Summary: A message examining how Calvary is redemptive in real life...Mary's view of Calvary.

A Hill With A View

A Parent’s View of Calvary


*Significance of preaching about the the story of Jesus’ death on Calvary is at the centre of the story of redemption. There is no Christianity without the cross.

*Today we start a series...preparing ourselves for Easter...a series about the experience of Calvary, called “A Hill With A View”. In this series we’ll be trying to look at Calvary through the eyes of five different witnesses who were present at Jesus’ death. And in trying to understand what Calvary meant to them personally, we may discover how Jesus’ great sacrifice is redemptive in our own lives.

*Redemptive...a powerful word and concept...meaning that we want to discover how Jesus’ sacrifice brings deliverance and rescue into our he ransomed our lives with his own...and how that redemption works in the circumstances of our lives. In this series we don’t just want to explore the idea of redemption in theology...but we want to find out how that redemption works in life.

*Today we look at Calvary through Mary’s eyes. Being Jesus’ mother, she has a unique perspective of Calvary. And what her story has to tell us may have application to all who have suffered that special kind of pain that only a parent understands. So today we take a look at a Parent’s View of Calvary.


(Read texts...)

Luk 2:27-35

Led by the Spirit, Simeon went into the Temple. When the parents brought the child Jesus into the

Temple to do for him what the Law required,

Simeon took the child in his arms and gave thanks to God:

"Now, Lord, you have kept your promise, and you may let your servant go in peace.

With my own eyes I have seen your salvation,

which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples:

A light to reveal your will to the Gentiles and bring glory to your people Israel."

The child's father and mother were amazed at the things Simeon said about him.

Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, "This child is chosen by God for the destruction

and the salvation of many in Israel. He will be a sign from God which many people will speak


and so reveal their secret thoughts. And sorrow, like a sharp sword, will break your own heart."

Joh 19:25-27

Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of

Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.

When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto

his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his

own home.

*I wonder what Mary felt as she stood as she watched her son dying on the cross? It’s important to remember that to Mary that’s exactly who Jesus was...her son.

*But in Mary’s experience, what was happening at Calvary was actually the end, the climax, of a long series of events leading to this moment.

*At Calvary, the whole story of Mary’s relationship with her son Jesus looked like a story of loss. She’s losing her son...her son is losing his life. It would be hard...maybe even stand beside Mary and try to put a positive theological spin on what she’s experiencing, on what she’s feeling. She’s a parent, after all.

*But Mary’s sense of loss wouldn’t have originated at would have begun a long time before. And strangely enough, it probably was much like the loss that some of you may have felt in your relationships with your own kids.

I. A Parent’s Loss

A. The Loss of Connection

Loss as in the loss of connection.

In the natural course of life your child (for that’s what he’ll always be) develops his own life. He becomes surrounded by his own friends, living his own way, with his own vision of the future.

The inevitability is that a parent is marginalized more and more, relegated to the periphery o f the child’s life. From centre stage to support cast is a difficult transition to make. And from supporting cast to occasional appearance is even more difficult.

B. The Loss of Influence

Loss as in the loss of influence.

There is a strange and unbelievably hurtful sorrow in watching your child take a path that you know will lead to heartache. And it’s agonizing to realize that nothing you say is going to make any difference at all. It’s almost as if you don’t exist as a parent anymore...

With the loss of connection there is a corresponding loss of influence, and your child begins to draw more on the wisdom of his friends and other mentors...instead of on yours.

C. The Loss of Power

Loss as in the loss of power.

With the loss of influence there is a loss of power. You can’t keep him from making certain decisions...even you think it will lead to a bad end.

When the bad happens, you hurt and suffer...but because of the natural order and progression of life, you are powerless to stop it. And often powerless to help. You can’t protect him.

II. Lessons From Calvary

A. Stay close as you can.

Though Mary was no longer an “insider” in Jesus’ life, she stayed as close as she could. Though he made decisions and acted in ways that Mary knew couldn’t end well, she stayed as close as she could. And even though she couldn’t prevent his suffering or ease his pain, she stayed as close as she could.

B. Stay Open...another may need you.

It was in the worst possible hour, when the sword had pierced her soul, that she learned that John needed her. Jesus was beyond her help, but there was someone there who needed a mom. And she could provide that for him.

When parents begin to suffer this kind of loss they often shut themselves off and close the doors of their heart. But it’s possible that someone will be placed in your path who needs a little mothering, a little fathering. So stay open.


From a parent’s perspective the story of Calvary may be a story of loss...but we learn that the death of Jesus isn’t just about deep theological truth, but it brings redemptive power to the life of every parent whose ever suffered as a parent.

You may suffer loss, your relationship with your kids may not be what you want it to be, and the agony of being powerless to influence or help may seem more than you can bear.

But the redemptive message of Calvary comes to you even in the midst of your loss and says, “Don’t give up! Stay as close as you can! As close as they’ll allow you to be! Love’em! Reach out to’em! Pray for’em!

The redemptive message of Calvary tells you to “Stay open! Don’t shut off your heart! There is the possibility that God will bring someone into your life who is going to need you... as a child needs a mother, as a child needs a father. Be open to share your life and love with them.”