Summary: The old joke is Where were you when the lights went out?" This sermon uses the lights going out when Jesus was on the cross and leads the listener to examine... Where are you... in your relationship with Jesus?

In the Dark!

Mark 15:12-37

It was a hot night in the middle of summer in 1977. The Big Apple was abuzz with excitement and life of a mega city. Bars were filled; movies and theaters were in the middle of the story. Life went on like usual. But then it happened... or should I say, then it didn’t happen.


Total darkness engulfed the city. Lights went out; elevators stopped between floors, Televisions went black. Everything went black and silent.

For 24 hours..., the city of New York was in the grips of a massive


Phone lines were jammed... emergency medical services were crippled… people were in a panic.

During that time crime seized its window of opportunity.... stores and banks were robbed and many people were mugged, robbed, raped, and killed.

The next day, in a delayed edition, the front page of the New York Times ran this headline in large print... WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THE LIGHTS WENT OUT?

For the months that was the topic of conversation in bars, restaurants, talk shows, and living rooms. And nine months later the question was answered with an exclamation mark in emergency rooms across the city.

That question, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THE LIGHTS WENT OUT? gripped my mind as I read Mark 15:33.

“At the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour.”

The Jewish day began at 6 am. 6+6=12... so it was 12 p.m., noon, mid day and the world went black.., for three whole hours, the pagan people took it as a sign that the gods were angry and about to destroy the world.

They were running, screaming, wailing, and panicking.

This darkness is even recorded by one of the Roman historians, Phlegon, who wrote that, “the sun failed”.

Modern scientists would like to say it did not happen... but there is Phlegon.

They would like to say, “Eclipse” but it was a full moon.., impossible.

Why the darkness? 2 reasons.

1. Jesus was in agony; pain gripped and ripped his body. He convulsed in pain, he gasped for air in pain.

And there were the gawking masses.., staring and treating this like a freak show.

Jesus was exposed, naked, and ashamed.

God was in agony... to see His Only Begotten Son in anguish, to see the gawking masses.

He said, “Enough, sun.., go dark.” And the sun obeyed its Lord, the one who created it. Now, Jesus would die, but with some measure of dignity.

2. God was using an object lesson.

Notice the irony, the symbolism, the powerful message...

Jesus was born in the darkness.... he came into a world that was dark... it had no light.

But, Jesus is the light of the world. When he came He brought light. In the sky there was a small, almost un-noticeable star. It was missed by all but a few foreign kings who followed it because they understood.

And when He died… the light was in the world... there was light (day light) but when Jesus died the light of the world was gone and so, God took away the light of the world (sun).

The Dutch artist, Rembrandt, was so awestruck by the truth and tragedy of the cross that it moved him to paint two pictures of the crucifixion. He painted the cross, the savior, the criminals, the soldiers (gambling for Jesus clothes) and the crowd with faces twisted and contorted with anger as they called for his death.

In one corner was a soldier... spitting on Jesus.

In one picture, he painted... HIMSELF!!!!!!

He was making a great statement... I CRUCIFIED HIM WITH MY SIN!

So this brings me to ask you a question… or two...

1. Do you realize that YOU ARE IN THAT PICTURE... you crucified Him!!!

2. Where would you have been that day when the lights went out?

There were four groups there... the crowd... the soldiers... the disciples… and the faithful… which one would you have been in?

1. The Fickle Crowd

I would ask you to turn back in the bible just four chapters and five days... to Sunday... Palm Sunday...

Chapter 11 opens with what is known as the “Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem”

It was that day that Jesus was walking in from Bethany and was mobbed by the sick and diseased, and possessed. He had healed hundreds… the crowd pressed in, trying to get their healing.

Jesus had fought the crowd for over a mile.

He finally said, “I can’t! Go ahead of us and you’ll find a colt tied there, Bring it to me,”

The disciples did and Jesus rode on the colt while he continued to heal.

Some of the crowd remembered the Old Testament scripture that promised the Messiah would come riding on a colt; they began to shout “Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”

They welcomed him into town with a royal welcome.

They threw their clothes on the ground in front of the colt. They waved palm leaves as they sang praises to the Messiah. They threw the palm branches on the ground.

They were ready to proclaim that he was the Messiah, calling for his coronation, ready to follow him into battle against the Roman dogs.

They called “Hail Him”

Now.., five days later.... SAME CROWD... but now instead of crying “Hosanna” and being ready to fight for Him… They are shouting ‘Crucify him!” and they are calling for his blood.

We still have the crowd with us today... they are the masses… the Sunday Christians.

On Sunday... in the religious group the sing the songs and look the look.

But when you see them out in the world.., a few days later... they are singing a different song, looking a different look, walking a different walk.

They are spiritual chameleon… doing what the crowd does...

lifting Him up on Sunday.... putting Him down on Monday praising on Sunday... cursing on Tuesday…

bowing on Sunday.... rebelling on Wednesday

For Him on Sunday.... against Him on Thursday

worshipping on Sunday.... crucifying him on Friday

They serve God when it is cool and act like they don’t know him when it is not cool.

Be honest with yourself... Would you be in that crowd????????

Another group was the soldiers.


They were totally oblivious to what was happening, unconcerned that a man was dying, nonchalant that he died for them.

There was Jesus in agony, gasping for air, his life ebbing away.

And did they care? NO!!!

In fact, they were watching their watches and thinking about getting home before supper.

They even broke the legs of the two criminals in order to cause them to die more quickly.

They would have broken Jesus’… except that he died first.

See them there..., at the foot of Jesus’ cross, so flippant that they were gambling to pass the time.

They were gambling for Jesus’ clothes. They were only there because they had to be so at least they would get something out of it.

Jesus was dying, they were gambling

Jesus’ blood drops on one soldier... he wipes it off in disgust, glares up at Jesus in hatred, and moves the robe so it won’t be soiled.


Some of you are only here because you have to be.

Others are here in body only because you are thinking about football, or lunch, or tomorrow at work or school, or something else.

The worship service means nothing to you, you are unphased by the fact that Jesus died for you, it does not even get through to your heart... the door is slammed closed.

You go through the motions, sing the songs, close your eyes for prayers.... but the truth is YOU DON”T CARE.... you’re bored, you’re looking at your watch.

The words of this message will have as much affect as did the blood that dropped on that soldier... NONE !!

Tell the truth... do you belong in that group?


A third group was the disciples.

“Oh, boy”... you say... “The good guys… That is the group that I want to be in.”

But… wait a minute... take a look around... where are they?

Where is James? Or Bartholomew...

Thaddeus, Andrew, the other James...


GONE!!!!! NOT THERE!!!! ABSENT!!!!!!!

Peter might be way back there in the crowd.... denying he even knows Jesus.

They are cowering in shadows, hiding in alleys, and disguised.

They have ABANDONED HIM!!!

When He needed them most, when He needed their words of encouragement, just needed them to be there....

They were GONE

Jesus still has many of those disciples....

When the going gets tough... they get going... running.

When he needs their words..., witness.., they are tongue-tied.


HIM !!

Do you know who the tar heels are? North Carolina militia during the revolutionary war.

The name comes from a commander who, when asked about their character, said, “They are such cowards, you have to put tar on their heels in order to get them to stick and fight.”

God has a lot of spiritual tar heels today... cowards, weaklings, those who are useless because they can’t and won’t take a stand for him, they won’t stand by his side when the going gets tough.

These are also the people who, when God calls them to do some job.... SS Teacher, deacon, serve on a committee... WHERE ARE THEY???????????

“Oh, Lord, I don’t think I can do that.”

He needs people who will be there when he needs them!

These are one that when God asks one thing and the world asks another they follow the world.

I’ll follow you anywhere.... as long as it is where my friends are going

I’ll do anything for you.... as long as it does not embarrass me

I’ll be what you want me to be as long as it is what I want to be

“No suffering is too much for Jesus... as long as I’m not the one suffering”

I’ll give you 1 day.... I get 6

They talk a good faith

They stand up in church and espouse platitudes like “I’m getting closer to Him everyday”

They tell you how they turned away from God but now they have returned…

And then where are they on Sunday night or Wednesday night...

I thought they returned---- Returned to what ??

How long has it been since you were on your knees in prayer long enough wrinkle your pants?

How long since you told someone at work about your Jesus?

How long since you took a stand for Christianity or the church or the faith when someone else was trashing it.

How long since you heard of a need in the church and said “Here I am, use me!”

The disciples represented the half hearted, the timid, the useless

Hey, honest now... would you be in this group?

If you flee from standing up for Jesus, you don’t have to paint yourself in the picture…

like the disciples.... you would not be there.


There, at the foot of the cross, stood the faithful few.

John 19 25-27 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman,[a] here is your son,” 27 and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

5 who loved him enough to take a stand, to be willing to be laughed at, willing to suffer if necessary.

They thought not of themselves..., but of Him.

And isn’t it amazing.... 4 out of 5... 80% were women.

And I can tell you that 80% of what the church accomplishes today is due to the women in the churches.

And that makes John all the more amazing...

THE ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD who was willing to be there for Jesus when he needed him.

1 out of 12.... about 8.5%

Would to God that we had 8.5% today of men .... willing to stand up and be counted with Jesus... out in the real world… where it is not cool... where taking a stand for Jesus is unpopular... who are there and willing to take on whatever ministry Jesus might place on them... and do it joyfully.

Jesus had fed over 10,000 at one meal off one boy’s lunch.., where were they???

He had healed 10 lepers at one time.... where were they?

He had healed un-numbered hundreds..., where were they?

l000s he had fed and blessed spiritually and physically... delivered them from sin, from disease, from the grave, from demons… where were they?

The U.S. Marine motto is “Simper Fidelis”.... ALWAYS FAITHFUL

A marine was wounded in battle and taken to a marine hospital. A marine general was touring the hospital and the nurses told him of the brave young man who was dying and how he had been wounded while pulling another wounded marine to safety and saving his life. The general said he would come see the young man. They told the young man the general was coming... it gave him reason to live a few minutes longer. When the General arrived he saluted the young man and shook his hand. He congratulated the man on his bravery. The young man tried to speak but could barely muster a whisper. The General bent over the man to listen and the young man said... “Simper Fi." ... his last words before he died. Those words... ‘Simper Fidelis” always faithful were inscribed on his tombstone.

What about you, Christian? Are you ready to stand, ready to serve, and ready to suffer?

Is it more than feeling... are you actually serving him today?

Are you actually standing for him at work or school?

If you think you could stand before Jesus, the general of our faith, salute him and say, “Simper Fi” then paint yourself right there with the five.., the faithful few.

There is the picture...

Jesus dying on the cross

2 thieves.., one on either side


the crowd fickle… with him on Sunday against him on Friday

the Soldiers… totally unaffected, unconcerned, worried more about other things, paying no attention, more interested in earthly, material things.... just there because they had to be.

The disciples… missing, a.w.a.1., useless

The 5.... the faithful..., ready to stand, ready to serve, there when he needed them... SEMPER FI


There is hope, you can change places.

“On the road of life, God allows U-turns.”

Take Peter for instance… hiding, denying Christ while Christ died.

But three days later, he stood at the tomb... 10 days later he saw Jesus face to face, and 43 days later he stood up for Jesus, joined the faithful, and 3000 souls were saved.

Take Bartholomew, or the other disciples... hiding, cowering in the shadows, afraid to stand... while Jesus died.

But they too stood at the tomb, they too saw Jesus, they too preached, took a stand, joined the faithful.

In fact Peter and the other disciples all died in the line of duty...

Murdered for the faith


Lastly... one of the soldiers also made a move…

from the soldiers, to the believers...

“Truly, this man was the Son of God.”

You can move today too.

It starts by being willing to take a stand here... if you won’t do it here… forget it!!

Come... confess... ask for forgiveness and strength...

Then one day you’ll stand before Jesus the Judge and he will say of you... “Si