Summary: This sermons deals with, "but my God" with the emphasis that we can depend upon our God.

Title: “The Answer for Anxiety”

Theme: “God has a stimulus plan for his children!!!”

Text: “Philippians 4: 19”

(Phl 4:19 KJV)

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

I - The Confident Report “Our Secret Source”

“Unrivaled in his Realm & Position”

*MY Partner in the Midst of Anxiety*

A) Consider God’s Intimate Name

“Worthy of a Personal Relation”

B) Consider God’s Infamous Notoriety

“Worthy of a Phenomenal Recognition”

II - The Competent Reassurance “Our Sure Supply”

“Unrivaled in his Record & Portfolio”

*My Provision in the Midst of Anxiety*

A) Word of Pointed Affirmation from one’s Pen

“Definitive in this Claim”

B) Windows of Proven Acclimation from one’s Past

“Declarative in this Concept”

III - The Commitment Recorded “Our Somber Standard”

“Unrivaled in his Riches & Potential”

*My Provider in the Midst of Anxiety*

A) Compelling Fortune that is Unequalled

“Truthfully Validated”

B) Competent Facilitator that is Unblemished

“Faithfully Facilitated”

“Our work is to cast care; God’s work is to take care.”

Gary Heard

Melbourne, Australia

Top 10 Financial Stresses in Family Life

Percentage of families experiencing stress

Money for food, clothing and energy 45%

Purchase of a car, or other major item 43%

Taking out a loan 31%


Title: “The Answer for Anxiety”

Theme: “God has a stimulus plan for his children!!!”

Text: “Philippians 4: 19”

(Phl 4:19 KJV)

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Anxiety Defined:


pl. anxieties


a. A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties.

b. A cause of anxiety: For some people, air travel is a real anxiety.

2. Psychiatry A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.

3. Eager, often agitated desire: my anxiety to make a good impression

Introduction: “Anxiety

Physical effects of anxiety may include heart palpitations, muscle weakness and tension, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or headaches. The body prepares to deal with a threat: blood pressure and heart rate are increased, sweating is increased, blood flow to the major muscle groups is increased, and immune and digestive system functions are inhibited (the fight or flight response). External signs of anxiety may include pale skin, sweating, trembling, and pupillary dilation. Someone who has anxiety might also experience it as a sense of dread or panic. Although panic attacks are not experienced by every person who has anxiety, they are a common symptom. Panic attacks usually come without warning, and although the fear is generally irrational, the perception of danger is very real. A person experiencing a panic attack will often feel as if he or she is about to die or pass out.

Anxiety does not only consist of physical effects; there are many emotional ones as well. They include "feelings of apprehension or dread, trouble concentrating, feeling tense or jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability, restlessness, watching (and waiting) for signs (and occurrences) of danger, and, feeling like your mind’s gone blank"[6] as well as "nightmares/bad dreams, obsessions about sensations, deja vu, a trapped in your mind feeling, and feeling like everything is scary."[7]

Cognitive effects of anxiety may include thoughts about suspected dangers, such as fear of dying. "You may...fear that the chest pains [a physical symptom of anxiety] are a deadly heart attack or that the shooting pains in your head [another physical symptom of anxiety] are the result of a tumor or aneurysm. You feel an intense fear when you think of dying, or you may think of it more often than normal, or can’t get it out of your mind."

From Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia

An Average Person’s Anxiety is focused on…

• 40%—things that will never happen

• 30%—things about the past that can’t be changed

• 12%—things about criticism by others, mostly untrue

• 10%—about health, which gets worse with stress

• 8%—about real problems that will be faced

Source unknown

Often when one has become anxious or overwhelmed with stress it is because they have allowed them selves to become narrow minded in their focus.

It is kind of like going to the circus and allowing ones self to watch the clowns in one of the rings. In looking at the clowns you are dubbed into ignoring all of the other things that are going on behind the scenes.

The reason this happens is that the spotlight is shining upon the clowns in one of the rings. You have failed to remember that while you are watching the clowns all of the other things are still there. Lots of things are being done in the darkness that you are not looking at.


” One person wryly wrote these words: “Don’t tell me that worrying doesn’t help; the things I worry about never happen!”

Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown once said to Linus: “I worry about school a lot.” He thought a little longer and then said, “I worry about worrying so much about school.” He reflected some more and then concluded, “Even my anxieties have anxieties!” Friends, worry is wasting today’s time to clutter up tomorrow’s opportunities with yesterday’s troubles. It’s like the weary Christian who was awake all night trying to hold the world together by his worrying. Then he heard the Lord gently say to him, “You go to sleep now, Jim; I’ll sit up.”

(Pro 12:25 KJV)

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.

I - The Confident Report “Our Secret Source”

“Unrivaled in his Realm & Position” (BUT MY GOD)

*MY Partner in the Midst of Anxiety*

In this portion of our passage we find that Paul is going to give a very confident report on how to overcome anxiety in ones life.

Paul will reveal the secret source of the believers answer to overcoming anxiety. In writing this verse, he says “But My God”; in reading this phrase one can draw complete confidence about our secret source. We have a personal partner that will walk with us and within us.


A young man fresh out of college applies for an accounting job. The boss says "I worry about a lot of things," But I don’t want to have to worry about money. Your job will be to handle all my money worries."

The young man says "I see. And how much does the job pay?"

The boss says "I’ll start you at eighty thousand."

The young man says "Wow! Eighty thousand dollars! That’s great! But I’m curious. How can such a small business afford to pay me $80,000?"

The boss says "That is your first worry!"

A lot of people are worried about money right now. Someone says “I gotta pay my taxes in two months, and right now, I don’t have the money. What am I going to do? I’m worried.”

CUTS ON HIS FACE... The Pastor & Worry

One Sunday morning, the congregation noticed that Rev. Gordon’s face was full of cuts. His sermon had also been far longer than it usually was, and their patience had been sorely tried.

After the service, one of the deacons went to him, and said, "My dear brother, whatever did you do to your FACE?"

"Well," said the minister, "this morning I was so worried about my sermon that I cut myself while I was shaving."

The deacon replied: "May I suggest, my brother, that in future you worry about your FACE - and cut your SERMON!"

Source: unknown

A) Consider God’s Intimate Name

“Worthy of a Personal Relation”


I am inwardly fashioned for faith, not for fear. Fear is not my native land; faith is. I am so made that worry and anxiety are sand in the machinery of life; faith is the oil. I live better by faith and confidence than by fear, doubt and anxiety. In anxiety and worry, my being is gasping for breath--these are not my native air. But in faith and confidence, I breathe freely--these are my native air. A John Hopkins University doctor says, "We do not know why it is that worriers die sooner than the non- worriers, but that is a fact." But I, who am simple of mind, think I know; We are inwardly constructed in nerve and tissue, brain cell and soul, for faith and not for fear. God made us that way. To live by worry is to live against reality.

Dr. E. Stanley Jones, Transformed by Thorns, p. 95

As Gods children we don’t have to be anxious or worry warts. We have a God that is a personal God, one that is adequate for every situation and need that we have or might incur. We can fully depend upon his name and that he will be close to us. God will not leave us or forsake us in our need. The Lord is a God that is dependable and reliable for the crisis and the crunch. It should ease our mind knowing we can trust in him.

Genesis - The seed of the Woman

The Sacrificed son of Abraham

The Rejected Brother

Exodus - The Passover Lamb

The Manna from Heaven

The Rock Struck at Horeb

Leviticus - The High Priest

The Scapegoat that carried my sins away

Numbers - The Cloud by Day & Fire by Night

The Fiery Serpent

The Water that flowed from the Rock

Deuteronomy - The Prophet like Moses

The Cities of refuge

Joshua - The Captain of our Salvation

The Red Cord hanging in the Window

Judges - The Judge & the Lawgiver

Ruth - The Kinsman Redeemer

The Coming King

The Redeemer Boaz

I & II Samuel - The Prophet of the Lord

My King David

My Friend Jonathon

I & II Kings - The Reigning King

Multiplied the Widows Bread

Healed the Leper

Raised the Dead

I & II Chronicles - The Shekinah Glory in the Temple

Ezra - The Faithful Scribe

A Nail in a Sure Place

Nehemiah - The Rebuilder of the Walls

The One that Wept for my Soul

Esther - The Mordecai

The Faithful Instructor

Job - The Faithful Sufferer

The Branch that Bloomed from the Dead

Psalms - The Shepherd of my Soul


Ecclesiastes - The Wisdom of God

Song of Solomon - The Rose of Sharon

The Lily of the Vallies

The One Looking through the Lattice at his Future Bride

Isaiah - The Suffering Servant

The Smitten Son

The one to be born of a Virgin

The Wonderful One

The Great Counselor

The Mighty God


Lamentations - The Weeping Prophet

Ezekiel - The Son of Man

The Wheel turning within a Wheel

Daniel - The Stone that would crush kingdoms

The Fourth Man in the Fiery Furnace

Hosea - The Bridegroom

The Faithful Husband

Joel - The Baptizer with the Holy Spirit

Amos - The Burden Bearer

Obadiah - The Mighty Savior

Jonah - The Forgiving father

The One that was raised up after 3 Days

Micah - The Messenger with Beautiful Feet

The One Coming to Bethlehem

The Everlasting One

Nahum - The Avenger of God’s Elect

Habakkuk - The Great Evangelist

The One Crying for Revival

Zephaniah - The Restorer of the Remnant

Haggai - The Cleansing Fountain

Zachariah - The Pierced Son

Malachi - The Son of Righteousness

Matthew - The Messiah

Son of David

King of the Jews

The Bridegroom

Mark - The Miracle Worker

God’s Holy One

The Servant

Luke - The Son of Man

The Horn of Salvation

The Consolation of Israel

John - The Son of God

The Only Begotten Son

The Lamb of God

The Bread of Life

The Light of the World

The Great I Am

The Door

The Good Shepherd

The Resurrection and the Life

The Way, the Truth, & the Life

The True Vine

The One That Emptied the Tomb

Acts - The Ascended Lord

The Prince of Life

The Hope of Israel

The Judge of the living and the dead

The Just One

Romans - The Justifier

The Rock of Offense

The Deliverer

The Lord of the Dead & the Living

The Root that descended from Jesse

I & II Corinthians - The Last Adam

The First Fruits

The Hope of the Dead

Galatians - The One that sets us Free

The Lord Jesus Christ

Ephesians - The Christ of Riches

The Head over all things

The Cornerstone

Philippians - The God who meets our every need

The Name above all Names

Colossians - The Fullness of the Godhead

I & II Thessalonians - The Coming One

The Raiser of the Dead

The Comforting One

The Secret Comer

I & II Timothy - The Mediator

The King of the Ages

Titus - The Blessed Hope

The Great God & Our Savior

Philemon - The Forgiving Friend

The Lover of the Brethren

The Love Letter

Hebrews - The Blood that washes Away My Sins

The Author & Finisher of our Faith

James - The Great Physician

The Mighty healer

I & II Peter - The Chief Shepherd

The Precious One

The Prominent One

I II & III John - The Everlasting Love

Jude - The God Our Savior

Revelation - The King of king’s

The Lord of Lord’s

The Alpha & Omega

The First & the Last

The Lion of the tribe of Judah

The Word of God

The Bright Morning Star

The One That Comes Back

In Majestic Splendor & Glory

The One Riding on a White Horse

The One with a Garment Dipped in Blood

B) Consider God’s Infamous Notoriety

“Worthy of a Phenomenal Recognition”

Christ is Amazing in his Ability

Christ is Bountiful in his Blessings

Christ is Complete in his Character

Christ is Dependable in his Dealings

Christ is Exceptional in his Excellence

Christ is Favorable in his Forgiveness

Christ is Gratifying in his Glory

Christ is Honorable in his Holiness

Christ is Immaculate in his Image

Christ is Just in his Judgment

Christ is King in his Kingdom

Christ is Loyal in his Love

Christ is Magnificent in his Majesty

Christ is Noble in his Nature

Christ is Omnipotent in his Office

Christ is Phenomenal in his Power

Christ is Quintessential in his Qualities (perfect)

Christ is Regal in his Righteousness

Christ is Sufficient in his Salvation

Christ is Triumphant in his Trials

Christ is Unique in his Uprightness

Christ is Visible in his Visitation

Christ is Winning in his War

More Majestic than the highest Mountain

More Grand than the Grandest Canyon

Offers Light to the Lost

Extends Grace to the Sinful

Stronger than his Foe

Smarter than his Attackers

His Love is vaster than the deepest Ocean

His Power is mightier than strongest Army

In him the lame find the ability to walk

Through his name the Blind can see

In him we find hope from the grave

Jesus the Savior of Sinners

His Name soothes the sufferers

His name comforts the crisis

His name welcomes the weary

His name welcomes the weak

His name banishes the past

His name secures the future

His name hastens us towards heaven

• Elohim “The Prominent One”

A) The Creating God

B) The Controlling God

C) The Choosing God

D) The Covenanting God

• Yahweh “The Pure One”

A) Reveals his Eternal Existence

B) Reveals his Spotless Status

C) Reveals his Just Judgment

D) Reveals his Changeless Consistency

E) Reveals his Full Forgiveness (Exodus 34:7)

• Adonai “The Preferred One”

A) God is a Just Master

B) God is a Jealous Master

• Jehovah-Sabaoth “The Powerful One”

A) Lord of the Host

B) Lord of the Harvest

C) Lord of History

1 - Offers Serenity from Aggravation

2 - Offers Security from Assault

• El-Elyon “The Praised One”

A) Our Supreme God

B) Our Strong God

C) Our Sovereign God

1 - Can Praise his Strength

2 - Can Praise his Sovereignty

3 - Can Praise his Supremacy

• El-Roi “The Penetrating One”

A) Our God That Sees Problems

B) Our God That Seeks People

• El-Shaddai “The Protecting One”

A) Sufficient as the Almighty

B) Sheltering as the Almighty

1 - Allows us to be Patient

2 - Allows us to be Protected

• Jehovah “The Personal One”

A) Jehovah-Jireh - The Lord will provide

B) Jehovah-Nissi - The Lord is my Banner

C) Jehovah-Shalom - The Lord is Peace

D) Jehovah-Shammah - The Lord is there

E) Jehovah-Tsidkenu - Our Righteousness

F) Jehovah - Self Subsisting

(Make this personal - Read Psalms 23:1/6)

1 - He Finds Me

2 - He Focuses on Me

3 - He Favors Me

4 - He Furnishes Me

5 - He Fights for Me

6 - He Follows Me

"1967. We were at war with Vietnam. And there I was, at the U.S. Army Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia. It was brutal.

"I can still hear the raspy voice of the sergeant: ’We are here to save your lives. We’re going to see to it that you overcome all your natural fears. We’re going to show you just how much incredible stress the human mind and body can endure. And when we’re finished with you, you will be the U.S. Army’s best!’

"Then, before he dismissed the formation, he announced our first assignment. We’d steeled ourselves for something really tough—like running 10 miles in full battle gear or rappelling down a sheer cliff.

"Instead, he told us to … find a buddy.

"’Find yourself a Ranger buddy,’ he growled. ’You will stick together. You will never leave each other. You will encourage each other, and, as necessary, you will carry each other.’ It was the army’s way of saying, ’Difficult assignments require a friend. Together is better.’"

Who’s your "Ranger buddy"?

— Stu Weber, pastor of Good Shepherd Community Church in Boring, Oregon