Summary: Giving a clear testimony of the Gospel is part of being a follower of Christ.

Testimony. What goes through your mind when you hear that word? Maybe a court scene and telling about a crime you witnessed. Or making a statement to the Police. Or standing in front of a large group to share your personal experience with God.

The word “testimony” comes from the word “evidence” and “witness.” When the witness takes the stand he is testifying under oath about what he saw or heard or what he knows firsthand. It means to provide information about a person or an event concerning which the speaker has direct knowledge. I was driving down the highway and I looked to the south and saw a tornado moving directly east toward St. Peter. I call it in and bring warning about the facts of tornado.

Now our text reminds us about the importance of giving this testimony in relation to what you know and have experienced about Jesus Christ.

The disciples were the first witnesses – they witnessed Jesus healing, his teaching, his crucifixion, death, and resurrection. And they told and wrote about all they saw and heard. Now none of us have actually witnessed these events ourselves but if you are a believer – if you trust in what Jesus has done for your Salvation, you have a first-hand experience with God.

If you don’t have a relationship to Jesus – if he isn’t your Lord, you have no testimony to give. It would be a false testimony – just a fake. So that is crucial. But every one of us who DOES know Jesus, we have something to share.

What is crucial about our testimony according to 1 Peter 3:13-16?

First, we are to ALWAYS BE READY to share our testimony.

It may happen on the way home from church as you stop at McDonalds or Dairy Queen. It may happen at the doctor’s office with the person you’re sitting next to. It may happen Monday morning at work. It may happen at a Twins game or at game night.

The deceiving thing is that we often believe that we’ll get another chance. There will be another time to share with this person. There will be time. But that time never comes. The ideal window of opportunity may never come again. Oh, how many people I wish I had testified to that are now out of my reach! And God will hold us accountable to those lost opportunities. Friends, don’t delay!

Second, we are to “KEEP A GOOD CONSCIENCE.”

This refers to our own spiritual life and to any sins that are in our lives! If you are not right with God or if a certain sin is dominating your life, it will be noticed by unbelievers and therefore your witness will be ruined. Instead of receiving it, they mock you! This is serious.

Unbelievers see hypocrisy very clearly and it destroys any chance we may have of witnessing! So it’s crucial that we practice what we preach. If we say we love our enemies and pray for them – do it! There is nothing that unbelievers pick up quicker than hypocrisy – when we point out the faults of others and practice the same in secret.

Third, we are NOT TO BE AFRAID.

“Have no fear of them or be troubled.” This is probably the number one reason why we don’t give testimony of our faith – we are afraid of them. We are afraid of not saying the right thing. We are afraid of being mocked, ridiculed, laughed at, or simply looking like a fool. We are afraid of losing friends, and appearing like a religious freak. You might say, “Giving testimony is the job of the pastor and evangelist but not for me. I’ll support them in prayer and that’s my testimony.” Friends, is that what Jesus said?

“The fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom” rather than the fear of man. Be afraid that your neighbor is going to hell. Be afraid of the judgment falling. “For God gave us not a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Tim. 1:7)

The word for witness in the NT is “marturia” from which we get the word “martyr.” Those who gave testimony for their faith did not fear even to the point of death. They assumed they would be rejected. And even in our passage this morning – “even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed.” The early Christians considered it the greatest honor to suffer for their faith. It brought them the greatest joy. What has happened to us? We are not willing to surrender our own comfort to Christ. No one likes to be rejected and so we hold back. Oh, how God needs to break our fears of people and instead to fear the wrath of God that will fall.

Fourth, what to share? “THE REASON FOR YOUR HOPE AND JOY” - your personal testimony.

Yes, we ought to know specific verses and points that lead a person to Christ. Every one of us here ought to be able to cite at least a few basic verses that share the Gospel. It’s just simply a matter of personal discipline.

But what’s the starting point? YOUR STORY. What has God done in YOUR life? What has he changed in your life? You see, people can deny beliefs and theological statements. But they can’t deny your own experience – your story. But friends, it’s not going to happen unless we make ourselves vulnerable – unless we open up and share. It doesn’t have to be your life story (although it could be). It could simply be a story about a guitar. Or an answered prayer. Or moment of God’s loving care and guidance. Share the reason for your hope and joy!

So Peter tells us to always be ready. Are you ready? Part of this readiness is being a man or woman of prayer. How is your prayer life? Are you spending quality time with the Lord day by day or just when it’s convenient and you have time? Daily time with the Lord is crucial for us to be equipped as his witnesses.

We are under continual attack by Satan because God wants to use us to bring others to salvation. He will do anything possible to discourage us, to show us that we will fail, that we are too sinful to be used by him. That you are incapable, that you are not gifted for that, that it’s only for certain super religious people. He will try to bring us into temptation so that our witness is ruined. Therefore, going to the Lord day by day in prayer and spending time with him is survival.

Pray specifically for people you come into contact with who are not believers. Pray for them even (and especially) if they are enemies. Jesus says pray for our enemies and it will be like hot coals on their head. Pray for their welfare, for their openness to the Gospel. Pray for their needs and be as specific as you can. But mostly pray for opportunities to share with them and that they would receive what you share. But pray for that person or persons consistently day after day – don’t give up but even if you pray for weeks or months or even years keep lifting them up to the Lord.

There is a time for prayer, and a time for action. When the Lord opens a door for you to share with that person, don’t run away! God will give you the words to say as he promises in his Word.

Let’s read Matt. 26:69-75.

From this story do you see what people who are unbelievers notice about true followers of Christ?

1. They can see you are a believer from what you do (69, 71).

They could tell Peter was a disciple because he was with Jesus all the time. People can tell if you are a believer if they see that you go to church, attend Bible study, have friends that are Christians. It’s obvious that you are a Christian.

2. They can tell he you are a believer from how you talk (73).

Peter was different than anyone else there. People noticed. Maybe he talked about strange religious things or in general had a different perspective on life. But it was obvious that he was one of Jesus followers.

Now, they could tell he was a believer from these two things, but that doesn’t mean that Peter was witnessing about the Lord and leading people to Christ! If fact he was afraid of doing that. He did not want to let anyone know he was a disciple. He tried to cover it up by cursing and swearing so that people thought he was like them (74). He didn’t want to be rejected!

So what can we conclude from this story?

1. Being a witness does not mean merely attending church and showing people that you do Christian things.

This is evidence of your faith and it’s good but it is not the whole picture of a witness. It doesn’t lead someone to Christ! It may lead someone to ask you about your faith or beliefs. And that is when your testimony comes in.

2. Being a witness does not mean merely talking about religious things and using religious language.

People will notice you’re religious and that you’re probably a Christian but it doesn’t convince them to be a Christian. Peter certainly didn’t want to convince those people to be a disciple, he wanted to only protect himself.

3. Fear of people destroys our testimony!

Peter was afraid because he didn’t want to get hurt and rejected. Paul said in Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the Gospel” why? “it is the power”. It has power. It’s not just your words and your ideas that are being said. The whole power of God is behind that message. NO matter how people react, we need to know that God is with us and his Word has power. They can reject it or accept it but we should not be afraid or ashamed of our Lord.

When I was younger I had the impression that in witnessing I can talk all about Christianity and faith but it’s not necessary to talk about Jesus and the cross because people know that and besides that, the Lord is working on their hearts. I would witness in a way that tried to convince people to do the right thing without naming what that was. IT was worthless testimony. People have to hear the clear Gospel message!

Let’s read Matt. 16:13-16. When the Lord gives us an opportunity to share with someone about the Lord, it is crucial that we share the basic message of the Gospel. We need to be like Peter who in this example did something so clear: he pointed to Jesus and said that he was the Son of God, the Messiah. We have to make sure people realize who Jesus is and who he is for us and our lives. Tell people what he’s done for us – our personal experience really has a lot of authority because we are eyewitnesses to the Power of God. A person cannot deny an eyewitness and if you share what God’s word and what Jesus has done in your life, people cannot deny it! They can laugh, stop listening, say it doesn’t apply to them, but they cannot deny that what you say really happened because you are an eyewitness to what Jesus has done.

Will you join me in the challenge to pray for at least one person to share a testimony with over the next two weeks?