Joshua 1:6-9
This past Friday, September 30th, the latest Sherwood Baptist movie project, Courageous, opened at area theatres all around St. Louis and across the nation. I received a Facebook message from FBC, Wright City Pastor Chad Hodges about going to the movie on Saturday afternoon. The group they took yesterday from their church was part of a packed house! It will be interesting to see on Monday if Courageous is the number one movie in box office sales. Wouldn’t that be great if it happens? That would be quite an achievement for a Christian-themed movie, something not achieved since Mel Gibson‘s The Passion of Christ”. But it will be truly historic if it does happen because a non-Hollywood produced movie like Courageous with no famous actors starring in the cast has never been even close to the number one spot for the opening weekend. If it does in fact happen, all I can say is, “to God be the glory!”
Sherwood Baptist Church has shown some serious courage over the past several years in the commitment they have made of financial resources and manpower to produce Christian movies. Had they failed in their attempt to produce life-impacting movies, they would have certainly been ridiculed and considered foolish. But because Sherwood Baptist Church took a courageous “out of the box” risk, God has received great glory and His kingdom is being expanded in ways Sherwood Baptist could never have achieved using more conventional means. Hundreds of thousands of unchurched people have seen their movies. And thousands of them have made commitments to Christ and are active in local churches today.
Why did all this happen? Some cynics would say there were lots of “lucky breaks” Sherwood Baptist benefited from. And there were some amazing things that happened to help Sherwood Baptist be successful in their movie launches. But the long and the short of it is that all these God-honoring and kingdom expanding things happened because the Michael Catt, the pastor of Sherwood Baptist and the staff led their church to faithfully and obediently follow a vision from God in a courageous way.
Just like the chorus of the Casting Crowns theme song for the new movie says, we live in a day when we need to realize, “We were made to be Courageous.” We will not see the church in America have the impact for the Lord it is supposed to have unless there are more pastors, churches and individual followers of Christ willing to step out of their comfort zones in a truly Courageous way, attempting something great for God that will only be successful if God shows up and honors their faith. The American church has “played it safe” far too long. In these challenging days in which we live where Christians and churches are under fire like never before in our history, we do not need to retreat, though it is tempting. We do not need to pull back. Though that might seem to many to be wise. Instead, we need to embrace the fact that “We were made to be Courageous”!
In Joshua 1, Moses’ right hand man, Joshua, now finds himself in charge of the vast Jewish nation on the banks of the Jordan ready to reenter into God’s Promised Land. Listen to what God tells Joshua as He personally prepares Joshua to become the conquering general capable of leading Israel into the Promised Land and leading them to reclaim the now occupied Promised Land from the godless Canaanite nations in their walled cities defeating their ruthless, well-armed and battle-seasoned armies by depending on the power of God.
** Read Joshua 1:1-9 **
It is no accident that three times in these nine verses, v6, v7 and v9 God admonishes Joshua with this phrase, “Be strong and courageous”. God knew this conquest would be a challenge. God knew how inexperienced the armies of Israel were. He knew how frightened they would become if they depended on their own skills to defeat the superior Canaanite armies. If God did not go to battle for them Israel would most certainly fail to reclaim the Promised Land. But, if Joshua could lead them to obey the Lord by becoming a strong and courageous God-fearing general/leader, Israel could have unparalleled success in battle and reclaim much of the land promised to Abraham centuries earlier, just like God said they would. And because Joshua trusted the Lord and followed His divine leadership, that is precisely what happened. The Promised Land was largely conquered and the enemies of Israel conquered or annihilated in accordance to the guidance of God. They had great success because Joshua heeded God’s command to “be strong and courageous”.
In many ways, we stand in a similar place today. For over 200 years, I believe America has been God’s modern day Promised Land. Now I know American Christians have no biblical promise they can point to like Israel did. But I think we can all agree that America has been uniquely blessed by God like no other nation on planet earth because our Forefathers established this nation on the Biblical premises found in God’s Word and Christians have tried to faithfully follow that pattern, at least until the last few decades. Because we have been asleep as watchmen on the wall since the 1950s, we have allowed godless forces to occupy our Promised Land. And unless God raises up lots of visionary Christian leaders and churches willing to “be strong and courageous” by trusting in the strength of God in truly courageous ways, I believe the influence of our Christian nation will be lost.
We all need to be more courageous if we are to be successful in reoccupying our nation with Godly values again. Today I would like to share with you three areas of life where we claim the name of Jesus all need to strive to be stronger in our faith and more courageous in our actions for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.
TRANS: First and foremost, we all need to follow God to become:
I. Courageous at Home
APP: Christians need to live more courageous Christian lives at home. One of the tragedies of the modern church is we have not been successful for at least two generations in leading the majority of our children to take their place in the family of God as people of faith. We are losing the battle at home. Many of our children are not even being baptized into our churches. Our children are also growing up and marrying unbelievers who lead them away from the faith of their youth. Parents need to be more courageous in the way they live for the Lord at home so everyone who lives there can see the real positive difference our relationship to Jesus makes in our lives each and every day. Very few children will develop a commitment to the Lord greater than the one modeled in their home by their parents and grandparents. How high are we setting the bar for our children and grandchildren? Are we living courageous enough lives at home to let our children and grandchildren know Jesus is alive and worthy of our worship and obedience?
EXP: God’s Word gives parents and spouses a great deal of guidance when it comes how to live courageous lives for the Lord at home. We find some of the Bibles wisdom for the home summarized in the inspired words of the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5 and 6.
** Read Ephesians 5:33-6:4 **
Husbands and wives need to make certain they are following God’s pattern for the home. Husbands are to be the head of their home, especially when it comes to spiritual matters. Wives are to respect their husbands and submit to God’s leadership exercised through their husbands. Children are to honor and obey their parents. In Ephesians 6:4 Fathers are charged with the responsibility for bringing up the children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Far too many men are passive in spiritual matters. Children do not prosper as well spiritually when they are raised in a home where the father is spiritually passive.
APP: Now I know these are not politically correct stands to take. But they are biblical. The instructions we have in God’s Word for the proper roles of husbands and wives is still relevant. They did not get thrown out the window by God when women received the right to vote or began to enter the work force in large numbers. The role of men and women in society may have changed dramatically in the last 50 years. But God’s commands concerning the home have not changed; and they never will.
APP: Moms and Dads, Grandpas and Grandmas, Aunts and Uncles, are you setting a courageous example for your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews to follow? Parents, are you reading the Bible with your children? Are you taking the time to pray with them when they go to bed? Grandparents, have you shared your salvation testimony with your grandkids? Are you trying to help them come to know the Lord? Aunts and uncles, are you letting those children you are related to know just how much the Lord means to you? Do they know you are a Christian and why? If we are living truly courageous lives we will let God use us to influence the next generation for His kingdom.
APP: I am glad for every person God has allowed me to lead to the Lord in the 20 years I have been in the ministry. And I am proud of how God has used me to help others in their spiritual pilgrimages. But my proudest spiritual achievement will always be the fact that Gerri and I were able to raise two children that personally know the Lord and sincerely strive to serve and worship Him ass adults who are now raisingtheir own children to follow the ways of the Lord.
TRANS: Along with the need to be more courageous at home, to reclaim our Promised Land for the Lord, we also need to be more:
II. Courageous at Work and School
EXP: In Ephesians 6 we find these words to guide and challenge us in the workplace or the classroom (read Ephesians 6:5-9). Part of our Christian testimony is giving our employer a day’s work for a day’s pay. As Christian students we honor God by studying hard and doing our best in school.
ILL: I remember one time counseling a middle-aged man who had just recently come to know the Lord. This man was active in the community in many different school and sports groups. In order to encourage him in his new found faith, I named different individuals who were church members I knew who were part of the same community groups that he was in. When I mentioned the name of one woman, this new convert stopped me and said, “You’re kidding!” I have never thought of her as a Christian. How could she be a Christian and do “so-and so“?” APP: As Christians in the workplace and in the classroom, we should be known by our peers as kind, generous and honest people who are committed to “doing the right thing” no matter what. The way we dress and the words that come out of our mouth should reflect the love we claim for the Lord. We need to remember the admonishment Paul gives all believers as a guide for daily life in Colossians 3:17
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
TRANS: Finally, to reclaim our Promised Land for the Lord as courageous follower of Jesus Christ, we also need to be more:
III. Courageous in the World
EXP: In Ephesians 6, after addressing how we should live as Christians in key areas of life, Paul goes on to give these general words of guidance (read Ephesians 6:10-12). We have all been saved by God and are being transformed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to live courageously in this world giving a witness for the Lord every opportunity the circumstances of life provide us.
ILL: There is a growing trend in society that suggests the only place where God should be spoken about is in the church. Many nonreligious people don’t really like it when they see Christians sharing their faith in the marketplace. It is amazing what expressions of faith some unbelievers are opposed to. It was reported on the news last week that some coaches are in trouble with the ACLU because they bowed their head for a student led prayer before a football game. The student led prayer was ok. But the ACLU claimed when coaches bow their head they are giving state approval as agents of the government of a religious action in violation of their interpretation of the separation of church and state.
ILL: But such incidents are not just something we see on the news. Defending our faith and out Christian beliefs is something we must all stand ready to do because we simply do not know when our faith will be challenged.
ILL: One night recently I was online looking at my Facebook account and noticed a pretty heated discussion going on between Amanda Logan and two of her college Facebook friends. Amanda and one of her college friends were talking about an unnamed friend who was considering having an abortion and how wrong they both thought that would be. Then this other girl entered into their Fb conversation condemning their thoughts as naive and backwards. She said as far as she was concerned this unnamed friend should get an abortion. That is why it was legal, so getting pregnant unexpectedly does not “ruin your life”. I did not enter into the Fb conversation. But later, I sent Amanda a message commending her for defending her Christian commitment against abortion.
APP: Who knows where you will be the next time your faith is challenged. Perhaps it will be at your next family gathering or at a high school class reunion. Perhaps it will be how you respond to the anti-Christian thing a person sitting next to you on an airplane says. Such opportunities to be courageous abound. Are you ready to be courageous in defending your faith and what you believe as a Christian? Like so many things in life, it is “use it or lose it”. If we do not become more courageous in defending our faith publicly we should not be surprised when laws are passed that make it illegal.
I want to conclude the message today by reading you the lyrics to the Casting Crowns song Courageous that is the theme song for the movie of the same name. I believe the words to this song sum up well why it is so important for Christians to live courageous lives for the glory and honor of the Lord.
by Casting Crowns
We were made to be courageous, We were made to lead the way
We could be the generation, That finally breaks the chains
We were made to be courageous, We were made to be courageous
We were warriors on the front lines, Standing, unafraid
But now we're watchers on the sidelines, While our families slip away
Where are you, men of courage? You were made for so much more
Let the pounding of our hearts cry, We will serve the Lord
We were made to be courageous, And we're taking back the fight
We were made to be courageous, And it starts with us tonight
The only way we'll ever stand, Is on our knees with lifted hands
Make us courageous, Lord, make us courageous!
This is our resolution, Our answer to the call
We will love our wives and children, We refuse to let them fall
We will reignite the passion, That we buried deep inside
May the watchers become warriors, Let the men of God arise
We were made to be courageous, And we're taking back the fight
We were made to be courageous, And it starts with us tonight
The only way we'll ever stand, Is on our knees with lifted hands
Make us courageous, Lord, make us courageous!
Do you need to make a courageous commitment to the Lord today? Any time we act on the Holy Spirit’s prodding to make a public commitment we are acting in a courageous manner. If there is someone who needs to make a courageous commitment to the Lord for salvation or recommitment, you come as “Just as I Am” leads us in our invitation song.