Summary: This message is for all Christians to remind them of their importance in the body of Christ i.e. the local church. Every Christian is placed in the body of Christ as God desires. Each of us should use our talents, our grace gifts, our personalities, and

How Important Each Member Is

Romans 12:3-8


• Romans 12:1-2 calls for a total commitment to God.

• To be living sacrifices – this is our spiritual act of worship – this is how we worship God in spirit and in truth that Jesus spoke of.

• Out of this commitment comes the teaching comparing the church to the human body.

• Thus our commitment is first to God and the appropriate worship of God.

• Worship of God moves from the worship service into the realm of every day living as each of us discover and practice our place within the body of Christ.

I. Every member has a place in the body of Christ. Verses 3-5

a. Grace is the spiritual motivation for all a Christian does.

b. To know our place in the body of Christ, we must have a spiritual outlook on where we belong in the body of Christ.

c. Paul was thinking in terms of those who think too highly of themselves. We must also encourage those who think too lowly of themselves.

d. God has placed every member in the body as He desires.

Ephesians 4:7, 11-13 (NIV)

7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

11 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

e. We do not all have the same ministry.

f. We belong to one another. My purpose for being in Mullins First Baptist Church is to belong to all of you. Just as all of you belong to me.

g. And as we use our gifts through active participation in the ministry of the church, our church body will be built up, our unity will be strengthened, and we will mature spiritually.

h. Right after these verses, the apostle Paul explains that ultimately the result is that we will not be blown around by every wind of doctrine and defeated by the enemy!!!

II. God has given every member a gift. Verse 6a.

a. We must first remember that the Holy Spirit is the gift giver.

b. We cannot choose which gift we want. God gives us our gifts so that He can use the combination of our personality (that He is always tweaking), our natural talents, and our spiritual gift to do the most good within the body of Christ.

c. The best way to describe these gifts is to call them grace gifts.

d. Charismata means grace. The Greek word from which we get the English word Charismatic.

e. Baptists have made that a bad word and it is not.

f. Now the Charismatic Christians have given it a bad rap by saying that we must all have a certain gift or we do not have the Holy Spirit.

i. Biblically not sound doctrine.

ii. God never says every one is to have a certain gift as well as other gifts.

iii. Use a gift as they do creates the opposite environment in the church from what God desires for our gifts.

iv. They create an environment of look who is the most spiritual – they have the right gift.

v. God clearly says we are to humble ourselves, not think more highly than we ought, and to use our gifts for service not glorification!!!

g. You see, our spiritual gifts when used properly will display the grace of God before others.

h. Like a diamond, there are many facets to God’s grace. Each of us, as we exercise our gifts, we show the church another facet of God’s grace.

i. I first experience God’s grace in salvation.

j. I grow in God’s grace as I discover and exercise my gift.

k. But, I only fully experience God’s grace as I see other Christians exercise their grace gifts and show me God’s grace through their ministry!

l. This shows us, then, how important it is to be in a church and actively involved in that church.

m. If you stay at home, never exercise your gift in the local church, then others will never experience the part of God’s grace you have to show them through the grace given you by Christ Jesus.

n. Bottom line: You can always test how well you are doing by how much grace is displayed by the use of your gifts.

o. If others see God’s grace rather than you on display, you are using your gifts rightly!!!!

III. These spiritual gifts are examples of how to serve. Verses 6b-8

a. Serve according to the measure of your faith.

i. This means we always keep our relationship with Christ as the focus of our service. The measure or standard of our faith is what Christ has done for us.

ii. If I always keep in mind how I so do not deserve salvation, mercy, and grace, then I will ever be motivated to serve regardless of how others treat my service!

b. Serve within the bounds of your gifts.

i. Use your spiritual gift for the purpose for which it has been given.

ii. Give yourself wholeheartedly to doing the ministry for which that gift is given.

iii. Do not try to serve in areas where your gift will not work!

c. Exercise your gift thoroughly and cheerfully.

i. Stay committed to using your gift in the church. Your ministry may change. Your expression of your gift may change as you mature in Christ. God may even give you additional gifts for a season or permanently.

ii. Your commitment to God is to use your gifts – exercise them, grow through them, bless others with them.

iii. And above all things, use your gift(s) cheerfully. To know how God has gifted you ought to bring you joy and happiness. To know you please God by the exercise of your gift ought to give you happiness. To see others blessed by your gifts ought to give you happiness and satisfaction. All that happiness will easily be seen in your attitude


ILL.- Erma Bombeck is quoted as saying, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me.”

We should all desire to please God by using up all He has given us for His glory within His body.