Many of us have all walked into a dark room or hallway before. In our journey down the road of darkness, we’ve stubbed a toe, hit an elbow, nicked a knee and hit a head.
By the time you get to the end, your results are bruises aches and pains.
I’m using this metaphor to illustrate how we walk in our life, no common sense to flip on the light switch.
Scripture (II Cor 5:7)
“For we walk by Faith not by sight. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we labor that wether present or absent, we may be accepted.”
We can easily come out of the darkness by simply turning on the light inside of us.
In John 8, there’s a flow of healing around Jesus in Jericho
- paralyzed man
- rulers daughter (12 yrs old) brought back to life
- woman w/the issue of blood (12 yrs) healed by touching his raiment. “Thy faith hath made thee whole” – It wasn’t her sight because there was a crowd around Jesus. But through pressing through the darkness of the crowd she was able to be restored by touching him garment to where his power left out of him to heal her.
- Two blind men @ the wayside heard (Matt 20:30). See the blind can not lead the blind, but they can both hear and follow.
When you are naturally blind, you should be spiritually hearing.
(Rom 10:17)
“Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God”
That’s why they were able to say, “O Lord, thou son of David”…..because the word of the Messiah, savior, wonderful counselor, healer had spread throughout the town. So when he was passing by, they heard the manifested word passing by.
So when the lights are off during the darkest hours of your life, don’t worry about the darkness around you, listen to the sovereign word of God because the Messiah told us in
(Matt 5:14)
“Ye are the light of the world”
(John 8:12)
“ I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
God will guide your steps and in the process he will not forsake you. Healing happens. He will speak to you, cry with you, comfort your, be your biggest and loudest cheerleader and direct you to that lighted path called Destiny.