When the crowd heard and saw the Galileans spoke in their native tongue, some were amazed, some were in doubt, and some mocked. The reason that the Apostle Peter stood up and preached his first sermon ever.
Acts 2: 15 – 36
1. Peter’s Defense against the mockers. vv. 15 – 21
A. His Attitude: v. 14
- Courageous.
- Bold.
- Firm.
- Ready.
B. His Defense: v. 15
- About drunkenness.
v. 15 - The third hour of the day - The Jews divided their day into twelve equal parts, reckoning from sunrise to sunset. The third hour would correspond to our nine o’clock in the morning.
The reasons why they’re not drunk:
1. It was the hour of morning worship, or sacrifice.
2. lt was not usual for drunkards to become drunk in the daytime, 1 Thess. 5:7
3. lt was a regular practice with the Jews not to eat or drink anything until after the third hour of the day, especially on the Sabbath, and on all festival occasions.
C. His Exposition: vv. 16 – 21
- About Joel’s Prophecy
Peter’s quoting of Joel’s prophecy connotes 3 things:
1. God will pour His Spirit upon all flesh in the last days. vv. 16-18
2. The outpouring will be followed by a time of terrible judgment. vv. 19-20
3. God offers mercy to the undeserved sinners. v. 21
II. Peter’s presentation Of Jesus as Lord and Christ. vv. 22 – 36
A. Jesus is a man approved of God. v. 22
B. Jesus is a man delivered to be executed. v. 23
C. Jesus is a man Whom God raised from the dead. v. 24 – 28
D. Jesus is a man who is now seated at the right hand of God. v. 29 – 36
Peter is actually presenting them the whole Gospel of Jesus.
The same Gospel that we are to present to people who did not know Jesus yet.
Is Jesus both Lord and Christ to you?