Philip Roberts of Midwestern Baptist Theol. Seminary said when developing a plan for witnessing to Muslims, “Muslims rarely hear a truthful presentation of the gospel.” [They may need dozens.] With the growing numbers of Muslims in our country and community we now have the opportunity that only missionaries had a decade ago: the opportunity to present the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to Muslims. Though it may seem difficult, nothing is too difficult for God. Do you believe that?
If so, how then can we reach Muslims with the Gospel? Let me give you a plan.
1st, Become acquainted with Muslims and with Islam. [See A Survey of Islam, by Dennis Davidson.]
To influence Muslims you must reach out to them. They are people like us with happiness and sorrow, burdens and anxieties, fears and hopes, failures and sins. They are lost yet believing their religion will save them. They will never know the truth unless someone builds a connecting bridge with them.
2nd, Begin with Peace
Muslims, like all other human beings, are desperately seeking peace. Just as you don’t like to be judged by the hypocrites and the ultra-radical in the church, don’t judge all Muslims by the actions and attitudes of the radicals. Begin your conversation with: "Peace be unto you." Be a peace-maker.
3rd, Demonstrate Christ’s Love.
Christians will need to demonstrate the love of Jesus even toward Muslims. Do you have any hatred in your heart toward Muslims? Friends, followers of Islam are made in the image of God and Muslims matter to Him. To win them we must converse, not quarrel, and treat them with respect not contempt. Check out 1 Peter 3:15: “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
People are not convinced by knowledge, debate, or hostile action (like the pastor in Florida who burned their “holy” book). Instead it is godly living and love that makes a personal impact. One hundred years ago, the missionary Samuel Zwemer was known as the Apostle to Islam. His whole approach could be summarized with this phrase: “A ministry of friendship.” He once said that you can say anything to a Muslim provided you say it in love and with a smile.
Muslims are to show Christians affection according to 5:82. In fact, Surah 10:94-95 commands any Muslim in doubt of his mission / faith to find out more from "those who read the Scripture" who came before Islam (Christ-followers). Even amidst disagreement, Muslims are required to be respectful and gracious (16:125).
4th, Remember to use the Bible. Muslims will listen to and read the Bible. Invite Muslims to home studies. Surah 15:9. 4:136 says not to reject the books of God (includes the Law, Psalms, & the Prophets) and 5:47 points to the gospel (Which gospel? What is the gospel according to Allah?)
It’s imperative for Christians to get grounded in the Bible and in theology. We must read our Bible, study it, and know it and then encourage [give them a Bible] followers of Islam to read it for themselves. When Muslims read the Bible, they become intrigued and are especially attracted to Jesus.
Don’t argue with them about the Bible, simply share it. Martin Luther said, “The Bible when attacked should be treated like a lion in its cage. Rather than attempting to defend it, unleash it!” Since Muslims believe Jesus to be a prophet, point out that prophets have to tell the truth. You could then go back to the list of verses from the Gospel of John to show what Jesus said about Himself and the way to salvation.
By the way, when handling your Bible, be sure to use a copy that you have not written in for that would be offensive to a follower of Islam. Also be sure to not let it drop below your waist, and if you stack it with other books, make sure you put it on the top. To fail to do those things is a sign of disrespect in their eyes (
5th, Tell Muslims about Jesus.
Dear friends, don’t try to make Jesus more acceptable to people. Jesus is truth and can stand up to thorough investigation. Our job is to tell others about Him in love.
Many Muslims have a sincere affection for Jesus Christ as a kind and loving prophet. But they do not know the vastness of His love, for they refuse to believe that He loved sinners so much that He voluntarily died on the cross to save them. In wishing to honor Jesus they say that He was so great it was impossible for His enemies to overcome and kill Him. God being just would never have permitted His holy and righteous prophet Jesus to suffer the shame of the cross. It is generally believed that God performed a miracle to save Jesus. He changed one of the enemies to look like Jesus, and he was taken and crucified by mistake in the place of Jesus, whom God took alive to heaven. where He is today.
If Jesus Christ is not truly one with God, and if He did not die, there is no adequate sacrifice for the sin of the world, and sinners have no Savior. We are still in our sins. There is no glorious resurrection on the third day, no joyous Easter, and no victory over death and sin. Thus Muslims have no assurance of forgiveness, or of eternal life with God. For them death has not lost its sting, or grave its victory. How desperately they need to know and believe the message of the cross and the empty tomb!
By the way, the exclusive truth claims of Jesus do not mean that we should demonstrate an arrogant spirit. Ravi Zacharias captures this well when he writes: “Without the undergirding of love, the possessor of any conviction becomes obnoxious, and the dogma believed becomes repulsive to the one who disagrees with it” (“Deliver Us From Evil,” p. 83).
6th, Emphasis the Differences
Though one should avoid controversy whenever possible in order to save Muslims the differences between a follower of Jesus Christ and Islam must be pointed out. Allah is a powerful god who is unlike anyone and is therefore unknowable. Jesus is a personal God who can be known and related to through a close personal relationship.
Salvation for followers of Jesus comes by putting one’s trust for salvation and forgiveness in God’s Son who died as a sacrifice for sinners. A Muslim is attempting to save oneself by doing works of merit, which will never be enough to cancel one’s sins. Believers in Jesus follow a Living Lord who conquered death by rising from the tomb on the third day and is with His disciples always, A Muslim makes a pilgrimage to the grave of a man who died more than 1,300 years ago who is still in his tomb.
True Followers of Jesus receive the Holy Spirit who enables them to live a pure and holy life. Muslims must struggle in their own natural strength to overcome sin and Satan in order to live a life pleasing to a holy God.
True Followers of Jesus have a guide and example who is the sinless Son of God. Muslims follow a prophet, who according to the Qur’an, was commanded by Allah to repent of his sins. [Miller, 147]
A former Muslim said “Islam had the rules and discipline she wanted in her life, but lacked the power to live the life the rules stipulated: ‘As a system of personal discipline, Islam has few equals. As a means of earning God’s favor, it’s a spiritual treadmill.’” [Roy Oksnevad, director of the Institute of Muslim Studies at Wheaton College in an interview in Christianity Today (3/1/2000).
One might even reference Luke 8:40-48 where Jesus heals a bleeding woman. To the Muslim, cleanliness is the path to touching God but Jesus showed that touching Him is the path to cleanliness. When the unholy touches the holy, the unholy does not defile the holy; the holy purifies the unholy.
For Muslims, Allah is a powerful force, but not a friend. He’s far away, unpredictable, and impossible to please. There is no statement in the Qur’an that says “Allah is love.” [It does say that “Allah loves” two times but his love is conditioned on whether an individual keeps his laws and standards.] To the Muslim, Allah is the distant one, the cold judge and the hater of infidels. Most feel disconnected from their holy and harsh deity. They know they need purification, they live with a sense of shame that they’re not doing enough and they seek an intercessor. Islam is the ultimate religion of works-righteousness while Christianity is all about gift-righteousness. In Islam, people obey and hope to be accepted. In Christianity, I am accepted, therefore I obey.
Followers of Jesus face death with the assurance of immediate entrance into the Fathers’s House to be in His holy presence forever. Muslims are awaiting a terrifying questioning by the two angels, and the possibility of eternal existence in the fires of hell. The realization of these and other basic differences between the two religions has caused sincere seekers for God to choose the "Pearl of Great Price," whatever the cost might be (Mt. 13:45).
[Miller, 147]
Remember this, you and I cannot argue a Muslim into the kingdom because, according to J.D. Greear, “The roots of Muslim beliefs are not found in their minds, but in their hearts.” [and culture]. [What Jesus Would Say to a Muslim by Brian Bill, John 14:6, 10/24/10.]
7th, Live Your Life for Jesus.
Because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, those of us who know Him should have our lives shaped by Him. Are you living for Him right now? Do you need to come back if you’ve been drifting? Many Muslims say the number one thing that keeps them from Christ is the lifestyle of Christians. A Christian who lives among Muslims said this: “They are contemptuous of Christians because they think they are worldly…” J.D. Greear says that according to Muslims, “Christians are morally loose and do not show respect for God.” [What Jesus Would Say to a Muslim by Brian Bill, John 14:6, 10/24/10.]
God so loved the world, including the Muslim world, that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Reaching Muslims with the life-changing gospel message of Jesus Christ will be difficult. Might mountains of are blocking the advance of the Good News, not only in Muslim lands, but in Muslim hearts and minds. All seems lost to the natural man, but not to God. All things are possible with God if we would only believe (Mk. 9:23).
Jesus encouraging His disciples to faith says, “If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will be moved; and nothing will be impossible to you” (Mt. 17:20). With us the task is impossible but with God all things are possible (Mk.10:27). So share Christ in the power of the Spirit and leave the results to God.