Text: Numbers 21:4-9, Title: Silver Bullet #3, Date/Place: NRBC, 6/26/11, AM
A. Opening illustration: let’s use alcohol or gambling as an example of something where there is no explicit prohibition, but it is nevertheless a bad idea; slavery too
B. Background to passage: remember back in Corinth where the spiritual believers are participating in meals in idol temples and causing others to stumble (believers and non-believers). And now Paul is explaining the reasons, while theologically correct, that these believers should abstain from these meals. His point is to be careful if you think that you are spiritually all that, you may fall, because you are not as spiritual as you think you are, if you are causing others to fall. And so leading up to that, he gives examples from the OT to the end that the Corinthians realize the seriousness of what they are doing; and so to the intent that they not lust after evil as the others whom God killed. Note: judgment was always on people who were in the cov community.
C. Main thought: By way of a warning for us, we are reminded of two paths. "I call heaven and earth to testify against you today! I've set life and death before you today: both blessings and curses. Choose life, that it may be well with you—you and your children. Love the LORD your God, obey his voice, and cling to him, because he is your life
A. The Path to Death (v. 4-6)
1. This is immediately following several victories granted to the Israelites by God. But it says that they ran short on patience. Literally it says that they were low on emotion, or emotional strength. Their impatience led to dissatisfaction. Their dissatisfaction was in temporal things (actually in miracles) that they could consume on themselves. Remember they were not starving, in fact, God was providing enough for every day in bread and quail. They just wanted variety. They hated (were disgusted) the miraculous food that God was providing. This was a completely self-centered dissatisfaction. And they had done this many times before – the wrote the first 7-11 song.
2. The first time that this had happened was in Num 11, and God was gracious and gave them quail to eat. But I guess they thought they could get a little more out of Him. So they “tested” Him; this is what Paul cited in 1 Cor 10. This is also what Jesus said not to do, and what Ananias and Sapphira did. And what they did was call God’s character into question. They questioned His goodness, His wisdom, His ability, His care, His love, it was all on the chopping block. God said, “Fine, if you are going to whine, let me give you something to whine about.” And then came the snakes…get Mackenzie’s fake one.
3. James 4:3, Philip 4:11-12, Luke 3:14, 1 Tim 6:6, Heb 13:5, 1 Thess 5:18, Deut 6:16, Ps 78:22-29, 34
4. Illustration: This is the same motivation for people to have affairs. Same motivation for people who run up debt buying bigger and better “stuff,” when the other stuff is fine. Some people come to church just looking for something to be bad about – the lady who fussed at Herb Reavis for “encouraging their kids to kiss,” Some people Jesus couldn’t please. Tell them about Edward’s two rules for dating,
5. Anyone short on patience? Dangerous. Don’t get it now, can’t wait, obsessed. “God’s not answering my prayers.” “We are not out of this financial hole yet.” How many of us are constantly dissatisfied? Usually because things are being done the way we like them: music, temperature, preaching, teaching, parking, etc. We don’t like the way someone said something. It doesn’t suit our tastes, it doesn’t meet my needs, it doesn’t speak to me, it doesn’t look right… And this will produce bitterness, grouchiness, grudges, because IT AIN’T ABOUT YOU!
6. But when you have to wait on provision, deliverance, blessing, do it in faith, suffer well. Not to do so is to put yourself in danger of serpents. In a sense, this is what we do when we ask God “why” if we insinuate that there might not be a reason. Putting God to the test, to force Him to prove to us His character is grounded in unbelief, but is an affront to the Name of God. And there will still be consequences to incur if we say that He is not good, or is not able, or does not care. BTW, this is the basic “problem of evil” apologetic argument. And we hear a version of it every time a natural disaster or tragedy happens. God will not remain our whipping boy, and doesn’t have to answer to us. He is God, and we have no complaint against Him that has any merit. So with this knowledge, fight against dissatisfaction and impatience. First it was idolatry, then sexual immorality, now impatience and dissatisfaction with God. When those thoughts begin to rear up, say to yourself, “REMEMBER THE SNAKES, DON’T TEST THE LORD.”
B. The Path to Life (v. 7-9)
1. God is always mingling mercy with grace. While punishing some, God was gracing others to learn about Him. And of course, those that were afflicted, cried out to God. They asked Moses to intercede for them after admitting their sin. It’s amazing how snakes aid in discernment. They realized that they had sinned, and admitted their sin, repented, and were looking for relief and atonement. So Moses (the intercessor) prayed for the people, and God gave a remedy for sin – the bronze serpent. Now this was a new one on Moses, make a carved image of a judgment from God, and let people look at it? This was just bizarre! But it made the people do two things individually – face their sin and put their faith in Him alone. They were depending on Moses’ words, which were God’s words.
2. Now let’s jump to the NT, gospel according to John. Jesus used this Num 21 incident to describe the sacrifice that he would make and the faith that believers would need. God was actually prophesying about the death that the Messiah would die years before it happened. Again, Paul is not just accidentally including stories that have gospel element to them. He is very intentional, because He wants to make sure that you are not fighting sin with pea-shooter regulations.
3. Luke 13:3, Heb 9:22, John 3:14-16, 12:32,
4. Illustration: Charles Finney, after spending a day in the woods in prayer and fasting, preached that night in a phenomenally irreligious congregation. The sermon was accompanied by such divine power that the whole congregation, except one man, fell prostrate upon the floor, and voiced their agony under conviction of sin, in such loud outcries that the preacher was forced to stop.
5. How many times has an affliction or trial caused us to realize how much we needed to repent? The path to life always begins with admitting our own sin. Because sin is poisonous, whether it is thinking bad things about others, not restoring relationships, or withholding God’s money. Admission of guilt must be a part of salvation/forgiveness, repentance must be a part of salvation/forgiveness. But the bible does speak of false repentance. And we sometimes need to ask, “Am I sorry because I am in pain, and I need relief, or am I sorry because God is in pain, and I need forgiveness.” And this salvation/forgiveness only comes through the blood of Christ.
6. Christ was lifted up high on a cross, and died a horrible death, so that you and I might live. And the fullest life is found in the greatest treasure. And the best way to fight sin (which is Paul’s point), is the gospel. Fight pleasure with greater pleasure. Fight temptation with transformed desires and Holy Spirit power, rather than just will power. That’s the awesome thing: Paul (God) is commanding you to fight sin, but He is giving you the power to do it, and it does take effort. But don’t fight with rules, fight with redemption, grace, transformation from the inner woman or man.
A. Closing illustration: "I call heaven and earth to testify against you today! I've set life and death before you today: both blessings and curses. Choose life, that it may be well with you—you and your children. Love the LORD your God, obey his voice, and cling to him, because he is your life
B. Rom 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
C. “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself." –Jesus, John 12:32
D. Invitation to commitment
Additional Notes
• Is Christ Exalted, Magnified, Honored, and Glorified?