Summary: One of the hardest things to do, but what is needed for a believer to grow and be a disciple of Christ

Taming the tongue

James chapter 3:1-12


Sermon this morning is titled “taming the tongue”

That is a oxymoron. Oxymoron is words together that are contradictory to each other. Example: Clearly misunderstood, Awful good, Found missing, Small crowd. Tame tongue would be one also.

Because without God’s help that muscle can get people in trouble.

The Bible has a lot to say about the tongue.

Our text is from the book of James this morning and deals with our tongues directly.

There probably not one of us here this morning that has not wished they could take back something they have said.

Either it was said wrong and you want to correct it, or it was hurtful. No matter how you try to fix it, you cannot.

We all handle the words of our tongue in different ways.

My mother who raised two boys by herself let us know real fast that if we didn’t watch our mouth, that she would gladly take care of that for us.

Our tongue or the words that come off our tongue has the potential to lift people up or destroy them.

Has the power to tell the truth or tell a lie. It has the ability to praise God or curse God, sometimes at the same time.

Let’s see what James has to say about that muscle in your mouth that most of the time is hidden, but uncontrolled can do some damage.

James chapter 3:1-12

Bible study this week we were in Luke 5- Jesus is addressing the Pharisees because they are upset that Jesus is spending time with tax collectors and sinners.

Jesus says “It is not the healthy who needs a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

This message may not be for the one this morning that is controlling their tongue.

It may be for the one that realizes maybe they have been hurtful with words and never realized that maybe being right is only ½ the answer. The other ½ may be the way we bring the truth, and how we must do some damage control.

It was always taught “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything.”

Someone has said great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people.

James is addressing a group of small minded people who gossiped and tore each other apart.

There is a reason that the Bible tells us that we should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

It goes as far to tell us if we don’t keep a tight rein on our tongue, we deceive ourselves and our religion is actually worthless.

I think our words are like a yo-yo. If it does not roll down and roll back up, it ain’t working!

If a boomerang does not come back, it is not a boomerang!

Ever see a yo-yo that is not working. You can throw it out, it is a mess!

Back to the text-

He begins by telling us that not many of you should be teachers. Because those that teach will be judged more harshly by the Lord.

I think some people just like to talk. They can say a lot of words that mean nothing!

I think some want to teach just because they like the attention.

He says that all stumble in many ways (2) I say Amen to that!

How many of us have put their foot in their mouth a time or two?

He goes on to say that if we were careful, that a perfect man is able to keep his whole body in check.

The word perfect here is the Greek word that is a banking term that pictures a note that comes due. If we are able to discipline our tongue, we can prove that we are a mature believer.


A newly appointed young preacher was contacted by the local funeral director to hold a graveside committal service at a small country cemetery in Iowa. There was to be no funeral, just the committal, because sadly, the deceased had no family or friends in Iowa. The young pastor started early to the cemetery, but lost his way on the long back roads. After backtracking many miles , he finally arrived, a half hour late. The hearse was nowhere in sight, and the workmen were relaxing under a near- by tree, eating their lunch. The pastor went to the grave and found that the vault lid was already in place. He took out his book and read the service. As he returned to his car, one of the workmen paused between bites and said, think we should have told him that’s a septic tank?

Sometimes not to say anything when we should is stumbling also. James teaches us a lesson as he writes about the tongue. It is not very big, but it has enormous power.

He gives us 6 different word pictures to help us see this small muscles is so powerful- a horse bit, a ship rudder, a fire, a wild animal, a spring of water , and fruit.

I’ll go as far to say that how we talk is a gauge of our spiritual health. (repeat) it reveals what kind of person we are.

The Bible tells us that out of the abundance of our heart a man speaks.

I. Power of the Tongue to Direct

Like a bit that controls a horse or a rudder that steers a ship- The tongue directs.

We must watch idle words- all words mean something.

We must understand that we can use our tongue to guide people in right choices and decisions that honor God. We also have the power to direct in wrong direction as well.

(5) see how great a forrest is set aflame by such a small fire! Every year millions of acres , millions of dollars are spent because campers didn’t put out their fire, a cigarette butt is carelessly thrown in leaves. He tells us that careless words , ½ truths, damage is done.

II. Tongue has the power to destroy

The fire is an example. Spreads like wild fire!

Psalm 52- Your tongue is alike a sharp razor, O worker of deceit.

Psalm 140- poison of a viper is under our lips.

Children explode at parents and say words that hurt. Parents in frustration say things they do not mean. Churches divide because of wagging tongues.

It is amazing! He says we can tame wild animals but without God inour lives, we cannot control our tongue. Lions can jump through fire hoops, elephants can do head stands, but our tongues are like vipers uncontrolled.

III. Tongue has power to build up or tear down

We can bless God and curse God out of the same mouth.

Psalm 51- Deliver me O God, then my tongue will joyfully sing of your righteousness.

We have the ability to lift each other up or tear down and destroy. 61 churches in our district. 5 right now are in crisis because of harsh words. Between pastor and congregation or between 2 groups organized in the church.


The story is told about a young man who found out that something he was saying about someone else is totally false. By spreading the information he had caused a lot of damage. He went to his grandfather and asked how he could make things right. Grandfather took a pillow to the front porch, cut it open, and began spreading the feathers. All you have to do is pick up the feathers.

Words destroy, one careless act affects others around you.


Most of you know that I worked for a propane company for a long time. One day, the owner of the company bought land directly behind the plant and I was sent to clear that land of some old buildings and sheds because we were going to store empty tanks there. There was a large wooden shed there. I thought I would burn this burning down. I put gasoline on the building along with another guy. I lit the match and there was a tremendous flash and explosion. The building was ignited. The problem was I was still in the flash of the flame. The other guy there said that all he could see was the flame shoot up all around me. I walked out of that flame. Everybit of my hair was cinched. My head, my arms, my face, my mustache was almost completely gone. I smelled like I was on fire. You can all see me after and tell me all the correct ways to burn the building down, but I have already heard them all! The days that I was home sick and nauseous, smelling like burnt hair. Becky was scared and mad at me at the same time. Carelessness hurts you and people around you. That could have been disastrous. I could have hurt myself or someone badly.

Stop. Drop and roll may not have been enough.

Sometimes it is not enough after we say hurtful either.


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me….is a lie! It does hurt. It can hurt! It can destroy someone!

Next time a cashier is having a bad day, say something nice! See their attitude change!

Positive words create positive results!

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

I hope you are challenged to watch your words carefully. Building up instead of destroying.

I challenge you to speak words of encouragement and watch someone attitude change before you very eyes!

T- Is it true?

H- Is it helpful?

I- Is it inspiring?

N- Is it nice?

K- Is it kind?

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