Summary: Do you ever contend for one who has fallen into sin? or in the wrong in a particular situation? What do we do with brothers and sisters who fall into sin? We should be there to pick them up, help dust them off and encourage them with the love of Christ th


Date Written: October 29, 2011

Date Preached: October 30, 2011

Church: OPBC (AM)


Series: From the Pen of Paul

Title: Forgiveness…a Way of Life!

Text: Philemon 10-21


What do YOU do when a friend is sinful and falls in their Christian walk? What if they slip in their witness and do something they should NOT do? What do you do? Do you drop them? Do you write them off as hopeless? Do you say things like, “Well, that really doesn’t surprise me about them …because I know how they are!”

How many of us are guilty of just that… writing people off and jumping to conclusions when they do stumble in their lives? I know I am as guilty as anyone about this, and I am constantly on my knees seeking forgiveness for my heart and attitude in this area!

However, when this happens, what the believer SHOULD be saying is this, “Guilty or NOT, if he or she ever needed a friend… the time is NOW! He or she needs to be supported NOT stepped on… they need to know that someone cares for them!”

SO this morning, let me ask you a question, “Have you EVER been there for a friend who is down… who really does not deserve your friendship or help?”

Well when we read this passage we can see that this is exactly where Paul was when he wrote this letter to Philemon… Philemon was his friend in the city of Colossae and Paul knew that Onesimus had been in the wrong, but Paul also knew that he needed a friend and needed encouragement at this particular time, so he writes this letter for him!

Here Paul was writing to Philemon and pleading the case for Onesimus, and what we can learn from this and what we need to take away from this message this morning is that this is what ALL believers are called to do…how they are called to live…

This is what we MUST do when we find ourselves in this situation where we find a friend who has fallen… we should be there to… first pick them up and… 2nd go to bat for them.

But preacher WHY should we do this? Is it because they deserve it? Absolutely NOT! There is no one who deserves encouragement and support when we sin… but we are still called to do it!

Preacher should we do it because it will help them to like us more when we go to bat for them? Again the answer is NO! This is not done because they are your buddy or that you want them to be your buddy or friend…

I look at this passage and I can safely say that WE should go to those who have fallen in sin, and we should be there to encourage and lift them up simply because it is the RIGHT thing to do!

How do I know that it is the RIGHT thing to do? Well what I know is that this is exactly what Jesus did for ME, when I was a fallen and lost sinner! We have a great example in Jesus Christ! Jesus went to bat for us… when we did not deserve it… and NOT just so we would like Him better… but because it was the right thing to do… and because of His great love for us.

This morning I want you to hear God’s Word and the message God has given me, and I pray that you will apply these things in your life as He leads you through His word! READ PASSAGE HERE – PHILEMON 10-21

First, let’s look at a bit of background on this passage of Scripture this evening to help you to fully comprehend the scope of what Paul was dealing with when he wrote this letter to Philemon.

The letter of Paul to Philemon was written as a letter to a personal friend. Paul is the author of this letter and we know that he wrote the letter from his prison cell… during his first imprisonment. Some believe it was in Rome, others believe he was in prison in Caesarea Philippi. It is not really known where he was, only that he was in prison, however, WHERE he was when he wrote the letter is not as important as to what Paul was writing about and to whom the letter was directed!

Thru study of Scripture we also know that Paul wrote this letter at the same time he was wrote the letter to the church at Colossae. We also know that Paul asked a Christian brother named Tychicus to carry both letters to their intended destinations. (See Col 4:17)

Today, I want us to look at the facts involved in this situation…This morning, I want us to look at the forgiveness being sought in this situation…and finally this morning, I want us to look at the great faith that is expressed all throughout the entire situation…

First let’s turn to the facts involved

WHY did Paul write this letter? The fact was that Paul realized what the slave Onesimus had done and that it was wrong… Paul understood that Onesimus was guilty of what Philemon had charged him.

This is a key element for us to remember when we go to bat for a friend who has fallen… WE MUST NEVER remove the guilt of the sin that has been committed! Them being forgiven and being loved does not mean that they did not do anything wrong… it means they were in the wrong, but now forgiveness is being sought.

What we know is that Onesimus was a runaway slave and that the chances are really good that he was also a thief as well. As he was running away, Onesimus probably stole some items of great value to finance his trip to Rome…

But once in Rome, God led Onesimus to Paul and Onesimus found Jesus Christ and was saved. In this letter, neither Paul OR Onesimus deny his guilt… but now that Onesimus had admitted his sin, and had been forgiven by God, Paul was willing to plead his case to Philemon…

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However, in v.6-7 we can see an evident generosity in Philemon and Paul urges him to be even MORE generous to this fallen brother… Paul instructs Philemon that as believers we are to behave as Christians should behave. READ V.6-7 here…

Now this begs the question:

Why does Paul encourage Philemon in this way?

It is because Paul understood human nature and the general principle that it may be him that would be the next one to fall or stumble… Paul relayed this principle as well in 1 Cor 10:12 (partial) as well…READ “…therefore whoever thinks he stands take heed lest he fall…”

Here we find Paul calling Philemon to live as Christ desires him to live. The principle here is that, AS BELIEVERS, we cannot ever feel that we can take time off and be judgmental and condemning of our brothers and sisters in Christ… because just when we do, that is when we fall!

Jesus lived out this attitude in His life and He calls all those who have placed their faith and trust in Him to do so as well. Paul understood this and passed this information onto Philemon, for Philemon’s benefit.

Now understand, Paul did this KNOWING that he was not perfect and that he too had issues, we read where Paul struggles with his desires and he says, what he knows to do as right that he does NOT do and that he knows is wrong, that is what he ends up doing… Paul had his struggles as well!

We ALL have our struggles, we ALL have the propensity to stumble and fall because of our sinful nature. This is why we are called to live in a constant state of repentance… with a heart of repentance! This is what I called our church to begin this past Sunday and I saw many take steps to begin living their lives in this way… WE ALL NEED REPENTANCE… WE ALL NEED FORGIVENESS!

There are times when we may think we are above it all, and that we are untouchable… but time and time again, we know of examples of what seemed to be an invincible force being toppled and destroyed because of its arrogance or complacency.

We know that Jericho felt it was untouchable, but NO DEFENSE is too difficult that a good offense cannot overcome it… especially when the defense lets its guard down.

Life is always going to be a hazardous journey for the believer and there are always going to be pitfalls around us! We must become ever vigilant in our walk and service to God… living as Christ has called us to live… simply because we may fall, we may fail… as well.

So the facts of the matter are this… Omnisemous was wrong, but forgiven. Philemon was in the right but led to forgive…

2. Let’s look at the forgiveness that Paul was seeking for his new brother in Christ, Onesimus.

Why would Paul ask Philemon to forgive Onesimus? And what KIND of forgiveness was Paul striving for Philemon to grant.

Now when we look at this letter from Paul to Philemon we can know that it was NOT written as a specific instruction on doctrine and faith! However, we CAN look at it and find many jewels can be found here, as well as many principles to live by and put into practice in our everyday lives!

First we can see that this letter was a plea from the Apostle Paul for real and honest Christian love and forgiveness within the body of Christ… something of substance between fellow believers!

Look with me at v. 8-9 if you would, READ verses now…Now when we read this we may at first see Paul as a bully who is throwing the weight of his apostleship around. But really that is the farthest thing from the truth.

What Paul is asserting is that if he chose to… he DID have the authority to demand Philemon to do what he wished! However, that is NOT what Paul was doing, instead we find Paul urging Philemon to grant his request out of a mutual respect for one another… and the fact that they were both in service to Christ.

Paul is asking Philemon to forgive Onesimus and the basis for that forgiveness is pointed out by Paul in 3 separate areas…

On the basis of their mutual love of Jesus Christ… v.5 read

On the basis of their understanding of how one believer should treat another believer… v.7 read. and finally,

On the basis of their personal relationship they had with one another… v.17, 19 read

Paul sought to get Philemon to forgive Onesimus and he laid out the foundation for the forgiveness… but just what KIND of forgiveness was Paul asking Philemon to grant Onesimus?

In v.10 – Paul’s initial request for the forgiveness of Onesimus…read verse

v.11 – Paul is asking Philemon to grant forgiveness that forgets the past. Read verse… Here Paul acknowledges that in the past Onesimus was profitable for him, but now Onesimus could do MORE great things for the Kingdom of God.

vv.12 and 16 Paul asks for forgiveness that restores Onesimus in the present. Read “…I am sending him back. You therefore receive him, that is, my own heart…no longer as a slave but more than a slave, a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord…”

Forget the past and restore Onesimus in the present… were huge things to ask of Philemon, but Paul goes even further! Philemon is called not simply restore Onesimus and forgive him, but he is called by Paul to welcome Onesimus as a brother in Christ and NOT as a slave!

But finally in v.11 and v.15 we can see Paul asking Philemon to grant a forgiveness that builds for the future. Read verses here“…who was once unprofitable to you (a runaway slave) but now is profitable (as a brother in the Lord) to you and to me…for perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose (to find Paul and get saved and become a witness for Christ) that you might receive him forever…”

Philemon did not see God’s plan in the beginning but Paul was bringing into focus here in this letter… God was calling Philemon to forgive the past, forgive in the present and allow his forgiveness to build for a future… a future of God’s kingdom growing!

3. Finally today I want us to look at the faith that is expressed here in this passage…

When we look at forgiveness we have to understand that before there can be forgiveness there has to be faith… because faith is the foundation for ALL forgiveness. There can be NO forgiveness where there is a lack of faith!

Paul asks Philemon to have faith in Onesimus in v.18-19… read…

And the principle that Paul is teaching us here is that we must have faith in the one who has fallen… have faith in them so that we CAN be there to encourage and uplift them!

He asks Philemon to have faith in Onesimus who can be and will be useful in the kingdom and that he will NOT fall again.

Paul also asks Philemon to have faith that the people Onesimus had wronged would also find forgiveness in their hearts for him… In v.21 Paul reflects that faith in Philemon when he says, “…confident of your obedience, I write you, knowing that you will do even MORE than I ask…”

Finally, but MOST importantly, we find Paul asking Philemon to have faith in God… have faith that God would grant grace and mercy to all involved in this episode.

Read v.25 here – We all know that there are times when we have done all we can do in any given situation and we will simply have to place our faith and trust in God to see things thru… we must have faith that He will do what He has promised to do for us…

Beloved we must believe in our heart that God’s grace is sufficient for all things and that He will grant whatever grace is needed to all who are involved…

And then after we have pled our case for our fallen friend, we must come to the stark realization that it is ONLY by the grace of God that the human heart can be moved to bring about forgiveness and restore a relationship!

Ignatiaus, one of the early Christian fathers, wrote about a wonderful pastor in the city of Ephesus… the pastor’s name? Onesimus! Now while there is NOT any proof, this could well have been the same Onesimus that had once been a slave and ran away… but who was gloriously saved and began to be used in the kingdom of God… all because a brother in Christ was willing to come along side of him and encourage him and seek restoration for him within the body…

What a great picture of God’s redemption and restoration in the hearts of both Onesimus and Philemon. It also shows that pleading for a falling friend can and does produce good things.

We have to remember one very important thing… Christians are NOT perfect… we ALL have cracks… we ALL are broken vessels…BUT the wonderful thing about us is that we are forgiven… and the Bible teaches us that because we are forgiven, that we must be willing to be just as forgiving with our brothers and sisters in Christ!

So where are you this morning?

Have you been at either end of this situation? Have you been the one who has hurt someone and you wanted forgiveness and wanted to be restored?

Have you had someone hurt you and then you had to forgive them and restore the relationship?

Or have you ever been the friend caught in the middle and found yourself pleading the case for the one who needs forgiveness?

Regardless of what role you have ever played… possibly we have ALL been in each one of these roles… But regardless of where we are in this situation, we are called to live our lives to glorify God and uplift His name in all we do and say.

So for ANY of us to hold a grudge, or for ANY us to refuse to forgive, or for ANY of us to continue to run away from confession of sin… I can tell you that this is NOT what God desires of His people! We are called to turn to Him and face Him and we learn to do what is right!

Are you ready to forgive the one who has offended you?

Are you willing to admit fault and seek forgiveness if you have hurt others…?

Are you ready to plead on behalf of another who has fallen?

Well here is the truth of the matter! God has interceded for YOU! Christ, wrapped Himself in flesh and came to be the perfect sacrifice for you… to die for your sin! Not because you deserve it, but because of God’s love for you… and because of this, ALL believers should desire to intercede on behalf of others!

As Bro Ken comes to lead us this morning I call on those here who do NOT know Christ as your Savior that you would surrender your heart to Him today… admit your sin, confess your heart and accept Him as Lord of your life! Are you willing today? Come as we begin to sing…