The Glory of Christmas Contentment

December 12, 2010

Phi 4:11-13

That we've unwrapped thus far.

* The Glory of Christmas is greater than anything we've ever imagined it to be.

* The Glory leads us to Jesus the Reflection of everything that God is and celebrates what he has done.

* The Reality of that Glory reveals that there was nothing more he could have done to demonstrate love.

* That truth leads us to the Glory of Christmas Contentment.


Though Chirstmas should lead to contentment for many if is filled with stressors that often they rob us of some of that Holiday Spirit and Joy. For instance

Should the tree be real or fake?

Politically Correct Solution: Live tree, planted after use

Male Solution: Fake tree, discarded after use

Female Solution: Grow tree in house, adorned with fruits

Reality: Fake tree stays up until May, adorned with furballs

Should the tree be topped with an angel or a star?

Politically Correct Solution: Gender-neutral angel; no submissive female stereotype

Male Solution: Beautiful Blonde Barbie-like Angel,

Female Solution: Angel beneath a beautiful star explaining the true meaning of Christmas

Reality: Whatever you can fits on top of the tree without tipping it over.

The Testy Tangle of Tinsel

Politically Correct Solution: Biodegradable stands of tinsel made from recycled materials

Male Solution: Six large clumps of tinsel on front of tree

Female Solution: Each icicle hangs like strand of spaghetti

Reality: More icicles on floor than on tree

What about gifts on Christmas morning?

Politically Correct Solution: Gifts given in your name to Charities.

Male Solution: Whatever was on the display closet to the door when you shopped on Christmas Eve.

Female Solution: Beautifully wrapped carefully picked out Christmas Gifts purchased on Sale

Reality: Doesn't matter it's going back on the 26th anyway

Okay maybe those are not the indicative of your struggle with Christmas. But if we are not careful, rather than discovering the Glory of Contentment, Christmas adds stress to our lives and for some ends in discontentment.

T.S. While it is not true that Suicides increase at Christmas, rather they increase throughout the winter season. The Christmas Holiday which should lead us to the Glory of Contentment remains for many an undiscovered truth.


Phil 4:11-13

11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

I. The Glory Christmas Contentment is a Secret

12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

A. Key Word -- Learn

1. That it is learned implies you know of it but not know it

* Possible to journey through life and never discover it.

* Possible to

2. That he declares now that he has learned it implies a turning point.

* Day when he had it and a day when he didn't.

B. Key word -- Content

1. sufficient for one's self, strong enough or processing enough to need no aid or support

* To not need any more help

* To possess the ability to

2. independent of external circumstances

3. contented with one's lot, with one's means, though the slenderest

from the verb


1. arkeo -- primarily signifies "to be sufficient, to be possessed of sufficient strength, to be strong, to be enough for a thing"; hence,

2. "to defend, ward off"; in the middle voice,

3. "to be satisfied, contented with," Luke 3:14, with wages; 1 Tim 6:8, with food and raiment; Heb 13:5, with "such things as ye have"; negatively of Diotrephes, in 3 John 10, "not content

II. The Glory of Christmas Contentment can be Misunderstood.

vv. 11-12 . . .for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.

A. Not related to Circumstances

Christmas is not the promise that the Whatsoevers of Life will be easy.

Circumstances are Circumstances -- They change throughout our lives yet somehow the Glory of Christmas has become a half hearted wish for Good, or Easy or Comfortable circumstances in the coming year. The Glory of Christmas is not a verse on a card wishing us a happy new year.

Look at some for these cards

Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year

Greetings of the Season and Best Wishes for the New Year

May the Holiday Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your loved ones

Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year

B. Not related the absence of Challenges

* To possess the ability to

Sometimes circumstances don't just bring changes but they bring challenges that are over whelming to deal with.

* Losing a member of my family or my fiancé prematurely

Being lonely

* Never falling in love

* Losing a Child

* Discovering I have cancer

* Being fired

That one day I will wake up with truely nothing

* Growing Old

Your New Year may hold one or more huge challenges.

III. The Glory of Christmas Contentment is only found in Relationship with Jesus.

13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

I can prevail, endure, cope face all things

Because of the truth of Christ--Emmanuel--God with us.

With us in all circumstances

Sufficient for us to cope all challenges

May your relationship with Jesus be so vital you discover contentment and the ability to cope no matter what the New year Holds.


Pursuit in Word

Phillippians is Paul's book of Joy and Contentment. Looking to discover the Glory of Christmas Contentment? Take a time to read and reread the book this next week.

Pursuit in Prayer

Circumstances Frustrating? Challenges overwhelming you? The old hymn said this,

"Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?

Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer.

No more whining about. Take walk, take a knee, take it to him.

Pursuit in Relationship

Throw out every other greeting you've used at Christmas. Drop Merry Christmas and get rid of "happy new Year." Great one another, your family friends with "May Jesus be real." "May Jesus be enough."

Discover him and His peace.

Pursuit in Service

Think of someone who is struggling in their circumstances. Make a difference in the name of the one who has made a difference in your life.