The Defection From Christ Matthew 26:31-56
Introduction: Desires (26:1-16) Directions (26:17-30)
I. The Scripture (26:31-32) Prediction
A. The Prophecy (26:31) Zechariah 13:7; part of God’s plan
1. Stumble - offended (24:10) falling away; scandal, snare
2. Setting a trap, a stumbling block; obstacle - abandon
B. The Power (26:32a) Raised
C. The Promise (26:32b) I will go; Matthew 28:7, 10, 16-17
II. The Speculation (26:33-35) Presume
A. He had a Short memory - forgot; Luke 22:31-34 - sift you
B. He had Slipped many times - failed; pride
1. His Contradiction - Matthew 16:16, 22
2. His Consideration (26:33) even if all, I will never
3. Jesus’ Certainty (26:34) denied Him 3 times
C. He believed he was more Spiritual (26:35) felt
III. The Submission / Supplication (26:36-46) Prayer
A. His Anguish / Affliction (26:36-37) Causes
1. The Denial of Peter shortly to come - Matthew 26:69-75
2. The Desertion of His disciples (26:56)
3. The Deceit of Judas (26:47-50)
4. The Disappointment in their prayers (26:40b, 43b, 45b)
5. The Divine wrath of God (26:39b, 42b, 44b)
. Let this cup pass…God’s wrath against sin
. Isaiah 51:17, 22; Jeremiah 25:15-17, 27-29
. Lamentations 4:21-22; Ezekiel 23:31-34; Habakkuk 2:16
. Next day Jesus bore the sins of many - Hebrews 9:28
. Full wrath on Him - Isaiah 53:10-11; 2 Corinthians 5:21
. Price of sin He bore & paid in full - Matthew 27:46
6. The Dedication to God’s will - Hebrews 5:7-9
B. His Agony - Condition; Luke 22:44; physical
C. His Asking (26:39a, 42a, 44a) calling out to the Father
D. His disciples were Asleep (26:40a, 43a, 45a) Luke 22:45
E. To be Alert (26:41) Challenge; 1 Peter 5:8-11
IV. The Sign (26:47-50) Placing the kiss of betrayal; John 6:71
A. The Association (26:47a) Mark 14:10; Luke 22:47
B. The Army (26:47b) multitude; Luke 22:52; John 18:3
C. The Approach (26:48a) sign because of darkness
D. The Affection (26:48b) the kiss
E. The Affirmation (26:49)
1. It was Fast (26:49a) immediately
2. It was False (26:49b) greetings Rabbi! My Master
3. It was Fake (26:49c) kissed him
F. The Answer (26:50a-b) Manner of response
1. Friend (26:50a) Comrade, companion
2. Farewell (26:50b) The last words to Judas
G. The Arrest (26:50c) 26:48c - seize Him!
V. The Strength (26:51-54) Power; Luke 22:49, 38; John 18:10
A. Nothing to do with human Talents (26:51-52)
. Doesn’t depend on human ability; John 18:1-6
B. Could have called Thousands of angels (26:55)
. Legion = 6,000 / 1 Kings 19:35 - 1 angel killed 185,000 men
C. The Truth was fulfilled (26:54)
. Controlled by Divine aims
. Psalm 41:9; 55:12-14; Isaiah 53:3-5, 7, 10-11
D. It only took His Touch - Luke 22:51
. Revealed by His attributes of compassion and healing
. Peter boasted too loudly and prayed too little!
. Peter slept too much and acted too fast!
VI. The Significance (26:55-56a) The purpose behind it
VII. The Scattering (26:56b) Panic, they all fled away!
. John 16:32; 18:7-9