Summary: Whatever her condition and whatever she had already gone through that morning, she was completely disgraced and exposed in front of all these people and this great Teacher and miracle worker named Jesus.



I have dealt with some challenging issues inside the church as well as outside the church the past few weeks as it pertains to why there are so many struggles within the local church today. Rev. Lawson on this past Wednesday evening delivered a powerful message on the WHEAT and the TARES that are commanded to grow together. I am not sure why it seems as though society has lost sight of the fact that the Church was established for those with real issues and challenges in their life. Not sure when Church transitioned to a place of ENTERTAINING FOR JESUS:

• Best Psalmists

• Best Choirs

• Best Praise Dancers

• Auditioning to sing in the choir

• Million Dollar travel and Mercedes Benz or Bently budget for the Pastor – yet members caught in recession get evicted because church has no assistance program

• On Facebook other day where someone was explaining Prophetic Dance – how ridiculous

• Someone on Facebook was criticizing a person for singing with a hymnal and called them unprofessional for using a hymnal, are you kidding me

It appears to me as well, that if we are not doing what the big churches are doing, then the smaller church is being viewed as not having the Anointing of God operating and flowing. Can I give you a News Flash Church? Mega-Churches have been all in the media for the past few years. God is pulling the cover off and exposing a lot of mess. People are now returning to the smaller, local Church. We need to ensure that we are properly Positioned for those that God will send our way.

• Ensure we understand who the Church is

• Ensure we understand why the Church was birthed

• Ensure we understand the Church is made up of Sinners and Saints

• Ensure we understand that the Church does not have the right or authority to separate

In text for examination, Jesus deals with this concept. We find the Savior praying throughout the night in his secret prayer room found on the MT. OF OLIVES. Jesus knew the challenges he would face the next day. Can I FOOTNOTE here briefly? Most of the time we have failures in our day, because of not ADEQUETELY preparing the night before, did you catch that? Jesus prayed throughout the night and was able to face this early morning challenge. We prepare the night before – BATH – IRON CLOTHES FOR NEXT DAY – MAKE CHILDRENS LUNCH FOR NEXT DAY. That is about the extent of it.

• I have found that most of my challenges do come early in the morning

• If the adversary can get to you early in the morning, he will be able to disrupt your entire day

• Ever notice that boss or co-workers ordinarily hit your hot button before you even get your first cup of coffee?

• Children act crazy when you are preparing to rush them out the door to school – disrupts your whole day

• Must take the lead of the Savior and Adequately Prepare the Night Before

• Turn off that Television and go spend time on bended knees preparing for the battles we will face tomorrow

The text calls to our attention - Early the next morning as the Sun began to rise in the East, Jesus made his descent and found his way to the Church, that is to say the TEMPLE. It is important that we understand, Jesus was serious about MINISTRY, that is why we find not only did he go to the temple – “ALL THE PEOPLE CAME UNTO HIM; AND HE SAT DOWN, AND TAUGHT THEM.”

• We could not get a church full this past Wednesday night for Worship

• I wonder, if we become more committed to our ministry what would happen

• We are not talking evening service in our text – but early morning service, the temple was full

• I can see the day PPWC that every time the doors open we are full in this place

• As we continue to teach and preach the Word it will draw the world back to the church

• People are growing weary of the concerts and musicals and returning to the Word

Those that grace the pulpits across the land should understand if we are REAL ABOUT MINISTRY, we would draw the conclusion that God’s people desire the Word and will support a Word or Teaching Ministry.

Jesus is in the Temple teaching – the people entered the temple with a desire to be taught. The Bible tells us “ALL THE PEOPLE.” I have learned the most effective way to fill the church – to rid the church of empty pews is NOT TO INVOKE GIMMICKS – but continue to TEACH and PREACH the Word.

• Not Church Doctrine

• Not the 24 Articles of Faith

• Our Favorite Restaurants are those that serve the best food

• If you went to Doctor’s office and told “Sorry Doctor cannot see you today, but we will be glad to take your Deductible”

• WE PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE – this also implies that we will Disappear from the church if we are not being adequately fed and gaining spiritual Knowledge

VS. 3 “AND THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES” - Let’s examine that for a moment. There are always going to be those in the Church somewhere that THINK THEY ARE THE CHURCH. Remember with me that Scribes and Pharisees were the SELF RIGHTEOUS RELIGIOUS LEADERS of that day and age. These leaders believed the temple belonged to them – they considered themselves to be right about everything – thank goodness we don’t have that problem here.

Many of the problems with the Church today is that in many instances the Religious Figure in charge is the Church.

• Pastor can behave anyway because they are the church

• One case Pastor had child with one of the congregants

• Church asked him to step down temporarily and go to counseling

• He told them NO, if they did not like it for them to leave

• One church heard rumors of the Pastor being on drugs and with professional women of the night

• Did not want to rock the boat and said nothing about it until after a tragedy occurred

• The list goes on and on across the nation

• Allowed because the Religious Leader is bigger than the Church

There is a danger when we begin to think that we are the Church. There is a danger when we think the church cannot go on without us. This is why I try diligently to ensure that this relatively new Church Plant is not about me. This church needs to be here 10 – 20 -50 years from now and beyond. It is important that we don’t allow a Scribe and Pharisee attitude to spring up. No space for Self-Righteous attitudes. I believe that we are doing an excellent job in this category.

Let’s attempt to move further in this Third Verse. We will find that the Scribes and Pharisees INTERRUPTED JESUS. They thought although Jesus is Teaching to a great number of people – they felt what they had was more important. Yes my brothers and Sisters, I am sad to report that there are those that make up the Universal Church that feel they are more important than program or ministry operating in the Church. Look at the text with me – Jesus was teaching and they walked into the temple and said what we have is more important than the Word being taught, therefore; they INTERRUPTED Him.

• Interrupt Jesus – I know they will interrupt you and me when we are carrying out ministry

• We can’t take it personal when this happens – we must understand what is happening

• Broke up the Teaching session – What was on their mind was more important than what was on the mind and lips of Jesus

We’ve been moved with compassion for this woman who was being HUMILIATED in front of the scores of jeering and leering people who were listening to Jesus that morning. Who knows HOW SHE WAS CLOTHED? Who knows how DISHEVELED she looked? Who knows what all the Pharisees had put her through before she was pushed into the temple? Maybe they had paraded her through the city yelling out their accusations for all to hear along the way. Maybe they had even spat upon her or hit her. Who knows what they had done to her already? But whatever her condition and whatever she had already gone through that morning, she was COMPLETELY DISGRACED and exposed in front of all these people and this great Teacher and miracle worker named Jesus. And, even though she was caught in the act, we have to feel sorry for her for being dragged into a situation like this and for being used as a pawn in the Pharisee’s scheme to nail Jesus.

I can’t help but wonder – Who ASSIGNED or AUTHORIZED these Religious Leaders to bring this woman to Jesus? I believe the Bible states as well as Rev. Frank Lawson reminding us this past Wednesday evening - “LET THE WHEAT AND TARES GROW TOGETHER, AND THE DAY OF MY HARVEST I WILL SEPARATE.” Why did they go out looking for someone doing wrong?

• Brother or Sister taken in a fault you are suppose to go to them one-on-one

• Why were they bringing this woman to Jesus?

• Who authorized them to go looking for Sinners?

• Matter of fact if we need to look for sinners, just Wash your face first thing in the morning, pick up your head and look in the mirror

• Here is my Question – If she was caught in the Very act, where is the man caught in the act with her?

• Sin is Sin no matter who does it

• It is wrong if I mistreat you and wrong if you mistreat me

• We can see TPWS before we get there

Have you ever wondered as I have, what happened to the man that was caught with this woman? The Law of Moses says both of them are to be brought to the Religious Leaders, not only the woman. Come on Scribes and Pharisees why didn’t you bring the man caught. Can I bring a POINT OF ORDER? They were not FORNICATING – text uses the term ADULTERY – that means one of them had to have been married. I can hear them saying:

• We can’t bring the Deacon, I mean….

• We can’t bring the Assistant Pastor, I mean…..

• We can’t bring the Brotherhood President, I mean…..

• We can’t bring the Sunday School Superintendant’s husband, I mean……

• We can’t bring the Bishop, I mean……

• We can’t expose one of us as being caught with this woman

VS. 5 - “NOW MOSES IN THE LAW COMMANDED US…” Telling Jesus to take His mind off the Word and put it on some MESS – I use the term Mess because they only quoted a portion of the scripture. Whenever we use a PORTION OF SCRIPTURE TO SUIT OUR NEEDS – we will ultimately be creating a Mess in the long run.

• You know anyone that is good at throwing the Word at you

• The problem is they ordinarily misquote or mis-intrepret the scripture

• They use the Scripture for their advantage

• Take a little from here and little from there

• Put it together it makes sense to them

• But it is nothing more than a Mess

These religious leaders would rather CONDEMN this woman than to hear the Word. Some of us have a WALL UP – can’t hear the Word this morning because we have placed our minds on some Mess. They were not shocked with this woman’s behavior in our text, they could care less that she broke God’s law. Average person does not care that we broke God’s law unless it gives them a WEAPON TO SMACK US OVER THE HEAD WITH. These Religious Leaders took ADVANTAGE of her sin in an effort to TRAP JESUS.

• They Exploited Her Sins

• Held to Letter of Law


Jesus could not IGNORE her sin because ultimately SIN IS SIN – Could not LET IT GO – Something had to be done – come on now she was caught in the act of adultery. Jesus could not Condemn her or the Bible would not be True. Question is what alternative is left for the Master?

• Jesus had to harmonize Mercy and Justice

• He was required to bring Mercy and Justice together in this case as well as ours

The religious leaders were QUOTING SCRITPRE to Jesus – trying to GIVE THE WORD TO THE WORD. ST. JOHN 1:1 “IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD AND THE WORD WAS WITH GOD AND THE WORD WAS GOD.” Some folk will use scriptures to Find You Guilty but never convicts the person who brings the Fault.

Text tells us that Jesus did what we must learn to do every now and then – IGNORED – them (Vs. 6) oftentimes this is our best line of Defense. Sometimes we are just too quick to make decisions. I try to stay calm and collected, think it through – sometimes it would appear that I have ignored what is being told to me. Jesus did not even respond to this situation – which did require some attention. VS. 7 “SO WHEN THEY CONTINUED ASKING HIM….” They were demanding CONDEMNATION not seeking MERCY. They did not care about the SAVING GRACE OF GOD.

Let me tell you what I found out in reference to the nature of God. GOD BLESSES US ON A CURVE. Like that grade school teacher that gave a test and no one in the class scores above 60%. Teacher does not want to fail the whole class so he/she GRADES US ON A CURVE. We get up out of bed every morning and think that we are doing Good – think because our eyes were opened one more day we received a PASSING GRADE FROM GOD – don’t realize that God had to Grade us on a Curve in effort to help us look good. I PETER 4:18 “AND IF THE RIGHTEOUS SCARCELY BE SAVED, WHERE SHALL THE UNGODLY AND THE SINNER APPEAR?” We are reminded – “THERE ARE NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO NOT ONE.”


• If we cast stones there is no longer hope for SALVATION

• If we cast stones there is no longer hope for RESTORATION

• Stoning takes life -- Jesus came that we MIGHT HAVE LIFE AND HAVE LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY

VS. 9 “AND THEY WHICH HEARD IT, BEING CONVICTED BY THEIR OWN CONSCIENCE, WENT OUT ONE BY ONE…” There is still a problem here. Firstly, we understand that only our conscience is able to convict us – God knows how to deal with our conscience. I can APPEAL TO YOUR CONSCIENCE and you can appeal to mine – but without Conviction, nothing will change within us. These Religious Leaders felt Convicted by their own Conscience and they turned and walked away. However; they WENT THE WRONG DIRECTION. They went away from Jesus – WHEN YOUR HEART CONVICTS YOU, YOU OUGHT TO RUN TO JESUS. Some get convicted in their conscience and still never admit they are wrong – they departed from Jesus. When your heart convicts – you should DRAW CLOSER to Jesus. Songwriter said it like this – JUST A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE.

From the oldest to the youngest dropped their stones turned and walked away. I don’t know what Jesus WROTE ON THE GROUND, I was not there but I heard an old preacher when I was just a boy suggest to us what Jesus must have written on the ground that convicted those that made up the MOB. Perhaps you have not Committed Adultery – but Jesus wrote on the Ground:

• Cheated on Tax Return last year

• Cheated on your Time Card last week

• You like to carry Gossip

• I believe Jesus wrote Backbiter

• Find it easier to Lie than tell the Truth

• Don’t provide for your children

• Shacking Up

• Verbally abusive to your spouse

• Weekend Marijuana

• Taste for Cussing


Notice, JESUS NEVER CONDONED THIS WOMAN’S SIN. He never made it out as though she hadn’t done anything wrong.

• He didn’t say to this woman, “I know you were falsely accused”

• He doesn’t say, “Hey, don’t worry about it”

• He doesn’t brush off her guilt

• He doesn’t hold her unaccountable

• He just simply says, “He who is without sin cast the first stone”

• And when He looked up no one remained except Him and this woman

• As ST. AUGUSTINE once said, “Two things were left alone, MISERY and MERCY”

• Her guilt and condemnation were overwhelming

• Yet we see the beautiful Grace of God in action

Jesus is not in the Condemning business. So why do we find such behavior in so many Churches - to Expose the FLAWS the SHORTCOMINGS – MIS-STEPS of others? I stopped by to talk about the problem with stoning. Here are the problems that I have found:

• You have to go on a Hunt – we are suppose to BARE the IMFIRMITIES of the Weak

• Mistake or Mis-step you should not stone them but give them some of you Strength

• Think that we have the Right to Stone – Righteousness to the Law is not enough

• No RESTORATION plan in Stoning only BURIAL Plan is necessary

• How are we going to MEND their Broken Hearts – BUILD them Up after we have stoned them?

--Let me tell you Stoning Really Hurts

--Come to Church for Healing for our Hurts