Summary: In the story of Zechariah we see how God moves in prayer and how even a faithful man can have an unfaithful response.

Luke 1:11-20, “Then the angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. But the angel said to him: ‘Do no be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth. Many of the people of Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous-to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.’ Zechariah asked the angel, ‘How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” The angel answered, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time.’”

Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents’ house the week before Christmas. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers. The younger one began praying at the top of his lungs:



His older brother leaned over, nudged him and said, “Why are you shouting? God isn’t deaf.”

To which the little brother replied, “No, but Grandma is!”

We think about prayer a lot of different ways. We think about it as asking God for things. We think about it as telling God about our troubles. Sometimes we even think about it as a way to thank God for the things that He does for us. But do we think about prayer as a form of worship? We should because it is. Worship is our all that is within me response to all that God is and does. It is when we take the focus off of ourselves and place it on Him. That is worship and that is part of prayer. We take our hopes, dreams and desires and place them with God. We do so because of who God is. It is an acknowledgement of His power to helps us and of His love that makes Him willing to. Think about it. The creator and sustainer of the universe wants to meet with us.

What an incredible privilege we have to talk to God! We talk a lot about prayer, but let’s start today with a simple definition of what prayer is. Prayer is a solemn request for help or an expression of thanks addressed to God. I highlighted that word solemn because sometimes I think we can overlook that aspect. God calls us friend, but sometimes we act as if we are forgetting who we are talking to.

Today we are going to be looking at a man who received an answer to his prayer and his reaction to that prayer reveals what was really going on in the depths of his soul. I think in retrospect even he was probably surprised. It is one of those moments in life where who you are is really exposed, not just to other people but to yourself. How you handle those times in life will determine a lot of how fast God can transform you into the person He designed you to be.

Last week as we continued our series on worship we talked about obedience. About how when you hear what God is telling you, you need to do what He says. It sounds so basic and fundamental, but often we don’t do it. But when we stop and focus on who He is, it makes sense that we would do what He says. But we don’t because sometimes what He says is hard. Sometimes we act like we know something He doesn’t. Sometimes we just want something so bad, we don’t stop to listen, but we need to. This can happen even to the best of us.

In this case it happened to Zechariah. He was a priest. We read that this event happened when he went into the temple to burn incense to God, while the people were worshipping and praying outside. Zechariah had a position of great influence. The people looked to their priests for leadership. It is a natural thing, this was and is a God appointed position. In this case the people were worshipping outside the temple but Zechariah was inside. They were waiting for him to come out so that they could see what he said. People looked at him as a religious example. The thing is that all of us

He also would have had great training. In entering the priesthood he would have had great access to the teachers who were in place before him. He would have met with those teachers through the patterns of his life. They would have worked together and as they were working and living these men would have taught him. As a priest there also would have been times of direct instructions meant as such. That was their method of training and Zechariah would have had to complete it before he could become a priest. At the age Zechariah was he would have moved from student to teacher.

By the way as a teacher he would have had groups of students and as a student he would have been part of a group. Discipleship in those days was designed to be in small groups that lived life together. That is why we had a small group semester that we just completed and we have one that we are putting together for February. Because this has always been the model for training. It is not just about one person getting up and speaking and everyone else listens. That is part of discipleship, and that is part of the Christian life because we are commanded to gather together and worship. But it is more than that. We are supposed to then turn around and share what we learn with others and put it into practice. That is what Zechariah was supposed to do. He was a priest so he had great influence and he had received great training.

But even more importantly God was showing him great favor. Think about it. God doesn’t have to answer our prayers. That’s a news flash for some people in our society, but not for those who worship Him. Worshippers realize that He is far above us. He is God we are not. He is in charge we are not. He doesn’t have to answer our prayers. But He does and it is a blessing when He does. He is showing us favor. The great God is spending time with us. Yes it is because of His love for us, but even that we don’t deserve. What an honor answered prayer is, regardless of the answer.

But in Zechariah’s case we see great favor. It’s not just that his prayer was answered it is how it was answered. God sends and angel, to answer His prayer. I mean, wow! I don’t know about you, but an angel has never showed up to tell me the answer to my prayers. Sometimes it might be helpful but it’s never happened. Maybe it’s never happened because of reactions like the one we see here. I don’t know but I do know that it is an honor. Even better in this case God is saying, “yes.” He is going to give Zechariah what he wants, he and his wife despite their age are going to have a child. He is being shown great favor.

Everything is in place for one of those great Bible stories. The type that we tell over and over again and when we’re done we think, “Oh if only I was like that.” You know those stories, David faces down the Giant, Jonathan and his armor bearer charge the Philistines. Paul stands firm in the face of trials and not only gives great defenses but calls people to salvation as he bears testimony to Christ. Everything is in place for this to be a, “oh if only I was like Zechariah story.” The problem is that in this case maybe we do end up being like Zechariah and we don’t want to be. He had influence, training, and favor, But he is an example of unbelief in the heart of a believer. The angel comes and tells him what God is going to do for him and he basically says, “I don’t believe it.” I think we do this more then we would like to admit. See prayer is not just a part of worship. I think it is a measure of our faith.

If you really want to know the state of someone’s faith, listen to their prayer. I’m not talking about a one time prayer, but and their consistent prayer. Do they pray for big things or little things. See we’re supposed to pray for both. Sometimes we don’t think we can pray for the little things, but we can. Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Cause think about this. What in your world is big to God? Nothing!!!

So we need to be willing to pray for the little things, but the big things too. Because God is big! He is huge, but we don’t always pray like it. Do we pray for big things? Do we pray for miracles? Most common example I can give is when someone is sick. Man we pray for wisdom for the doctors and comfort and guidance, and all of those things, but we need to pray for straight out healing to. God won’t always do it, that’s why it’s called a miracle, but He will sometimes do it. If you want to see it you have to ask. If you believe He can and will, then you will ask. But if you’re not willing to ask, either you’re not that desperate or, more likely, deep down you have doubts. It comes down to how big your God is and that is a reflection of your worship. Remember Worship is tied to worth-ship, how worthy is God to you?

We see in this passage how powerful God is and also how He moves. Notice the message that Gabriel gives. “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John.” It is a great promise. Especially since we discover later that this was happening in their old age. This tells us something. Gabriel had been sent with an answer to a long term prayer. Sometimes it takes a while before we see the answer to our prayers. Linda and I prayed for the child that is Sarah for 14 years. We always believed, but sometimes you wonder why it takes so long.

But God has a plan, and God’s time is always perfect. When you’re in the midst of one of those times when you are praying but aren’t getting an answer, other then wait, which a lot of times we mistake for “no” or no answer at all remember you’re not alone. It’s happened to me, to the people around you if you ask, it happened to Zechariah, it happened to David. Listen to what he wrote in Psalm 31:22, “In my alarm I said, ‘I am cut off from your sight!” Yet you heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help.” David sent up a cry for help. He says he didn’t just pray he cried. It was urgent to him. He waited so long for an answer he just assumed it was no. He assumed that he was on his own. But then God showed up and he realized that he wasn’t alone and he never had been. He says you heard my cry, when I said it. He saying then to anyone else who ever calls on the Lord for help, you can count on God because when the time is right He will be there for you.

Isn’t that interesting, David’s pity party at some point becomes a testimony. When we get there. When we cry out to God for help and we don’t think that we got an answer, when we think maybe He was a little hard of hearing. But God never is, He just waits for His time, and the moment you think might be your defeat, is the moment He was waiting for to give you a testimony about Him.

Sometimes the best blessing are the ones you wait for. This was a long term prayer, but I want you to see something else. Despite the length of time that had passed God’s desire was not just to give Zechariah what he wanted but to give abundantly. Gabriel says, “He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the LORD...he will be filled with the holy Spirit even from birth. Many of the people in Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous-to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. By the way, quick insight, why did it take so long, look at that word, “prepared.” God had some work to do before John could come.

But notice also the promises, especially to a priest. I’ve been praying for the day that Sarah gives her heart to Christ, since before she was born. They are promised that their child will be filled with the Spirit from birth, he is always going to walk with God. What an awesome promise in any day. But then you understand that this was before Christ came. This is before the vail in the temple was torn in two. There was still a separation between God and man. The people believed that everyone didn’t get to have access to the Holy Spirit at all, and that being filled with Him, well that was reserved for just a select few. But Zechariah was promised the his son would not just be filled, but filled from birth. Then it gets even more awesome. His son would not just follow in his footsteps and serve God but He would turn many people’s hearts back to God. He would be used to turn fathers back to their children, turn people from wickedness to righteousness. He was going to be used mightily of God. In fact God had been preparing people for his ministry. And then the greatest promise of all that he would be the one to go before the Lord.

Man, promise after promise of favor and blessing. I mean this message is incredible. God didn’t just say yes, He said yes in ways beyond reasonable expectations. But that is God. Our God give abundantly when we seek Him. It is the message of Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Jesus was talking about worry. He was saying so many times we get worried about money that the things we need and worry about where they are going to come from. He talks about how beautiful the lilies are, how fine they are dress, and He says, “You know what guys, you seek me first and not only will you get the needs you have met but all of that other stuff.” Because God doesn’t just give our needs, He doesn’t give the minimum He gives more than that. It may not always be what we thought, or in the time we want, but He is faithful, He will provide our needs and more when we seek HIm.

But we have to trust Him, we have to seek Him, and then we have to understand this important principle and act on it. When God gives blessings his desire is to bless us so that He can bless others through us. That was the essence of the promises that Gabriel gave. Remember John was going to be used to turn people’s hearts back to God. It is the greatest blessing we can give to someone, to point them to God. That is why we are supposed to have those names that we pray for everyday. Those 8 to 15 people that you are praying for that God has supernaturally placed in your life so that you can share His grace with them. It’s easy to pray, it may be harder to actually share, but if you really want to see God’s fullest blessings on your life you will do it, because just being used in that way is one of the greatest blessings of all.

You don’t even have to be a theologian to do it. I have a confession to make, I love the Chicken Alfredo at Pizza Hut. Every Tuesday night it’s on special for $2 off. I know that because I’ve ordered it on Tuesday, a lot. So much so that the regular cashier, knows me, knows who Linda is, and knows what I ordered when I walk in the door. This Tuesday when I walked in, she said, Hi, I said, Hi, are you enjoying the holidays. She said, “yup, I love Christmas.” I said great and invited her to the production tonight. It’s that simple, no degree required, you just have to be willing and available to do it. God has given us the blessing of a relationship with Him and we need to pass it on to others. He gives us material blessings, and we need to generous in being a blessing back to His kingdom and to others because that is being a reflection of our God. See when you worship God you acknowledge who He is and then surrender to Him. When you really do that then He will work to make you more and more like Him which is the greatest blessing of all.

We know these things and yet sometimes we are just like Zechariah. We have training, we have influence, we know that we are blessed, we pray for something for a while and then God sends us an answer and despite everything that points to the contrary our response is similar to this. Zechariah looks at Gabriel and says, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” Wow what a human response. He’s saying, “But how can God do this? Don’t you know my limitations. As if any of the things that were going to happen were up to him.

But isn’t that what we do. We look at our resources, at our circumstances, and we think that somehow our limitations apply to what God can do. You realize that when we do that we are limiting God? But there is nothing that is impossible for God. We have limits but God doesn’t. When we place those our limits on God do you know that we are really revealing, that the thing that we were really looking to for rescue was us. Our focus was us, and ultimately then the thing that we were worshipping was us. Remember worship is our all that is within me response to God and all that He is and does. But if we are looking at our limitations then our response is really to ourselves. In the passage the man of God becomes the example of a lack of faith.

Doubting God is a terrible thing for the one who does it. We talked about the desire of God to give to us abundantly, but God also has the desire to see faith. He wants to see us believe in Him. Think about how important faith is. It’s not just that God responds to faith, it’s that faith strengthens us. When we are heading into a valley, when there is a challenge or trial ahead, the journey will always be better when we trust that we already know that outcome because we know that One who is in charge. Listen to the words of James 1:6, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.” When you don’t have faith you’re tossed about, you’re grasping at anything because you don’t know what’s going to happen next, you’re unsure of everything. It’s like that song we learned as kids, “My hope is built on nothing less then Jesus love and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly trust in Jesus Name, I Christ the solid Rock I stand.” We’re supposed to stand on Him, but that stance takes faith. The thing of it is, without faith this is a hard world to stand in. Everything shifts. I think that’s why Jude told us to “be merciful to those who doubt.” Life hard as it is, it’s harder without faith.

Isn’t it good to know that we can pray to the one who can and will answer our prayers, maybe not in our time, but in His. He is the one who can turn that our waiting into a testimony. So what do we do in worship? In prayer worship is responding with thanksgiving to God promise because of who He is. When God gives us a promise, He can and will fulfill it. It doesn’t matter what our circumstances our, it doesn’t matter what our weaknesses are. What matters is who He is. He is the one who can answer our prayers even when they seem impossible. He is the one who crossed time and space to be with us. Are you hear today and you’ve lost sight of Him. Maybe you’ve never accepted Him, because the whole thing just seems so improbable. The thing that God desire from you is your faith in Him. Will you take that step of faith today and place your trust in Him?