Summary: The body must be unified...we must be of one accord in our desire to serve our God in obedience to our specific call. Let's allow God to take us to the next level of victory. It begins at the place of prayer...will you come?



We've dealt with the six items of defensive armor listed in Ephesians 6...but as we mentioned last week, there is nothing in that list of defensive equipment that will enable us to deal with Satan's strongholds as described by Paul in 2 Cor. 10:4-5 where he speaks about our obligation to cast down these strongholds.

Now we are going to move from the defensive to the offensive, and deal with the spiritual weapons of attack. And it is important to see the obligation we have to take the move out and actively attack Satan's kingdom.

It's a fact of history that no army ever won a war on the defensive. In the early part of this century someone asked a well-known French general, "In a war, which army wins?" The general replied, "The one which advances!"

Now, its not quite that simple...but it is true that we will never win a war by retreating - or even just by holding our ground. And as long as Satan keeps the church on the defensive, his kingdom of darkness will never be overthrown. So we have an absolute obligation to move out and attack.

This is what Jesus spoke about when He first unveiled His plan for the church...and He envisioned it being on the offensive - attacking Satan's strongholds. In fact, the first time the word "church" is used in the New Testament is in Matthew 16:18...where Jesus speaks these words to Peter...

"You are Peter, a stone; and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it." (TLB)

Now this is probably a familiar passage to most of you...but I think we really fail to understand what it is really saying. So many people assume that Jesus pictured the church as being on the defensive...being in a city that is being pounded by Satan's forces.

And many have taken this promise to mean that Satan would not be able to beat the gate of that city down before Jesus came and caught the church away. And that is a defensive concept of the church in the world that is completely and totally incorrect - dead wrong!

What we find here is Jesus' picture of the church on the offensive...attacking the gates of hell. And Jesus promises that those gates would not hold out against the church...that Satan would not be able to keep the church out!

You see, it's not the church trying to fight off Satan and keep him is Satan failing to keep the church out. That is what Jesus promises us...if we obey - that we will be able to move out - storm right through his gates...and release his captives. That is the church's assignment - and it is primarily offensive, not defensive.

Now, the word gate has a great deal of meaning in Scripture. First of all, the gate was the place of was the place where the rulers would meet to take care of much of their business. Proverbs 31 tells us what the ideal wife is...and in verse 23 it also says of the husband:

"He is respected at the city gate, where he takes his place among the elders of the land"

From this we see that the gate was the place where the ruling council of elders sat and took care of the city business. So when the Scripture says that the gates of hell will not prevail against the means that Satan's council's - his group of ruling demons - will not prevail against the church. Hallelujah! They will be frustrated and overcome by the church who walks in power and obedience to God's Word!

One more thing I want to mention about the gate. In those days when an army would attack a city...the natural place to attack would be the gates of the city because they are weaker than the walls.

And the picture we find in our text for today is that of the church making an all-out attack on the gates of hell - the gates of Satan's kingdom - and the promise of God is that those gates will not be able to keep the church out! So we have to stop thinking defense and start thinking offense when it comes to spiritual warfare.

You know, I believe that most Christians have the attitude: "I wonder where the devil is going to strike next? What is he going to hit me or my family with now?" But the shoe should be on the other foot! It should be the devil wondering where the church is going to strike him next!

Now...I want to take this idea of offensive warfare one step further, and I want to show you something very important! Turn with me to Colossians 2:15. This one verse describes what God accomplished through the death of Christ on the cross...on our behalf!

(READ 15a)

The powers and authorities we read about here are the same spiritual forces of Satan that we referred to several times in Ephesians 6. And look at what this says...through the cross, God disarmed those rulers and authorities!

Have you ever realized that Satan has been left without any armor? He has been stripped of any weapons that could defeat the mighty army of God. Now this is powerful stuff here and I hope you catch the truth of this. Read that part again! Is that in your Bible too?

We think Satan is so powerful and so difficult to defeat...but he's already defeated and he has been stripped of any power he ever had. All he has left now is deception! Remember how we repeatedly said that the battle is in the mind? That's because the only thing the devil has left is the power of deception.

There is no way the devil can ever defeat a Christian who has on the full armor of God that we talked about the past 2 weeks. That is the promise of God!

But if he can deceive us...if he can get us to believe one of his he did with Eve - then we ourselves begin to take off our armor and make ourselves vulnerable to attack. And we can see evidence of this all around.

If Satan can put a thought into your head about someone else...then he's done his job. And the reason I say that is because once that thought gets in your mind...and you begin to dwell on it...then he can sit back and let you take it from there.

And just like with Eve...Satan is so often very subtle in his initial attack. He doesn't come with some bold, unbelievable lie that would be easily seen. He takes a though that places a little doubt...or reminds us of a past hurt or situation...or he can even take a legitimate situation and tempt us to take an inappropriate action.

And what was just a thought he placed in your mind will often turn to gossip...then slander...then division...and hurt after hurt will just compound until we have turned on each other and are waging war against our own army.

This happens time and time again. And what makes it so sad is that we have the power to stop it before it ever gets beyond that one little thought or idea. We have the armor of defense against those kind of attacks...and we also have weapons that will defeat him because - as we have seen - the powers and authorities of Satan have been disarmed!

Remember the story of Job? Satan couldn't just go in there and rip old Job fact he couldn't do much of anything to him without permission from God. And why would God give the devil the okay to afflict and torment Job like He did? Ultimately it was to bring glory to God...but also it was a powerful example for us.

Now we could spend months on the spiritual lessons of Job...but one thing we see is that God is in control...and as long as we do things His way...nothing the enemy of our souls could ever do would be enough to bring defeat. Praise God!

But while we are thinking of Job, we need to be reminded that Satan is still doing the same thing he was in the days of Job. He constantly goes before the throne of God and does what...he accuses the brethren. He brings accusations against us before God...hoping to get a crack at us like he did Job.

But we should never have to worry about Satan's attacks when we have on the armor of God and realize we have the victory - NOW! But it gets even better than this. We read this before, a few weeks ago...but we definitely need to get it firmly in our minds...especially in light of todays context. READ Colossians 2:15b

God, through the cross, disarmed Satan's kingdom...He made a public display of them in their defeat...and then triumphed over them. And I mentioned before that a triumph is not so much winning a victory as it is the celebration of a victory that has already been won. So what we have here is a public demonstration of victory.

I remember the greeting we got when we flew into the United States from the war in the Persian Gulf. There were flags...yellow ribbons...bands...people cheering and shouting...and it was a great time of celebration. Our country gave a public demonstration of the victory we had won.

And even though there were some who were very much against our action in the Gulf...the vast majority of Americans publicly and unashamedly demonstrated the superiority of our forces over that of Saddam Hessein and his army. And that is the attitude we as Christians should attitude of victory because through the cross - Jesus has won!

But there is another important truth we need to recognize...and I'll use the Gulf War as a way of illustration again. Even though we had other interests in that Middle East crisis...we were fighting to liberate another country from their enemy.

One of the medals I received ( the only one worth more than a cup of coffee - it made of real gold) was given by the Saudi government and on it is has "Liberation of Kuwait." We fought to free a nation other than our own. Our shores weren't threatened...our families were in no danger from attack by Iraq.

We went to free another people who some never even heard of before. And let me tell you, the people of Kuwait sure did celebrate. I met several Kuwaiti people and they would be waving little American flags and shouting the praises of all those countries who helped set them free. Our victory was their victory! What we did set them free.

And on the cross, Jesus won a victory that wasn't for Himself. He always had the victory because He was the Son of God. But as our representative, He won for us a victory that we couldn't win for ourselves. And His victory became ours! Hallelujah!

Look at what we read in 2 Corinthians 2:14...(READ)

There are some very important word in that verse...always and everywhere. And they are important because we are to "always and everywhere" represent Christ's victory. Here, and in the following verses we see that God is going to demonstrate - publicly - the victory that Christ has won...and how will He do it? He will do it through us.

In closing, let's look at the final commission of Jesus, given to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-19 (READ v. 18)

Now, if Jesus has all authority - that leaves none for anyone else unless He gives it!

Now READ v. 19

Jesus says that ALL authority has been given to Him...but then He tells us to "Go..." He tells us to go out an exercise the authority that He has already won. Our assignment is clear...we are to demonstrate the victory Jesus won on our behalf...and if He sends us out it won't be without all the capability necessary to have complete victory.

This is where the battle turns to offense. We have all we need to stand against the enemy when he tries to come against us...but more importantly - we have all the offensive weapons we need to take the battle to him and show to all the world that Jesus is Lord!

Salvation has been purchased for each of us...we are assured of the ability to live a victorious, overcoming Christian life...and we can reach a lost and dying world for God.

Jesus said we should go to those who need salvation...share the truth in power...teach them the ways of God...always with the confident assurance that He will always be right there beside us every step of the way.

Next week I want to begin to look at 4 specific weapons of offense...all the weapons we need to attack and defeat the kingdom of darkness. Those 4 weapons are prayer...praise...preaching...and testimony.

But today I want to make sure that as we begin to turn toward the offensive side of spiritual warfare...we are assured of victory. Many have been roughed up pretty well by the enemy. There are scars and wounds that are slow to heal. Some are not at all confident of a positive ending.

But this is where we put our money where our mouth is - so to speak. Do we believe God? Do we trust His word? If so, then its time we put it all in His hands...and make sure we are in a position to receive the complete and total victory that is ours according to His Word.

It's early...and we have the time -if you have the come up to the altar and put anything and everything that hinders you from receiving complete and total victory. If you have fallen short...come and receive restoration.

If there is any division or separation between you and another person...come and receive healing and forgiveness...and then go and make things right. We must have on the full armor of God before we set out to demonstrate Christ's victory...and anything that separates you or is a hindrance in your relationship with God will provide a weak spot in your armor that the devil will exploit.

If all is well between you and God...then come and spend some time with Him and allow Him to show you just how you can begin to take that victory of Christ and demonstrate it in your own unique way.

The body must be unified...we must be of one accord in our desire to serve our God in obedience to our specific call. Let's allow God to take us to the next level of victory. It begins at the place of prayer...will you come?

It's our obligation to cast down these strongholds.

Now we are going to move from the defensive to the offensive