Summary: Paul wanted the Philippians to see two shining examples... one clergy and the other a layman, to share with them that God uses ALL people as long as they are willing and obedient!

Sermon Brief

Date Written: August 19, 2011

Date Preached: August 21, 2011

Where Preached: OPBC (AM)

Sermon Details:

Series Title: A Series from Philippians

Sermon Title: Fellow Soldiers in Christ

Sermon Text: Philippians 2:19-30 [ESV]


Just what does it mean when we SAY we are going to serve God? How important is serving God in our lives? There are many of us who can talk a good game when we SAY we will serve God, but I want us to be brutally honest with ourselves this morning, so very many of us simply do NOT serve like we SAY we are going to serve, we fall FAR short of what we know God has called us to do…myself included.

Preacher what you are saying is true, but what can I do about it? What does it REALLY mean to surrender to Christ and serve Him with abandon…what does it REALLY mean to WALK the TALK as Paul has challenged us to do…

Well as Paul has done before, he provides us with 2 excellent examples of believers who have surrendered to Christ and they LIVED out their faith… they WALKED the TALK in a world where many fellow believers actually put themselves first before serving God!

Who were these men? Paul tells us in v.19-30 of this chapter, Paul lifts up both Timothy and Epaphroditus as servants who have surrendered all and are WALKING the TALK and living out their faith with abandon! So this morning I want us to take a look at what Paul lets us know about these two warriors of the faith… we will look at Timothy first!

0The Called Minister (Timothy) v.19-22:

Show verses 19-22 here…I will read

19I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. 20For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. 21For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 22But you know Timothy’s proven worth, how as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel.

19I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you.

In this verse there are a few phrases worthy of us to look into… the first is the very first

v.19 – ‘I hope in the Lord’ Paul was NOT sending this letter OR making any plans on his own accord, but he was fully submitted to be obedient in accordance to God’s will. Paul was not going to do anything outside of God’s will, that is what he sought and that is what he did.

Paul then said, ‘to send Timothy to you’ and the implication here from Paul is that Timothy is a willing servant… wherever God desires him to serve, he is willing and in full submission to God’s authority and to Paul whom God placed over him as a spiritual leader…Timothy’s heart was one focused on service and obedience.

Paul then goes on to say, ‘I too may be cheered by news of you’ How many of us like good news? How many of us have been in a place in our lives where we longed for good news?

Although Paul was serving God willingly and fully content in where he was, it does not mean it was NOT a struggle for him. I am sure daily he heard and saw things that brought him low, and news of the churches he had planted was always something that could lift his spirits… he had already heard things from Epaphroditus, but wanted a more in-depth review of what was happening, so he wanted to send Timothy, and he just knew that the news from Philippi would cheer him beyond words… Here he is simply looking forward to that news returning to him…

There was a reason why Paul wanted to send Timothy… first he was a partner in ministry with Paul and he knew Timothy would come back and give him all the news from Philippi, but Paul also knew Timothy’s character and his spirit and this is why he says what he says in v.20…

20For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.

v.20 – ‘for I have no one like him’ Paul was very close to Timothy and Paul knew Timothy’s heart and motives because of this close relationship and Paul knew that sending Timothy was just like going himself.

He had other workers, other believers but had not been as faithful or had not proven well in walking worthy of their calling as many of them had either abandoned Paul in a time of need because of selfish reasons or they had used the ministry for personal gain… In Paul’s mind, Timothy was the only one he believed could be sent and get the job done… this was all because of Timothy’s character!

Paul details WHY Timothy should be the one going… He reveals why he held Timothy’s character in such high esteem, Paul said, ‘who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare’

Like I have said already, Paul knew Timothy’s heart and character and that Timothy was firmly devoted to Christ and the calling of Christ on his life to reach out to the lost, and to care for the fellowship. Paul knew and understood that Timothy would place all others ahead of himself… he was selfless when it came to ministry.

Timothy’s focus was the welfare of others, as illustrated by his faithfulness to Paul in his Roman prison cell. To be associated with Paul had its disadvantages and downfalls, but Timothy was faithful to God in his service, by sticking by Paul’s side in this dark time, and because he did this he was lifted up as an example of great faith.

Paul then denounces those who had not been as faithful in their service, and gives small detail about why they had not been faithful…

21For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 22But you know Timothy’s proven worth, how as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel.

v.21… We don’t know who Paul is speaking about here but it may be the same men whose preaching in chapter 1 was against Paul. Paul saw these men as believers who claim to be serving the Lord when in truth they are merely serving themselves. Their Passion is NOT about Jesus Christ OR the saving of souls, but their passion is self-centered on either their personal gain OR their personal glory…

v.22… Paul implication here is that Timothy is NOTHING like those men, but that Timothy has proven his worth over and over again in his service to the Gospel of Christ.

Finally Paul reveals his hope in this mission… He is going send Timothy at the first opportunity he is able…

23I hope therefore to send him just as soon as I see how it will go with me, 24and I trust in the Lord that shortly I myself will come also.

Here Paul tells the Philippian believers that Timothy is headed their way as soon as he can… Paul is not being selfish here, but we have to remember that in prison in the 1st century the prisoners had to fend for and care for themselves. Timothy had been that faithful protector and provider for Paul while in prison, and Paul needed him very much… Paul is going to release Timothy to go when the time is right.

Many may think Paul was sending Timothy to spy on the church, but Paul is sending Timothy there, NOT to check up on them, but to be an encourager and fellow worker with them in Christ Jesus. Timothy was being sent by Paul to deal with some of the issues Paul addresses in the letter to the church in Philippi.

Timothy was both willing and able to go to Philippi and assume a leadership role, first because he loved God and second Timothy was striving to be what God had called him to become.

Timothy was willing to put intentional action alongside spiritual guidance and knowing that Paul was very comfortable sending Timothy. However, Paul did lament over those who seemed to be using the platform of Christianity as a source of profit or popularity.

Paul was saying that Timothy was a great light that shined forth the light of Christ to the world around them. Timothy reflected characteristics that we all could put into practice and live better for God in this broken and dying world.

Timothy was a man called of God to minister to those around him… in layman’s terms that we can understand today, Timothy felt called into the full time vocation of ministry and had surrendered the rest of his life to the Lord FOR that ministry… Timothy was a full time minister and pastor!

However, Paul does not want the Philippian church to think serving God is all about professional ministers… it is so much more and Paul presents to us another example, but this example is NOT a called professional minister BUT this man is a called of God, layman who has surrendered to God’s calling…

The Faithful Layman (Epaphroditus) – v.25-30

Show verses 25-30 here…I will read

25I have thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need, 26for he has been longing for you all and has been distressed because you heard that he was ill. 27Indeed he was ill, near to death. But God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. 28I am the more eager to send him, therefore, that you may rejoice at seeing him again, and that I may be less anxious. 29So receive him in the Lord with all joy, and honor such men, 30for he nearly died for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was lacking in your service to me.

When we look at v.15 we can see that it reveals a few things about both the messenger [Epaphroditus] and about the ones who had sent the messenger [the Philippian church]…

25I have thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need,

Here was a man named Epaphroditus, whom was sent by the church in Philippi to go to Rome as a missionary and his sole purpose in Rome was to minister to the needs of their friend, the Apostle Paul.

Here was a man completely willing to leave his life and the comfort of his own home and travel to a place where he would not be welcomed by many, but actually scorned and possibly even persecuted by many! Some people considered Rome to be the evil center of the world… What we can learn about Epaphroditus is that he did not go t Rome to minister to Paul for his own glory; he went to SERVE His Lord and serve a friend!

There was no worldly honor in what Epaphroditus was called to do… he would not be serving a ranking official of the Senate… He would not be serving anyone within the royal Roman court…

On the contrary, Epaphroditus went to be a servant for and to fully minister to a man was in prison! He was willing to do that… but also we must take note that Epaphroditus was also willing to associate with Paul in prison! There were many who were speaking ill of Paul and his situation, saying that it brought shame upon the church and did injustice to the Christian faith!

However, despite all the rhetoric, Epaphroditus was willing to do what God had called him to do, even though it placed him in a position of servitude and could have been seen as a slight toward him as a person. But Epaphroditus did NOT see it that way, in fact he saw it just the opposite… this was not a time of servitude, but an opportunity of service in missions!

Not many people would have continued if they had faced what Epaphroditus faced… look at v.26-27 with me…

26for he has been longing for you all and has been distressed because you heard that he was ill. 27Indeed he was ill, near to death. But God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.

Epaphroditus had given up all of his life to serve God and on his way to Rome he became ill and when he arrived in Rome he was sick enough that Paul feared for his life!

Miraculously he recovered and was able to minister to Paul, but not until Paul had to minister to him to nurse him back to health. Epaphroditus had heard that news of his sickness had gotten back to Philippi and that they were deeply concerned for him… this touched his heart, but he wanted them to continue to focus on service and obedience to God that he would be alright!

Paul rejoices at God’s intervention into Epaphroditus’ life. I can imagine that Epaphroditus and Paul had met when Paul planted the church in Philippi, and that they had become great friends and this is possibly why Epaphroditus wanted to go on this mission… to minister to his friend and spiritual mentor! Paul’s love for Epaphroditus is revealed in his letter back to the Philippian believers… Paul cared deeply for him and it was a joy to see him recover!

So now that he had recovered, Paul knew it was time to send him home.

28I am the more eager to send him, therefore, that you may rejoice at seeing him again, and that I may be less anxious.

I see Paul’s continuing concern for Epaphroditus’ health in this verse… Paul knew that the Philippian church would rejoice in seeing Epaphroditus but Paul believed that when Epaphroditus got home that he would be cared for properly and he would not have to worry about his health…

29So receive him in the Lord with all joy, and honor such men, 30for he nearly died for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was lacking in your service to me.

v.29-30 Paul may have sensed here that there may be some contention or resentment in the body against Epaphroditus because he had not completed his mission… but Paul wants to nip this attitude in the bud and challenges these believers to receive Epaphroditus with honor, just as they would receive him!

Epaphroditus had been willing to give up everything to come and minister to Him and serve God, and even though he was ill and almost died and was unable to complete his mission… that was something out of his control and he had been faithful in his mission and to God! So treat him with all the respect you would treat me is what Paul was telling them.

We see in these 13 verses… two examples of men who were willing to give their all in service to God. These 2 men DID give everything and DID set aside all of their own things so that they could serve Jesus Christ! One was a called minister of the gospel, a protégé of Paul who would become a faithful pastor… the other was a layman who stepped out on faith and put his life on hold in order to answer the calling of God in his life!

So what does this mean? How can we take these 2 examples and apply them to our lives? I see things here that jump out at us…

First, the calling is there for everyone who professes Christ! You cannot be a believer and say that God is NOT calling you to serve Him in some capacity… Service to God is our calling!

Second, I see that God can and will use all people. God does not just use the professional minister to accomplish His will and way, but God uses anyone who is willing to surrender and submit to His calling on their lives!

God has a plan and YOU fit into that plan, but you have to be willing to submit to that plan and be willing to surrender your own personal goals and desires for the sake of God’s providential plan.

Finally I see that God does use spiritual leaders and spiritual followers to further His kingdom. We are all HIS followers, but there are a few that God chooses and places in the position of spiritual leadership, to which the other believers are to follow.

This does not mean God’s appointed spiritual leader is perfect or without flaw, but what it does mean is that he has been called of God for that position and because of that calling we are called to follow him.

Spiritual leadership is not a power trip or a position of authority to be abused or mistreated. It is a position of responsibility and teaching to pass on a godly legacy and to train up future spiritual leaders for future generations.

God uses these willing men to further His kingdom… the office of pastor, the office of deacon are but 2 examples of this spiritual leadership position within the church… both are called to lead, but both are called to lead through serving and by example!

We ALL have a calling from God…what is yours? Are you listening for God’s calling in your life? It could be that you have ignored God’s calling, but today you can repent of that sin and enter into a joyous and content state of serving God through obedience and submission… are you willing to let go of YOURSELF and YOUR DESIRES and embrace the calling of God on your life? I pray you are… and that you will!

That calling from God is given to ALL believers! It matters NOT where God has you placed in His kingdom, his calling is to all who profess Him as Lord! He will put you where you can be the most effective for Him and His kingdom and you have to trust that He knows what He is doing!

I pray that you would NEVER think that something is too small or not important enough in the kingdom of God that you would avoid or belittle… All of God’s plans are important and we are called to serve Him in every aspect of our lives! Are you ready to submit to that sort of obedience?

As Bro Ken comes to lead us in our hymn of invitation, if you are here today and do NOT know Jesus as Your savior I pray that you will do 3 things for me before you leave this place this morning…

First thing is that I want you to pray a prayer of confession and ask God to forgive you of your sin and sinful nature…

Second, you will step out and come and meet Jesus in prayer and confess your sin to Him and receive His forgiveness…

Third, I pray that you will see Jesus for WHO He is, and accept Him as your Savior and Lord, and exalt Him as the King of Kings!

As Bro Ken leads us in our hymn of invitation I encourage you to stand and sing along as we meditate on our lives and how we live them out for Jesus… are you living for Him today?