Text Gen. 1:1-2:4
Theme: God brought order to the chaos that was the earth. God can bring order to chaos in every area of our lives, but there is a process that must be followed.
In creation, God shows us His way of doing things
-not our way, His way
In Gen 1 & 2
In the beginning God created!
-we must get that right first
-created is bara’ (bah-rah) to form or fashion, to created. The word carries the idea of cutting out or carving and the idea of creating from nothing
The earth was without form and void
“Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness.” The Message
-It had no structure and was empty
God brings order to the chaos of earth, but notice what He does 1st.
The earth was without form, God brings a form to the chaos or the insanity of the earth
Day one- God said, “Let there be light”
Day two- God said, “Let there be sky” or firmament…how many of you knew what firmament was? How many of you are saying really that what that is, I always wondered!
Day three- God said, “Separate” and the waters receded and made dry land
And the land grew vegetation
Day four- God said, “Let there be light in the sky”
Now Day five- God said “let there be fish and birds”
Day six- God said “let the life on earth” and God created all the land animals and humans and God made man
Day seven- God rested
Then in Gen 2.22 God took a rib from Adam and made woman
Notice something very scriptural a very deep theological truth
God made man, then He rested
God made woman, and nobody has rested since!
Now remember I said in this account of creation God shows us His way of doing things
God created
God saw the earth was without form and void-void means empty
God took the 1st 4 days and formed the earth
God took the next 2 days and filled it
God cannot fill what has not been formed
He created it
Then He formed it
Then He filled it
This is God’s way of doing things and God never changes
James 1:17 (New Living Translation)
“Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow”
God never changes
God can’t change because He is already perfect!
God can’t get gooder because He is already the goodest!
God can’t learn because He already knows everything
Has it ever occurred to you that nothing has ever occurred to God?
He has never said, “huh, I never thought of that, I’m glad you brought that to my attention”
Anyway, God never changes and if this is how He worked then and He never changes, how does He work now? ---------the same way!
He fills what is formed.
Have you ever seen a concrete foundation being poured?
Yes sir, I sure have, they take about 10 concrete trucks into a field and just dump the concrete on the ground and runs out all over the place and then they build a house on it----------right?
No 1st you dig the footers and then you build what? FORMS and pour the concrete into the forms or you will waste the concrete!
Ok great Pastor Darin I got it
God Created it, God Formed it, God Filled it, Got it
What does that have to me?
Well we expect God to either change His mind or waste His blessings because we don’t stop to give God a form to fill and then we wonder why God isn’t pouring out His blessings in our lives
What do I mean?
Well how many of you know that if we got it, God created it
John 1.3 “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”
So if we want to see God work in an area of our life, or to fill an area of our life, we have to learn what He says about that area, what kind of form He wants, then do our best to build the form He wants because He can’t change and do what is against His nature and bless a mess!
To be blessed is to receive divine or supernatural aid and to be favored and fortunate
How many of you could use a little of God’s blessings in your life?
How many of you have ever wondered why God doesn’t bless in an area of your life?
Well, are you building the right forms so that God has something to pour His blessings into
You want God to bless your finances? Are they in order or are they a mess?
You want God to bless your family? Is it in order
Your marriage? Is it in order, husband are you the Spiritual head of your home? Do you lead your family by example in coming to church, and praying and reading your Bible and serving one another? Or does your wife have to drag you here kicking and screaming
Do you say, no my marriage is not in order…my wife won’t submit to me! Well are you a Godly man, submitted to God in all areas of your life, do you love your wife as Christ loves the Church that you live for Her and you would die for Her? No, then why should she submit… you’re not worth submitting to!
Your children?
Your home?
Your life?
What does God say about these areas in His word and how are you doing against that? You don’t know? Well you best be finding out.
Here’s one that gets me, this one where God has convicted me, my health. I want God to bless my health and heal my body but I keep doing all the wrong things, I keep putting all the wrong things into it
I tell everybody I am fat because I have a gland problem, yeah, my salivary gland greasing up those Twinkies I keep shoving down
Or I don’t take care of my body right, I don’t exercise and I don’t sleep right. I don’t eat right, I eat way to much fast food and in the car as I rush from one place to another.
How can I expect God to bless my health and heal my body when I don’t give Him anything to work with.
This is just how God works, He has laid out in His word His plan for every area of our lives, and He wants to bring honor and blessing into every area of our lives but we have to give Him something to work with.
We do things that block God from being able to work and bring blessing in our lives, we need to remove the road blocks.
Don’t know what you should be doing? Just ask! Get in the Bible? Pray and say God this area is a mess in my life and I don’t know how to fix it, will You show me how to fix it.
I am serious God has a plan and an order for every area of your life.