A newspaper cartoon shows an AUTOMOBILE BALANCING PRECARIOUSLY over the edge of a cliff, with an embarrassed husband at the wheel and his disgusted wife sitting next to him. Meekly, he says to his wife, "Honey, there's got to be a lesson here somewhere."
There's a lesson there all right, and it's this: The only way to end up at the right destination is to choose the right road. If you've ever made a wrong turn in a strange place and found yourself lost, then you know how important that lesson is.
The metaphor of life as a journey is a familiar one. It is found in the Bible as well as in classical literature. The Odyssey of Homer describes Ulysses' ten-year journey from Troy to his home in Ithaca, and Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress is an account of Christian's journey from the City of Destruction to the heavenly city. The Bible frequently exhorts us to choose the right path, but the contemporary world thinks there are "many ways to God" and any path you sincerely follow will eventually take you there.
Jesus made it clear that in this life we can take only one of two ways, and each of them leads to a different destination. Everybody has to choose either the crowded road that leads to destruction or the narrow road that leads to life (Mt. 7:13-14). There's no middle or alternative way.
In the Book of Proverbs, the words "path" and "way" (and their plurals) are found nearly 100 times (KJV). Wisdom is not only a person to love, but wisdom is also a path to walk. It is while we walk with God that we learn to enjoy the blessings of God (CIM).
I. Additional Blessings 9-11.
II. Deliverance from The Evil Man 12-15.
III. Deliverance from the Strange Woman 16-19.
IV. Walking in the Land of the Living 20-22.
Once we kneel in awe of the Lord and have heart knowledge that leads us to walk in His Way, then we become recipients of The Jewels that wisdom offers. Verse 9 reveals the priceless jewel that those who attain wisdom also know what is right and just. Then you will discern righteousness and justice And equity (honesty) and every "good course" (path).
Then again indicating that if we will do our part, verses 1-4, then God will do His part. He holds discernment in store for those that incline their heart to seek, understand and cry out for discernment. There is a price to pay for gaining spiritual wisdom but a greater price to pay if we don't gain it.
What you discern from your walk with God is righteousness, justice, equity (honesty) and every good path (four direct objects). It is only this sound wisdom gained from walking with God in holy awe that will perfect a man and lead him in the paths of righteousness and supply what he needs for every good work.
Verse 10 teaches us that wisdom abides in the heart and from there instructs the soul. "For wisdom will enter your heart, And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;"
"If you will receive my sayings, And treasure my commandments within you,
Make your ear attentive to wisdom, Incline your heart to understanding;
For if you cry for discernment, Lift your voice for understanding; If you seek her as silver,
And search for her as for hidden treasures..." (2:1-4)
Then, after this striving, wisdom will enter--make its dwelling place--in your heart and then enjoyment and rest which comes from true knowledge will be yours. The heart is the center of the intellect, will and emotions. Head knowledge is dry, speculative and barren. When wisdom is taken to heart it engages fruitful reasoning, positive actions and a joyful attitude.
This is not just changing from external wickedness to formal decency. It is a life which is built not from external conformity but from internal convictions. It is a coming to God to be touched, stirred, in the core of your being instead of only wanting the ears tickled.
Verse 11teaches that wisdom's companions protects those who possess it. "Discretion will guard you, Understanding will watch over you."
"Discretion" is the capacity to make well considered actions, to tell right from wrong. Naturally, if we have and use discretion, it will guard what we do and say. Discretion will take those who need it under protection. If it is exercised, it helps us evaluate courses of action and their long range consequences (Heb. 5:14).
"Understanding" is the capacity to bring the right knowledge together to make the correct choice or decision. Internal wisdom will give protecting direction in the daily walk of life.
Toward the close of World War II, ALLIED FORCES were mopping up against remaining Nazi resistance. One particular unit was assigned a crucial mission in Berlin. Each soldier had to memorize a map detailing all of Berlin's important military sites--and they had to do it in a single night! In just a few hours, each soldier in the unit had committed the map to memory. The mission was a success.
Several years later, the Army conducted an experiment to see if that original feat could be duplicated. They offered a similar unit an extra week's furlough--an attractive incentive--if they could carry out a comparable mission without a hitch.
But the second unit could not match the success of the first. What made the difference? The lives of the men were not at stake. Surviving in battle was a greater motivation than a week's vacation.
Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-18). Our road map, our plan of strategy against Satan's military strongholds, is the Bible. The more we read it, the more of it we memorize, and the more thoroughly we know it, the more effective we will be for God.
We must approach God's Word as if our lives depended on it--because they do. That wise understanding will motive us to truly grasp the Bible!
[Thy Word is like an armory, Where soldiers may repair,
And find, for life's long battle-day, All needful weapons there.]
Another benefit of wisdom revealed in verse 12 is that it delivers you from the wicked and their evil words and ways. "To deliver you from the way of evil, from the man who speaks perverse things;"
The training that walking with God in true wisdom brings will be a deliverance to us. This is so needful because of the multitude of snares and temptations to which we and our children are exposed. "Evil" is contagious. We catch it from others.
The man described as evil is defined here as one "who speaks perverse (from the verb "to turn, turn away, overturn" - suggesting turning away from normal or right) things. This means misrepresenting the good and true for the purpose of deceiving. Deceitfulness in conduct and words is intended. As bad as it is to hear foul words, it is worse to speak them.
[A BROKEN VASE] A nobleman went to see how Josiah Wedgwood made his SUPERB POTTERY. A young apprentice was told to give the guest a tour of the factory. As they walked through the plant, the visitor began to use foul language, ridicule the Bible, and make light of sacred things. At first the young man was shocked, but after a while he began to laugh at the man's remarks. Wedgwood, who had joined them, was greatly disturbed by what he saw happening to his apprentice.
At the end of the tour, the nobleman asked if he could purchase a particular vase that he admired. Wedgwood told him that it had taken many hours to produce its exquisite shape and color. As he handed the beautiful vase to his visitor, he deliberately let it crash to the floor. Cursing angrily, the nobleman said, "That's the one I really wanted, and now it's shattered because of your carelessness."
"Sir," said Wedgwood, "there are things more precious than any vase. I can make another vase, but you can never give back to my helper the innocent heart you've degraded by your profanity!" Even though God can cleanse and restore, evil influences may leave a lasting impression. Therefore let's stay alert to the subtle and destructive influences all around us.
Verse 13 calls us again to be conscious of the way people live. "From those who leave the paths of uprightness, To walk in the ways of darkness."
Evil persons might be religious but they do not "walk" the straight and narrow. They might have tasted of religion, been educated in religion, they may even know the Gospel, but their conscience is deadened and their hearts are cold. When the imagination is polluted and the tongue is let loose, the feet cannot keep on the path of righteousness.
They prefer to hide their actions by walking in darkness and do not come to the light to have them exposed for what they are; evil. The ways of man follow thoughts and words just as seedlings spring from seeds and roots. The doing of evil produces darkness and darkness produces evil-doing (Rom. 13:12).
Verse 14 tells some results that occur in the lives of those who reject God's wisdom. "Who delight in doing evil, And rejoice in the perversity of evil; (14)
Whoever does not shrink back from evil, but gives into it, is becomes at home with it and eventually delights in the destructive things he ought to reject and shun. A hardening of heart process goes on as one continues in evil until he feels at ease with it. He ceases making excuses to himself for his words and conduct and advances into taking pleasure from evil for his conscious has been all but murdered.
There is a stage of depravity that leads one to push and pull others into evil (Rom. 1: ). They had best enjoy their perversion for all too soon they will be eternally given over to dwell in its consequences.
Verse 15 warns us that those who don't walk according to God's straight and narrow word are devious in their ways. "Whose paths are crooked, And who are devious in their ways."
May we be faithful in warning, especially young men to shun companions who are deviously confused in their way. If the misguided would but awaken to their sin and see its horrid deformity and certain end, they would fall down in repentance. But the crookedness of their ways hides their end from view. Their way is so devious that clear straight thought cannot be correctly understood.
Another snare for young men is graphically portrayed. Where wicked men use perverse words (2:12) the adulteress uses seductive words (5:3; 6:24; 7:5, 12). The door of invitation into each of these temptations comes from words. Hard won wisdom hidden in the heart is, as with evil men, the most effective deliverance from seduction's destructive powers. Thank God for the watchful protection which wisdom grants to her possessors.
Verse 16 tells of another way God's wisdom delivers us. "To deliver you from the strange woman, From the adulteress who flatters with her words;"
Two of the most difficult sins for men to resist are pride and sexual immorality. Both are seductive. Pride says, "I deserve it," sexual desire says, "I need it." In combination, their appeal is deadly. In fact Solomon says only by relying on God's strength can we overcome them. Pride appeals to the empty head; sexual enticement to the empty heart. By looking to God, we can fill our heads with His wisdom and our hearts with His love. Don't be fooled--remember what God says about who you are and what you were meant to be. Ask Him for strength to resist these temptations.
Prostitution was sanctioned by religious cults surrounding Israel (Midian, Syria, etc. ) but forbidden by law in Israel (Deut. 23:8f). Thus it was practiced by foreign or strange women.
An adulteress will use flattering seductive words to hide her plans from the unwary. Words are flattery when they are intended to manipulate (telling people what they enjoy hearing and wish was true). Though she speaks words of admiration and kindness she has no more true affection for your welfare than Delilah had for Sampson's benefit.
More information is given concerning the adulteress or harlot in verse 17. "That leaves the companion of her youth, And forgets the covenant of her God; (17)
God intended that man and woman in marriage become as one. One flesh means much more but it certainly indicates monogamy. Here marriage is designate "the covenant of God." When two join together in marriage they call upon God to witness and ratify the vows and bless the union. The adulteress violates the promise she made under the covenant of God to be sexually faithful. The marriage union is not to be defiled. (Nor was it meant to be broken by unjustifiable and arbitrary divorce).
The adulteress or the non-married partner promotes a relationship where there is no true love, no holy union, no mutual building up, but only a wild, selfish fulfillment of passions. She no longer has a guide or friend in the Lord or in her husband because she has taken the path of sin. Though she promises sweet success anyone who listens to her words and follows her path is heading for the cemetery.
Listen as verse 18 reveals where the adulterer end up. "For her house sinks down to death, And her tracks head to the dead; (18)
She and her house means that she herself together with all that belongs to her will sink down to death. Not only does she sink down to death but all that are attached to her sink down also. Mark well this description of those enticed to follow the way of the adulteress.
It is easy to go down, but hard to stop on a slippery, slimy slope which ends in death of what is good right & true. Death of the soul and death of the body (1 Cor. 6:15-18). Thus adultery is portrayed as a canker worm that quickly withers the greenness of spring in the soul of all that is innocent and youthful. It kills and destroys all that brings true life and goodness.
From verse 19 we are certain that the life and death indicated are more that just physical. "None who go to her return again, Nor do they reach the paths of life (19)
There is no return for those who fall into the death trap of fornication. They can no longer find their way out to the paths of life from which they have so widely strayed. Those who have fallen prey, who lack sexual control, can no longer be trusted, nor can their patriotism, truth, honesty or friendship be trusted. When you your lower yourself into their company you are among the dead. The more noble attributes of humanity will disappeared. The best affections of natural man have been drained away from their hearts.
This sin generates its own punishment and its evil dries up the marrow of the heart. Oh for the divine armor of Joseph that we too might turn and flee from the enchantment of immorality.
For even wisdom cannot rescue you from this pit of moral and physical destruction. It is madness to rush into this snare from where man has no hope for escape within himself The spell of lust causes the strength of the grasp to pull oneself out to be as palsy.
But what is impossible with man is possible with God. Yes God can, and only God can rescue one so degraded. God can take hold of its victims and if in repentance they cry out He can save them as a brand plucked out of the fire (Zech. 3:2, 1 Cor. 3:15, James 5:19-20; Jude 23).
The consummating blessing of what wisdom accomplishes as a preserver and guide is here revealed. Verse 20 begins revealing some results that occur for those living in wisdom. "Thus you will walk in the way of good men, And keep to the paths of the righteous.
The new section of the text returns to those who complete the if- then condition with which it began (2:1,5,9). The listening, applying, and keeping of God's Word will protect us from the evil man and the strange woman. The further privilege promised is that God's wisdom will guide you to "walk in the way of good men." If you follow the Word of God, you will not lack for the right kind of friends, and be kept from falling under the seductions of man or woman. You will walk in the paths of righteousness which are the paths of life on which all the wise walk.
Verse 21 expresses the favor and security of the wise. "For the upright will live in the land, And the blameless will remain in it; (21)
"The land" here is the promised land which for us is the land or the place where God answers His promises. It is the land of God's favor. There uprightness settles their mind, guides their counsels, gains them good-will with man and blesses them with God's special favor. The Land of The Living is a frequent thought in Scripture (Ps. 27:13, 52:5, 116:9, 142:5, 38:9,11,22; Prov. 10:30). It is the land where those who heed and follow the revealed will of God live.
One of my the great blessings of my life was to be mentored by WALTER BURCHAM during my first pastorate at Pleasant View Baptist Church outside Port Deposit, Maryland. He had retired after 40 plus years in the ministry and live just a block from me. After getting to know each other I asked if he would pray with me each week. Every Tuesday morning Brother Walter would walk up the hill to my church office and we would pray together. I will never forget the first time we pull our chairs together to pray. He look at me and said "Well yes I'll sit but a young fellow like yourself ought to get on your knees before the Lord. Walter Burcham's prayers would often include this petition that he, that we, would walk before the Lord in the land of the living.
The metaphoric promised land of the living is not for the wick as verse 22 states. "But the wicked will be cut off from the land, And the treacherous will be uprooted from it."
"The wicked" may appear to be succeeding but their end is separation from God's good land of promise. Either because of exile or death the unfaithful will no longer be in the land.
Parents, grandparents and teachers of youth ponder well and long your responsibility with unceasing prayer for special grace and wisdom. Beware of glossing over sins with amiable or palatable terms. Young people should always be led to look upon sinful habits with horror that they may be appalled at evil. Teach them to keep their raging hormones disciplined. Keep out of sight as far as possible in this day and age books, videos, magazines calculate to inflame the imagination. Oh what wisdom is needed to guide, develop safely and improve fully the mind, energies and sensibilities to youth!
The wicked may appear to be having fun and success, to be enjoying life, but it is short lived. Those that truly find "The Land of The Living" are those who are seeking the Lord and following His path that not only leads to life but gives meaningful and satisfying life. Cultivate your taste for the pure pleasure found by Godly wisdom. Remember the safest and most satisfying path is the path of wisdom, the path of life.