Do Not Be Afraid
Psalm 91
I. We Must Dwell In God (1-4)
- David is praying while he is on the run
- Shelter is God's provision
- Refuge ... we must seek it out totally
- (v3-4) ... Ask ourselves - Will we be devoted totally to Him?
-- Devoted in Prayer
-- Devoted in Service
II. We Can Show Our Devotion (5-8)
- No fear of the things at night
- No fear of the unknown
- No fear of the arrows of the enemy
- No fear of plagues and disease
- No fear of even the enemy soldiers
- APP: We may see these things,but God's protection is sovereign
-- Even in the face of danger, we will be protected
III. We Must Dwell IN God (9-16)
- We must seek the Lord out totally
-- Seek protection
-- Seek wisdom
-- Seek guidance
- It is God that protects (always has)
- Go to Luke 4:1-12
- In the face of temptation, even Jesus turns to the scripture (11-12)
-- Note, the devil has no authority to give these things to Jesus
- (v14) God's action because WE love Him!
-- He will guard and protect us, if we turn to Him in response
- Response:
- (v15) We must call on Him ... THEN He answers with:
-- Deliverance
-- Sufficiency
- We receive long life (v16) ... which is eternity with Him
- Go to Ecc 3:9-14
-- God seeks men to revere Him because He is so worthy
-- God shows us His salvation because of His love for us
- How will we respond?
- Pray