Reading: chapter 10 verses 1-24
This event in Luke chapter 10:
• Should not be confused with another similar event
• That you looked at a few weeks ago
• In Luke chapter 9 Jesus commissioned or sent out the 12 disciples.
• Here in Luke chapter 10 Jesus commissioned or sent out 70 of his followers.
Now there are similarities in both incidents;
• And this should be expected;
• After all it is the same master, who is sending out his followers to do the same basic job.
So there will be similarities but there are also differences:
• The 12 disciples were sent out to minister in Galilee (north);
• But these 70 men were sent out to minister in Judea (south).
• And the men in this chapter are not called apostles;
• They were anonymous disciples N.I.V. ‘others’. K.J.B. ‘seventy also’.
• They were true followers of Jesus;
• But not members of the inner-core, the 12 disciples.
Question: Why 70?
• Some versions say 72 and there is about equal textual evidence to go with either;
• I am going to go with the seventy-two!
• Just as the 12 disciples represented the 12 sons of Jacob and tribes of Israel;
• So the seventy or seventy two (both numbers) are also symbolic.
(1). THE NUMBER 70:
• The number 70 might be linked with Moses in Numbers chapter 11 verses 16&25);
• Who on one occasion chose 70 leaders of Israel.
• These 70 elders were all given a share in God’s spirit;
• And as spirit filled leaders they were equipped to lead God’s people.
Quote: Tim Downs
“Watches, cars and Christians can all look chromed and shiny.
But watches don't tick, cars don't go and Christians don't make a difference without insides. For a Christian, that's the Holy Spirit”.
Quote: A. W. Tozer once laid down the challenge,
“If God took His Holy Spirit out of this world,
what the church is doing would go right on and nobody would know the difference.”
• The Holy Spirit was essential for the Elders in Moses day to function effectively;
• And he is essential in every Christian life, ministry and fellowship today!
(1). THE NUMBER 72:
• The number 72;
• May be associated with the nations listed in Genesis chapter 10.
• In that chapter (after Noah dies and just before the tower of Babel);
• There is a table of nations listed and there are 72 nations listed.
• The choice of 72 may emphasis the universality of the gospel message;
• 72 nations, 72 missionaries – one for each nation.
• Maybe it is a symbolic way of saying Jesus wants the message spread to all nations!
(1). There Is A Call That Needs Answering (vs 1-4)
“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
3Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. 4Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.”
• My Passport; What I hold in my hand is a fairly common document.
• It’s my passport, it allows me right to travel around the world,
• It shows not only where I come from but also who I am.
• It shows that I am a citizen of the United Kingdom (no you are not seeing the photo!);
• Therefore I am also a representative of my country to the rest of the world.
• The way that people abroad view me will have an impact on how they view my county.
• These 72 followers (passport holders) of Jesus were not just his followers:
• They were also his ambassadors;
Question: What is an ambassador?
• An ambassador is an authorized representative of a sovereign.
• He speaks not in his own name but on behalf of the ruler whose deputy he is,
• And his whole duty and responsibility;
• Is to interpret that ruler’s mind faithfully to those to whom he is sent.
• The followers of Jesus:
• Went out to represent him, to serve him, and with his authority and blessing!
In these opening verses Jesus tells the seventy 4 key truths:
(1). Be willing - "The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few.”
• Jesus tells the seventy-two that there is much work to do,
• But not enough people to do the work:
• That was true in Jesus day, it is true in ours;
• Ill: Just watch this DVD clip.
"The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few.”
• I think that there is an important principle inherent in this passage;
• That immobilizes too many of God’s people from spreading the gospel.
• It is the wrong notion that there is just too much work to do,
• And I am only one person so what difference can I make.
• I recently read about an old man, walking the beach at dawn,
• Who noticed a young man ahead of him picking up starfish & flinging them into the sea.
• Catching up with the youth, he asked what he was doing.
• The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun.
• ‘But the beach goes on for miles and miles, and there are millions of starfish,’
• Countered the man. ‘How can your effort make any difference?’
• The young man looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it to safety in the waves.
• ‘It makes a difference to this one,’ he said.”
• School girl on Wednesday;
• “Excuse me, thank you for your assembly yesterday it was really helpful!”
• I spoke to 1,000 pupils in that school, I may only have made a difference to that one!
• Question: Which ‘one’ are you making a difference too?
• Neighbour, postman, shop assistant, work colleague, friend, family member?
• Who are we praying for and witnessing too?
In the days of Christ’s ministry on the earth the labourers were “few” and they still are today.
• How can we ask God to send forth someone else;
• Without first saying, “Lord, send me?”
• It is impossible to pray regularly for the salvation of a loved one,
• A neighbour, a friend or a co-worker and not be moved to do something.
• If we are regularly praying for someone;
• We cannot help but be moved to be the “someone” that God would use.
• It is impossible to earnestly pray for the Lord to seen labourers into the harvest;
• And not make ourselves available to be a part of the answer.
• When we pray that God would send someone;
• We MUST place ourselves at His disposal to be one of the workers in reaching the lost.
• Note: In the text we see that the ones who he had commanded to pray for labourers;
• Became workers themselves.
• Verse 2: He told THEM to pray;
• Verse 3: He said to the prayers; “I am sending YOU!”
• Too many Christians are praying for someone else to do a job;
• They are unwilling to do themselves!
• No wonder we are having such little impact on the world in which we live!
• Question: Which ‘one’ are you making a difference too?
(2). Be aware - This evangelistic mission will be dangerous (vs 3),
• “I send you out as lambs among wolves.”
• Jesus knew that they would face opposition and danger in preaching this new message.
Following and proclaiming Jesus would be a dangerous calling (vs 3)
• As they went out into enemy territory (vs 17);
• They would be like “lambs among wolves”.
• Quote: “You and I are called to preach treason in the devils kingdom”
• So expect some obstacles and difficulties!
• It appears that each year Christians around the world;
• Are being more and more persecuted!
• And in this country we are being more and more restricted;
• In what we can do and say (need to pray that the door of opportunity remains open)
• Ill: If trends continue the way they are going; when my kids are adults;
• There will be more practicing Muslims in the UK than practicing Christians!
• Somehow I don’t think they will enjoy the privileges I have known!
• Or the liberty which we have now to make Christ known!
• There is something comical in that statement of Jesus;
• Can you imagine a farmer seeing a wolf in his field,
• Who wanting to remove the wolf decides to pick up a lamb (not even a sheep)
• And says to that lamb; “Go get em!”
• There is a name for lambs who go chasing after wolves;
• It is called ‘dinner!’
• The picture Jesus gives to the seventy-two is one of utter helplessness;
• A picture of extreme danger.
• But note in verse 3 the emphatic “I” – “I am sending you”,
• It is no less than their Shepherd who is speaking.
• And apart from him, they would surely be in a hopeless situation;
• But commissioned by him the opposite is true!
• Some people here tonight know from experience,
• Some know from second hand knowledge (biographies of missionaries/prayer letters);
• Of how Jesus Christ sends lambs out to capture the wolves!
(3). Be urgent (vs 4-8)
• Jesus also conveys a sense of urgency to the mission;
• By telling them to travel light (vs 4).
Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.
• When Jesus says, “greet no one along the road,”
• He is not telling the disciples to be rude to people,
• He is warning then against engaging in the Jewish custom of;
• Long and elaborate time-consuming greetings which could take place.
• He is telling them to get on with what they have been called to do;
• And not let anything turn them aside.
• In other words; don’t live cluttered lives or get so caught up in the social whirl;
• That we forget the spiritual purpose of our existence!”
So once again Jesus tells them in verse seven:
• “And remain in the same house do not go from house to house,”
• That is that the disciples are not to go from house to house socializing.
• We need to realize that the urgency of carrying the message of Jesus;
• Has intensified not diminished with the passage of time.
• As a Church and as individuals;
• We need to get our act together!
• We need to be shaken out of our comfort zones and we need to realise once again;
• We are left here on planet earth to win men and women to Christ!
• And like these seventy-two that is going to mean some radical changes;
• If you cannot handle change then you will not like following Jesus!
• Who demands a radical lifestyle from individuals and also his Church;
• So get ready for change after change after change – it is coming!
• If it is not implemented positive change;
• Then it will evolve as natural decline and decay.
• Ill: Just think of the assemblies in Hampshire that are declining and dying!
• And the few who are willing to grasp the nettle of change and grow!
(4). Be trusting (vs 4-8).
Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.
5 "When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house.' 6 If the head of the house loves peace, your peace will rest on that house; if not, it will return to you. 7 Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for workers deserve their wages. Do not move around from house to house.
8 "When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is set before you
• They had to trust God to provide homes and food for them,
• Ill: Jehovah Jireh – “The Lord will provide”.
• But notice how God provides, it is through his people;
• So they were not to reject any offer of hospitality.
• The principle throughout the New Testament is always the same;
• God provides for his work and workers through his people – the Church!
• Question: Who are you providing for?
• Every Christian is called to pray and to give, they are not optional extras!
Quote: Evangelist Doug Barnett:
• Asked him the question: “Do you give?”
• He replied; “I cannot afford not too!”
(5). Be clear (vs 9&11).
• The message that the seventy-two took with them was simple.
• Twice, once in verse nine and again in verse eleven,
• The disciples are instructed to convey the message that
• “The kingdom of God has come near to you”
• The message then and now, is of God’s kingdom,
• That means “His (the kings) right to rule our lives.”
The seventy-two followers of Jesus had one message to proclaim:
• Jesus the King is coming! Don’t miss him!
• Therefore God’s kingdom is very near. Be ready!
• Our message is similar today!
• Are you ready to meet the king?
• Are you saved? Are your sins forgiven?
• Is Jesus Christ your Saviour and Lord? If not, then why not!
(2). There Is A Consequence That Needs to Be Considered (vs 13-16)
"Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14 But it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you. 15 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the skies? No, you will go down to the depths. [b]
16 "Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me."
• In verse 13 Jesus mentions the name of two cities, Corazin and Bethsaida,
• Which refused to turn to God as examples of the cost of the rejection of God.
• A third city (in verse 15) Capernaum is also pointed out for judgment;
• Capernaum is a city that was so often mentioned in relation to Jesus;
• Ill: In Matthew chapter 9 verse 1 it is called “His own city”.
• It was in Capernaum that Jesus performed several of his miracles.
• It was here that Jesus’ major teachings took place.
• It was in Capernaum that Jesus had a base and spent much time.
• Capernaum had seen the miracles and heard the teachings but had not responded in faith.
• This cities demonstrate that there is a cost for rejecting Jesus;
• And that cost, that consequence of rejection is eternal.
• Jesus refers these cities to three cities in the Old Testament;
• Sodom, Tyre and Sidon – all three cities were destroyed.
• If God judged and then destroyed these cities
• How could Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum hope to escape?
• The central truth here is that the more we know of God’s truth,
• And the more we see Him move, the more we will be accountable for our response!
• Since the people of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum;#
• Had received such convincing proofs,
• They are held to greater account for what they had seen.
Jesus completes his thoughts in verse sixteen by saying
“He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me."
• The point for us (his followers) to remember is this,
• Don’t take it personally when people reject God’s message.
• He’s the one they are criticizing and rejecting - not you.
• Although it must be said that unfortunately sometimes the Gospel in rejected;
• Because of the lack of love with which it is presented.
• Or even because of the trappings and baggage we wrap around the gospel message.
• Sadly some people sometimes reject Jesus because of Christian’s, May that never be true of us.
(3). There Is A Joy That Needs To Be Tempered (vs 17-19)
The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name."
18 He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
20 However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
• We don’t know how long the seventy were gone,
• We don’t know where they went,
• We don’t know who they spoke too,
• We don’t know or how people responded in each place.
But we do know that verse seventeen reports the high spirits they returned in,
• Everyone wants to be successful in their ministry for Jesus.
• And it is both a great thrill (and very humbling) when you see the Lord working through you.
• The disciples were on a high because they had healed the sick,
• Cast out evil spirits and preached the word.
• But they were aware that their authority was not in themselves;
• It was in Jesus Christ. Note: “In your name”.
• The Lord cautions the seventy-two not to get side-stepped;
• Not to focus on the outwardly spectacular victories,
• But rather to rejoice because their names are written down in heaven.
• This is the greatest miracle that ever takes place in the heart of a human being!
• Jesus even raised Lazarus from the dead – wow!
• But do you know what? And a few years later he died again!
• But those who embrace God’s salvation;
• Never die! They are his for all eternity!
Verse 20: Rather rejoice because their ‘names are written down in heaven’.
• The verb means “they have been written and they stand written”
• It is a statement of assurance.
• The Greek word translated as ‘written’ means to ‘inscribe formally or solemnly’.
• It was used for the signing of a will, a marriage document, or a peace treaty,
• It was also used for the enrolling of a citizen.
• And in the perfect tense in the Greek means; “It stands written”.
• Experiences may well be great;
• But never forget, the greatest miracle of all is the salvation of a lost soul.
(4). There Is A Privilege that Needs to be Contemplated (vs 21-24)
21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.
22 "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."
23 Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. 24 For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."
Something that is particularly powerful to me in this passage;
• Is that in verse twenty-one,
• Luke says Jesus “rejoiced” upon hearing the report of the results of mission of the 72.
• This is the only place in scripture;
• Where this particular word is used to describe the emotions of Jesus.
• It is mind-boggling to me to realize that we (you and I);
• Have the capacity to make God rejoice by our faithful ministry.
• Also that Jesus’ joy makes Him break out spontaneously into a prayer of thanksgiving.
• ".. I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth.....”
• FIRST, that the truth did not go only to the “wise and (prudent) intelligent”
• But is something that any humble heart can receive.
• He rejoiced because the understanding of that truth;
• Did not depend on natural abilities or education. It is revealed by God!
• In other words Jesus rejoiced because all-sorts of people responded to the gospel;
• The rich & poor, the young and old, the wise and the unlearned!
• SECONDLY, Jesus rejoiced because he was the revealer of the Father to men & women.
• Having praised God for revealing himself to children,
• Jesus now praises the Father for making Him the source of revelation.
• In verse twenty-two Jesus says,
“All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him."
Jesus is the way and the only way of knowing the God the Father:
• No wonder he turns to the disciples and says;
• To paraphrase; “You don’t know how privileged you are!”
"Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; (24)
For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see,
And have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it."
What facts were true then, that are just as true if not more so today?
• • The world is perishing without Christ.
• • Jesus is coming soon and we need to make the most of every opportunity!
• • There is a great territory to be covered, a great harvest to reap.
• • The need for reaching many as quickly as possible with the gospel is urgent.
• •Jesus is Still Sending
• Are You Going?
• There Is A Call to Be Answered
• There Is A Consequence That Needs To Be Considered
• There Is A Joy That Needs To Be Tempered
• There Is A Grace That Needs To Be Remembered
• There Is A Privilege That Needs To Be Contemplated