Summary: Christ my Contentment

Reading: Philippians chapter 4 verses 1-11:


Meaningless words:

• (1). Kathy’s children’s cough medicine contains this warning:

• “Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication”

• (2). Boots hairdryer:

• “Do not use while sleeping!”

• (3). Marks & Spenser’s bread pudding:

• “Product will be hot after heating!”

• (4). Our Christmas lights from B&Q contain this helpful information:

• “For indoor and outdoor use only”

• (5). Sainsbury’s peanuts;

• “Warning product contains nuts!”


• Samuel Clement (better known by his alias Mark Twain);

• Attended a Sunday morning services.

• He met the pastor at the door afterward and told him;

• That he had a book at home with every word the pastor had preached that morning.

• The minister said, impossible and assured him that the sermon was an original.

• Clement (Mark Twain) still held his position.

• The pastor wanted to see this book so Clement said he would send it over in the morning.

• When the preacher unwrapped it,

• And looked at the book that contained every word the pastor had preached that morning,

• Mark Twain sent him a dictionary and in the flyleaf was written this:

"Words, just words, just words."

This weekend I hope these sessions have been more than;

• "Words, just words, just words."

• I believe that these words have the power to change us!

• Quote:

• “Some books inform, some books reform, only the Bible transforms!”

• Now as a Christian I need changing;

• And in these first five verses of chapter 4 there are 5 areas I need help with.

(1). Stability (verse 1):

• Paul’s first request is that these Christians "Stand fast." Or "Stand firm."

• ill: Chart. ill: Yo - yo. (ill: Malarial Christianity).

(2). Harmony (verse 2):

• Paul’s second request is that these Christians have the "Same mind" or "to agree."

• Question: How many conflicts have you had this week?

• We might be out and out arguing:

• But we gossip, talk about people, we speak negative things about them.


• A horse can’t pull while kicking. This fact we merely mention.

• And he can’t kick while pulling, Which is our chief contention.

• Let’s imitate the good old horse And lead a life that’s fitting;

• Just pull an honest load, and then there’ll be no time for kicking.

(3). Joy. (verse 4):

• Paul’s third request is that these Christians;

• "Rejoice in the Lord always" - "Always be full of joy."

• Question: How much laughter you had this week?

• Too many Christians endure their faith instead of enjoying it!


• When missionaries in the northern part of Alaska, where the Eskimos live,

• Were trying to get the Bible translated, they had some difficulty.

• When you go to translate the Bible in any culture,

• There’s a difficulty in translating some words,

• Because cultures and languages don’t always have the same words.

• Ill: “White as snow….white as cotton wool”

• There was no word in the Eskimo language for joy.

• So the translators struggled and struggled and got nowhere fast.

• Then they noticed that the happiest, the most joyful moments in those Eskimo village,

• Were in the evening when they fed their sled dogs.

• They’d go out, and the dogs would yelp and wag their tails and get all excited.

• And so, out of that experience, they found their word for joy: "wagging their tails."

• When you translate our verse Eskimo style, it would read like this,

• "Wag your tail and again I say wag your tails!"

(4). Purity (verse 8):

8”Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”.

The Message:

9”Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse”.

• Paul’s fourth request is that these Christians have pure hearts & minds.

• Question: How clean / pure / wholesome your mind this week?

• ill: D.L. Moody: ‘Invented a camera that photographs the heart.....’

• ill: Knew my thoughts I would not be your speaker....

(5). Consistency (verse 9):

9”Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

• Paul’s fifth request is that these Christians "Put into practice" or "Do it!"

• But if we are honest we are so inconsistent.


James chapter 1 verse 22:

"With the tongue we praise our father and Lord,

And with it we curse men,

Out of the same mouth comes both praise and cursing,

My brothers this should not be,

Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?"

• James went onto say:

• "Be doers of the word and not just hearers."

Now when we are not displaying:

• Stability.

• Harmony.

• Joy.

• Purity.

• Consistency.

• It can make us feel failures, and rob us of our reality.

• And even cause anxiety (worry, “if I am a Christian why do I do these things?”):


• I left out verse 6 & 7 on purpose. It is central to the rest.

• ill: Spindle in a wheel.

• Verse 6 & 7 are a command:

• "Do not be anxious about anything."

• “But”.......... in its place "Pray"

• And the result is verse 7.

When done right prayer is the answer to:

• Anxiety. (Brings peace)

• Stability. (To our daily walk)

• Harmony. (Into our fellowship)

• Joy. (In our faith)

• Purity. (to our minds / thoughts)

• Consistency. (In our life-style)

Now that's what I want, what I desire:

• Question: Can I have it?

• Answer: The answer is yes! But note those key verses!

Key: Right praying (vs 6-7):

• Ill: What petrol is to a car, prayer is to the Christian.

• Ill: What food is to the body, so prayer is to the soul!

• Paul tells these Christians not only to pray but he tells them how to pray.

• Notice that he uses three different words.



• A pilot was flying a plane-load of passengers to their destination,

• When suddenly the rudder malfunctioned.

• He radioed the control tower in panic, and shouted,

• "The RUDDER has malfunctioned! What shall I DO?"

• The air traffic controller radioed back, "Keep calm, Captain. Just repeat after me:

• Wings flap... check. Velocity... check. Altitude check."

• The pilot made the appropriate adjustments,

• And the aircraft continued on course.

Not five minutes later, however, the STARBOARD ENGINE stalled:

• The pilot radioed the control tower and shouted,

• "The STARBOARD ENGINE has stalled! What shall I DO?"

• The air traffic controller radioed back, "Keep calm, Captain.

• Just repeat after me: Wings flap... check. Velocity... check. Altitude check."

• The pilot made the appropriate adjustments,

• And again the aeroplane continued on course.

However, not five minutes later, the pilot radioed the control tower a THIRD time:

• This time he shouted, "MAYDAY! MAYDAY! BOTH the engines have gone!

• What shall I DO?

• The air traffic controller radioed back, "Keep calm, Captain. Just repeat after me:

• Our Father... Which art in heaven... Hallowed be Thy name..."

The word ‘Prayer’:

• It is the general word we use for speaking to God.

• Notice in verse 6 Paul says; “In everything”.

• Every problem large or small we should try to take it to God.

• The word conveys the thought of going to one greater than ourselves!


• The words ‘Our Father’ remind us of God’s concern.

• The words ‘In Heaven’ remind us of God’s power.

• We have a great God and when we pray we are asking him to get involved.

• These things may be mountains to us but compared to God they are just molehills!


• In the court of Alexander the Great;

• Was a philosopher of outstanding ability but he had very little money.

• He asked Alexander for finical help;

• And was told to draw whatever he needed from the imperial treasury.

• But when the man requested an amount equal to $50,000,

• he was refused - the treasurer needing to verify that such a large sum was authorized.

• When he asked Alexander, the ruler replied, "Pay the money at once.

• The philosopher has done me a great honor.

• By the largeness of his request;

• He shows that he has understood both my wealth and my generosity."

Quote: John Newton Hymn:

“Thou art coming to a King,

Large petitions with thee bring;

For His grace and power are such

None can ever ask too much”.


• Hippy who turned up at a job center, looking for work.

• The man interviewing him asked him some questions;

• “Where have you been?”

• The Hippy replied, “Oh just here and there”.

• “What have you been doing?”

• The Hippy replied, “Oh just this and that”.

• “How often have you been doing it?”

• The Hippy replied, “Just off and on”

So the person in the job center reviewed his replies:

• “Oh just here and there”.

• “Oh just this and that”.

• “Just off and on”

• And said, “I think you should come back, just now and then!”

Tough question: Does that describe your prayer life?

• “Oh just here and there”.

• “Oh just this and that”.

• “Just off and on”


• “Why pray when you can worry!”

• “Why pray when you live a defeated Christian life!”

• If we want to be victorious Christians.

• If we want to know God’s power at work in our lives.

• We need to start to pray;

• And to develop that prayer.


• J. Sidlow Baxter.

• “Running on batteries when they should be running on the mains”


• Specific requests.

• Ill: Shotgun or a sniper.


• (1st). The closest finger to you is the thumb.

• Pray for those that are closest to you. Pray for your parents & your brothers or sisters.

• (2nd). The next finger is called your index finger. It is used for pointing.

• Let this finger remind you to pray for those that point you in the right direction.

• Pray for your teachers at school, your Sunday School teacher, and your pastor.

• (3rd).The next finger is the tallest finger.

• This finger reminds us to pray for our leaders.

• Pray for the prime minister and other leaders in our government;

• And those who are leaders in our town.

• (4th). The fourth finger is the called the ring finger.

• Did you know that this is the weakest of all the fingers?

• Just ask anyone who plays the piano and they will tell you that is true.

• Let this finger remind you to pray for those who are sick.

• (5). The next finger is the smallest finger.

• The Bible says, "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought."

• Let the little finger remind you to pray for yourself.

• So the next time you are talking to God, and you can't think of anything to say,

• Let the "Five Finger Prayer" help you.



Two boys and a bull in a field.

• Appreciation to God for his concern and love & his goodness..

• Ill: As a parent I am forever telling my kids; “...and what do you say?”

• Ill: Saddest miracles of Jesus the healing of the 10 leapers.

• Question: Are we any better?


“Prayer without thanksgiving is like a bird without wings.

Such prayer cannot rise to heaven, can find no acceptance with God”.

Key: Right praying (vs 6-7):

• And notice the positive results;

• Verse 7: “..AND the peace of God...”


• Painting competition.

• Peace in the middle of the storm.

• And notice the positive results;

• Verse 7: “..AND the peace of God...WILL guard.....”


• Don’t forget Paul was chained to a Roman soldier;

• Who stood guard over him night and day.

• Paul deliberately uses the military word here for ‘standing on guard’.

• Prayer helps build an impregnable defence, shielding the Christian.

• Prayer helps to guard the two areas that create worry in each person:

• The heart (wrong feelings). The mind (wrong thoughts).

• Those five areas listed all have to do with the heart and the mind;

• Guard the heart & the mind and surprise, surprise you start changing those five areas.

Question: Are you a thermometer or a thermostat Christian?

• A thermometer doesn’t change anything around it;

• It just registers the temperature. Hot or cold.

• But a thermostat regulates its surroundings;

• And it has the ability to change those surroundings when they need changing.