even though they were not Israelite’s, recognized baby Jesus as their King and with the gift of gold they gave this king their allegiance. Frankincense is the sap of a tree that was dried, hardened, and used as incense to worship God. Thus we see their gift recognized Jesus’ deity. (Jesus was the Son of God.) The wise men worshiped baby Jesus as God. Myrrh is a fragrant perfume that was used to anoint the dead – to embalm and preserve them. (Jesus died to save the world from sin.) The wise men worshiped and recognized

Jesus as their savior.

These gifts were more than symbolic, they required sacrifice, also. They were expensive. They were costly. The fact is this: True Worship Is Costly and Involves Sacrifice. The most costly gift – the greatest sacrifice – you can give to God is yourself. Another fact: God Wants Us! But you say, “I’ve given nothing to Him today.” I say, “Yes you have!” Even today you have given Him something of yourself. You have given Him your time by being here. Tonight you embarked on a journey of faith to seek Truth and to seek Jesus. You prepared for this journey by delaying your family gatherings in order to seek a King this evening. You got into your cars – used your gas and came to church. Some of you even put money in the plate to help pay for the King’s Expenses. That is a great start for all of us! But let’s not stop there let’s work at giving God our entire being this Christmas season.


Wise men and women seek truth and seek Jesus. Their journey is one of faith, it ends in worship, and finally we learn that it results in change.

Look at verse twelve with me. It says: "Then, being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way."

Isn’t it interesting that after they worshiped Jesus they could not go back the same way that they had come? I find that to be a fact even today. Once you have met Jesus you will never be the same!

An encounter with Jesus changes things – it changes you – doesn’t it? And I believe a changed you changes our world…. ….It’s always been that way. That is why the God given vision of our church is to transform and restore our community one life at a time with the good news of Baby Jesus! If you don’t have a church home we would love for you to join us in accomplishing our vision. If you are seeking truth and looking into Jesus our church would love to assist you in this process. Come talk with me or just keep visiting with us on Sunday mornings. Like the wise men let’s continue to seek truth and seek Jesus on our journey of faith this Christmas season!