Summary: This message will explore some of the many benefits that a person can begin enjoying immediately after trusting Christ for salvation.

Text: Matthew 16:24-27- " Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come

after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever

will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find

it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall

come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man

according to his works."(KJV)


1. I am going to talk about, "The Great Payday" that is received by every individual

who is wise enough to become a follower of Jesus Christ. The activity involved in

earning a payday may not be so exciting, but receiving the payday is always a

joyous occasion for everyone. I remember as a child my Dad received his pay twice a month. And every pay day was a joyous occasion for me and all of my

brothers and sisters because we would each be given a bag of candy! Yes, there

is something exciting about being rewarded. The Christian life is an exciting

life. It really pays to be a Christian!

2. Our text was written around 80 or 90 A.D. A time of severe persecution for

the early Christians. Therefore Jesus warned his disciples of the foolishness of

pursuing a life of comfort, safety, and ease. He told them that to do so would

result in the end, their losing a new dimension in life here and eternal life in the

world to come.

3. Jesus came to give us abundant life.(John 10:10) In our text He gives us the

formula for living it and promises great rewards to those who follow Him. He is

presenting us with the greatest challenge in the world. A challenge, if accepted,

will not only yield many wonderful compensations in this life, but an abundance

of wonderful compensations in the next life.

4. It is because of the tremendous rewards that are to be gained, that I submit

to you, it is by far better to be an obedient follower of Jesus Christ, than to be

the richest person on earth without Him.


Permit me to invert the two words; 'Lose' and ' Gain' in verse 26 of our text and

attempt to answer the question thus posed. "For what is a man profited, if he

shall lose the whole world and gain his soul?" At the top of the list of rewards we

receive when we turn from a life of sin to a life of following Christ is the fact of


1. Redemption

What does redeemed mean? It simply means to be set free.

From what has a Christian been redeemed from? First; Christian's have been

redeemed/released from that heavy load of guilt brought on by living a sinful


(Illustration): One day someone asked an old colored fellow what he was so

happy about. The old man replied, "I has had a heavy load of guilt lifted from

my soul since da good Laud done forgive me of alls my terrible sins!" "How do

you know that the Lord Jesus Christ has forgiven you?", they asked. He -

explained; "When I's carry a hundred pound sack of potatoes on my back

and sets it down, I's know I'm not carrying it any mo." "So, I knows that da good

Laud done forgive my sins cause I's not carrying dat load no mo!"

Secondly, the follower of Christ has:

2. Power to Conquer Bad Habits

Scripture says that, "He that is in Us (Christ Jesus) is greater than he that is in

the world".(Satan)

Isn't it wonderful to know that there is available, supernatural deliverance from

those health robbing, peace stealing, sorrow giving, tear producing habits that

bind us as a poor slave is bound in shackles and chains!

Thirdly, There is the awesome:

3. Assurance That We Are Members Of God's Family

Our assurance is based wholly upon the Word of God. There is one thing the

heavenly Father cannot do, that is, tell a lie. Many times throughout Scripture,

God promises that if we trust Christ as our savior, and make him the Lord of

our life, we will become one of His very precious children!

* John 6:37, John 1: 12, Romans 10:9, 10, & 13, 1 John 5:13 ,etc.

In the book of Revelation, Jesus said, " Behold, I stand at the door and knock.

If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine

with him." (Rev. 3: 20) Jesus is waiting for your invitation. If you will only open

the door, be assured, He will come in!

Fourthly, the follower of Jesus Christ enjoys:

4. A Deep Settled Peace

The scripture describes this peace as defying understanding unless we

personally experience it. The old gospel song says, "Peace, Peace, wonderful

peace, coming down from the throne of God". Jesus said, "My peace, I give unto

you.." The world cannot give this kind of peace, and the world can't take it away!

Fifthly, the follower of Jesus Christ experiences:

5. Joy

Surrendering all to the Lord will bring great happiness and joy into our hearts.

We cannot help being joyful about the fact that we have been redeemed, all our

sins have been forgiven, we have been adopted into the family of God, and we

know it! Peter calls this joy, "unspeakable", meaning that it is so glorious there

is no words in our vocabulary to describe it! When an individual finds Jesus, he

has found the, "pearl of great price!" No wonder he is full of Joy. More than forty

years ago, I heard someone knocking on my door, and when I opened it, I

discovered that I had just won much, much more than a, 'million dollars sweep-

stake'. And I have been rejoicing ever since!

Yes, blessed assurance, peace of mind, and joy in the soul. Are all a part of

the profits a man receives when he is willing to forsake the world and follow

Christ. If these were the only rewards, It would be enough to convince me that

I have found a mighty good deal! But there is even more to be gained from

following Christ.

Sixth, There is :

6. Freedom From Loneliness

The follower of Jesus Christ need never again experience the terrible feeling of

complete loneliness. Christian's can and do enjoy Christ's constant

companionship. Jesus said that he would always be with us. And He promised

that He would never forsake us. Jesus is always with the Christian in the person

of the Holy Spirit. He is with us in good times as well as in times of sickness,

sorrow, suffering, and need. He is with us when it comes our time to die. So

comforting is the thought that, "we won't have to cross Jordon alone"! The name,

'Jesus' mean's, Emanuel; "God with us". The Lord is with us when we pray, when

we play, when we worship, and when we work. And even when it comes our time

to die. The follower of Jesus Christ sees no fear in death for he knows that, "Even

though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, You(Lord) are with me."

It really pays to serve the Lord! The rewards are wonderful and numerous. It would

take a sermon every week, perhaps for the rest of my life, to preach them all.

I shall mention only one more today, and then we shall close. The follower of

Jesus Christ receives:

7. Escape From Eternal Doom

The scripture plainly teaches that there is eternal damnation for all who reject

God for the love of the world. Torment, Misery, and Woe are the rewards of

all those who harden their hearts to the gospel invitation to be a follower of Jesus.

The Bible calls it the, "second death". It means spending eternity in everlasting

fire. Being totally separated from God.(Read Revelation 20:11-14)


Think about what I am saying to you, my dear friend, as I bring this message to

an end. If you choose not to turn your back on this world, and continue to live a

life of sin. The pay day will be guilt, loneliness, bondage, misery, and damnation.

If you turn to Christ, trusting Him as your savior, and making Him the Lord of your

life. The rewards will be numerous and wonderful! You will experience forgiveness, freedom from guilt, deliverance from bondage, peace of mind,

assurance that you are a Child of God, joy in your soul, fellowship with the Holy

Spirit, and escape from eternal damnation. Sounds like a great deal to me!

Do you want to trade?