Summary: In the locked room, Jesus gave them the go ahead,to tell the good news about the forgiveness of sins, we have the go ahead also.

Experience counts for a lot it’s one of those things that we give a lot of weight to. Was Edmond Hillary famous for doing the ordinary, being a bee keeper, no but for being the first man to climb Mount Everest, what a man, what an experience, or Neil Armstrong, none of us would remember him if it wasn’t for that one thing, none of us would know of him if it wasn’t for that one first thing he experienced. Mark Twain once said, “I know a man who grabbed a cat by the tail & he learned 40% more about cats than the man who didn’t.” Experience counts for alot we, can all recall experiences that we gained from, that helped with our growth and our knowledge. A meeting, an event, or the first time we meet that special someone.

The experience that the disciples had of Jesus was extraordinary, and it was that experience that allowed them to alter their lives, to engage in mission to the point where their experience of him became foremost in their lives, their story and a story that has become our guiding word.

You’ve probably heard this part of the story before many times if not and this is a first, this could be of interest:

Jesus had been crucified, he was dead, or in Pidgin English he was dead done finished. The spear to the side had ensured that his death was final, John tells it like this, “But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs, instead one of the soldiers pierced Jesus side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.” (John 19:33-34)

It appears that Jesus had died of a pulmonary edema, and heart failure not that I’m a medical expert. Pulmonary edema which is brought about by fluid build up in the lungs which in turn is brought about by heart failure, in this case due to being crucified.

So when his side was pierced, the fluid contained in his lung and the blood that remained in his blood vessels and most likely heart poured out.

That was Friday on Sunday we have this description of the disciples locked away together in fear of the Jews, though not all Jews, we are talking about those that had Jesus crucified.

It had been a rough week, Jesus had gone from hailed King to tortured corpse. He had been dragged away form the garden, his good mate Peter had denied him, the trial, the angry mob screaming, Judas had hung himself, the torture, the death, the tomb, the disciples had been in fear of their own lives.

Now it was evening and all of a sudden Jesus stood among them. He greeted them as you would greet a friend back in the day, “Peace be with you!” He then showed them the proof, his hands and his side, now I don’t know about you, but put yourself in the disciples place, here is the Lord resurrected from the dead and showing you his scars, he was beaten, he was pierced through his hands, and his side, you wouldn’t want to be the queasy type. You’ve seen a miracle, another to add to his many, he had again broken the laws of nature, this time not turning water into wine, not commanding the waves to be still, not walking on water, but appearing in a locked room now that’s a biggy. Get real that’s impressive but Jesus had just risen from the dead! The miracle to end all miracles and the miracle that preceded every miracle in his name since.

1) Of course the disciples were overjoyed, the pieces of the jigsaw start to fit, Jesus words as he talked about, ‘the miracle of Jonah’, ‘about breaking down the temple and rebuilding it in three days’, his words about ‘having to leave them and then return’, their mire of foggy thoughts starting to clear, the mist was rolling from the hills of their minds, again he said it “peace be with you!”

Up from the grave he arose, he’d already appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden, she as he had instructed her, had told the disciples that Jesus had appeared but still they were afraid of the Jews.

“Peace be with you” took on a new meaning, not just a greeting of ‘shalom’. These words now, also as did his other words take on a new depth of meaning a body of understanding, for earlier that week he had said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) and just prior to his arrest he said this, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Jesus was now being seen with clarity, the eyesight problem was gone and the new pair of six hundred dollar optically correct lenses were being worn, his words were realised. He was alive! He had defeated death, he had overcome the world; there was no need to be afraid, for now even death held no fear! Peace filled their hearts and they were filled with joy. Jesus was with them, peace was with them. Hold that thought Jesus brought them peace.

Jesus also gave them a command or two, the first was “As the Father sent me I am sending you.”

2) Jesus had work for the disciples to do and he was willing to allow them to do it. He had been sent to carry out God the Fathers work here on earth, that of bringing people to a relationship with God, introducing them to the fact that the Kingdom of God was near. Now because of his love for his disciples he was able to commission them to carry out the work. “As the Father sent me I am sending you.”

Jesus was handing over the keys to the car and saying there’s a job to do and I’m sending you out to do it. It’s a little like when I was in the third year of my apprenticeship and the boss came to me and said, “Well Andrew you’ve had plenty of experience at undergrounding, (that’s taking houses power from overhead lines to underground services), today you’re taking young Neil (the first year apprentice) and heading up to Westbrook Terrace and undergrounding up there for about the next three months.”

The tradesman was leading the boys loose! It was get out there and do it time, no following behind the boss, asking all the questions that I had the answers for anyway, help was only a phone call away.

Jesus was letting the boys loose! It was get out there and do it time, no following behind the boss, asking all the questions he had given them the answers for anyway, but his help was available.

3) The help that Jesus left them with would allow them to continue their mission in peace, not external peace because that seldom exists in life and in the case of the disciples lives, it was indeed a rare commodity, how was this peace going to come about? “And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit…”

This humble bunch of blokes were to receive the Holy Spirit, their comforter, encourager, helper and friend. This was the very breath of Jesus, his Spirit he was going to leave with them, his power, his leading, and he was giving it to them. Just as the breath of God had given man life when breathed into Adams nostrils, Jesus now passed his power for life change onto the disciples. This power came upon them fifty days later at Pentecost; this power is still available today to those who will do the will of God.

If you are thinking that this is just for other churches check out these words from our new General. ý"I’m just content to be a ORDINARY, AVERAGE Salvationist. No, beloved: we CANNOT BE CONTENT when there is fullness offered by God the Holy Spirit, because of the blood of Jesus and what He’s WON for us. WE HAVE TO GET IT. WE HAVE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. WE HAVE TO BE A SPIRIT-FILLED SALVATION ARMY." - General Linda Bond.

The peace of God comes through that relationship with Him through his Holy Spirit, life change occurs when the Holy Spirit is the power in our lives. We can’t do the Christian walk with out Christ’s Spirit at work in us, at work in our lives effecting life change in us and through us. This is why the disciples were able to go from a group of cowering fearful men, to power filled courageous heroes, because Jesus was with them initially in person and then by his Spirit, they were not alone.

3a) This crew had been given a job to do; the risen Lord was with them and would continue to be. By his Spirit. You may be thinking what or who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is not a thought or a philosophy the Holy Spirit is evidenced and experienced as one of the persons of God, we Salvationists believe there is as do other Christians, three persons in the God head who are undivided in essence and coequal in power and glory, the Holy Spirit is one of them. Just as Jesus helped his followers that day the Holy Spirit helps us today.

Jesus next bit of instruction and think about this, he had been dead, just appeared in the room. What came next were the things Jesus obviously needed to be foremost in the disciples minds, at the top of their too do lists.

He had greeted them, peace be with you, he showed them the evidence, it was him in the flesh, he was dead he was now alive, scars and all, just as the Father sent me I’m sending you, fella’s there’s a work to be done, receive the Holy Spirit, his very breath.

What was that job they needed to do?

4) They were to tell people about the major benefit of the death of Jesus, which is chocolate Easter eggs, especially the fair trade ones and the ones without palm oil, though I am quite keen on marshmallow ones. Also those spicy hot cross buns, now they are really important, these things are pivotal to a good Easter.

Any questions?

But really the job the disciples were given by Jesus to do was to tell people about the forgiveness of their sins, this is what the covenant in Jesus blood is about, sins being forgiven, this is why he died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. As his followers these blokes now were given the mandate to forgive sins, if another person believed in Jesus sacrifice and repented they were able to forgive them their sins, but if they rejected Jesus sacrifice then their sins weren’t forgiven. It was as easy as that. God is the one who does the forgiving but these blokes were now able to proclaim the good news of the forgiveness of sins.

This was to be key to the ministry of the disciples; this was to be key to the future Christian church, the forgiveness of sins!

Peace, The Holy Spirit, mission and the act of forgiveness were the four things that Jesus spoke about with his disciples just after his resurrection, these four things are important to Christians today, for if we are not empowered by the Holy Spirit our mission will be fruitless, people will not find the God of power. The risen saviour empowered them then and he can empower us now. We can experience Jesus at work in our lives and we can take that message of life change to others. I mentioned earlier that Jesus still brings peace. He brings that peace through the relationship we have with him with God.

Peace, true peace occurs in a persons life when they meet with the living saviour, when, their sins are forgiven, when his spirit enters their lives and influences their thinking when they to rise from that place of death to being made alive in Christ Jesus. Then true peace is what they can have, not just for a short term but for eternity. This peace brings hope.

So where does this leave us this day this Easter Sunday?

Are you a bible believing Christian, are you living in that peace yourself, what was it our new General said, if you are a Christian from another church exchange your own denomination or the word Christian for the word Salvationist and church for Salvation Army. "I’m just content to be a ORDINARY, AVERAGE Christain. No, beloved: we CANNOT BE CONTENT when there is fullness offered by God the Holy Spirit, because of the blood of Jesus and what He’s WON for us. WE HAVE TO GET IT. WE HAVE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. WE HAVE TO BE A SPIRIT-FILLED Church.”

From my own personal experience there will be no real peace until you are in that place. He lived and he died and he arose again on high and he opened a way for the world to live again. Do you accept it, do you shun it?

If you’ve come here today because it’s Easter and you were wondering what went on at Church’s at Easter, today could be a day like no other, it could be that day when you experience forgiveness of the sins that have been a burden for so long. You can experience the love and forgiveness of God. Either way as the Salvation Army we have a place we call the mercy seat where you can come to God and talk with him about these things. If you are already a believer, if you are in need of more of God’s Holy Spirit or if you are looking for that peace that comes through the forgiveness of your sins please come up and someone will come and pray with you.

For those who are happy with their lot in God a gentle reminder Jesus said “As the Father sent me, I am sending you” go empowered in the Holy Spirit and tell all who will listen their sins can be forgiven”so that they can experience being right with God, for Jesus died to set them free and on the third day rose from the dead.