Summary: I want you to see the greater sin of the public and public servants

John 19 1-11

The greater sin is Arminianism

Today, I want to talk to you about many shall depart from the faith, and how they shall give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines’ of devils. Arminianism is a falling away from the historic faith of the Christian church. God is a spirit and His spirit gives us salvation if we call it. Yes, my brother and sister you have to desire God at an early age to make your chances of God selecting him or her to be saved higher. This is why we need to raise our children in the fear of the lord so when they get older they will not depart from it.

Arminianism is a falling away from the historic faith; this is why Americans have been denied the right to express their conscience in public enclosures where children gather around to learn. With this in mind it’s just a matter of time before arminianism reaches the block. There is no such thing as justice in the great falling away; we Christians should not go around worrying our self who respect the faith of Jesus Christ and who does not respect the faith, because there are some people who claim to be a Christian perhaps in their conscience at one time they were, but they don’t respect their claim.

It’s not about protecting religious expression or protecting the freedom of the conscience; salvation is the work of God. Knowing what is important and what is important is the development of a personal relationship with Jesus. A personal relationship with the lord keeps your heart from being troubled for an example. I went to Capernaum Friday August 21, 2010 to do my thing like the lord did his thing in front of the Pharisees it feels good when you know the law of sin and death is doing everything they can to discriminate me, and their actions turns the public. I was standing up writing down notes for my next sermon a young man walked up behind me, and he was talking on the phone as though he wanted me to hear him.

I could do nothing but listen because I sensed that he was using askance on me and talking to me. This young man said I’m from out of town and if you pay me I’ll kill him. Now, I don’t know if he was referring to me or someone else but I’ll bet my last dollar he was talking about me. I know the law of sin and death is partial with the public and I’m not on their justice side, so I wrote in the air what he said to me because there are some people who work for the law of sin and death that are about justice and equality. From studying the word of God, I know that the word of God will speak to you when you don’t know what to believe. God is not the author of confusion; the word spoke to me.

The word said “Be not deceived for God is not marked for whatsoever a man sow that shall he also reap” I had the freedom of the conscience to express my claim before my God in so doing I found peace to reaffirm the First Amendment and enrich his faith in me, because I need him in times like these. Arminianism affects the public as well as the trust that we have in its servants. The law of sin and death has the power to lead the public farther into arminianism as well as enforce the laws of the land all at the same time. We must use our relationship with the lord as the Secretary of Education that talks to Congress about banning what we’ve built America on, before it’s too late.

Arminianism supports the cult and everything about people who have done terrible things not to mention the new law that was passed. We should not be surprise about what’s going on. It appears as though Hitler is still alive and doing well in our public schools. When Pilate said to Jesus I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee, Jesus said you have no power at all against me except it was given thee above. God gives power to whoever he wants to give it too. God gives power to Arminianism; there has to be a great fallen away. It doesn’t matter if you protect freedom of speech or the freedom to express the conscience, there are going to be people who will speak openly to the world even if you make laws against it. Saint’s, in these last days, we must fight the good fight of faith because without it you will not be able to please God.

Arminianism is just unbelief, not every person that hold an office in view of the public believes in the Gospel of our lord and savior Jesus Christ so how difficult would it be for an unbeliever to enforce his or her inconsistencies or play with them in the mind of the public. The great fallen away are the nonconformance of independence, think of it like this Arminianism is a herb of swine feeding, and they are great in number why you think that demon ask Jesus to send them into the herb of swine feeding. God gives Arminianism the power that it has today.

Men shall be lovers of themselves and proud of invention; there is nothing that you and I which is the church can’t do but pray; you might not believe this but God gives power to whoever he wants to. Do you think, that rich little boy or that rich little girl born into a rich family had something to with it individually? No!

Everything that happens in this world has already happen before God formed it. Sometime God changes his mind about which way he wants to go, maybe! Just to show us that we are created in his image and after his likeness. God has feelings because we have feelings; God is jealous because we are jealous at times. Whatever we are God is but he is a spirit and we cannot see him. This is evidence that we have something to do with God; he shares his power with us. You don’t have to be a Christian for God to be our friend; we need to have his faith. To please him you have to have his faith but not to be a friend of God. Friends are known to turn on each other be hot or cold in his faith or be hot or cold in friendship as long as you’re real , authentic, and very meek about how you do what you do to those who have his faith.

Arminianism is superstitious, and there is nothing wrong with being that way if you understand why you are that way, because if you’re going to win those kind of people over to the lord. You got to become more superstitious than they are in order for God to give you and I Presidential power over them. Superstitious power is from God but it is not the highest power. Religion is power and some religion’s are doing a better job at impressing God than those who claim to be born of his spirit. That’s why I love everybody the same.

People get mad at me because I don’t show them anymore respect than I show anyone else for an example if a couple is in the parking lot kissing out in the opening and I don’t pay them any attention the law of sin and death comes around and they follow me because they are a part of the power that God gave them. It’s not that I don’t want to look but it’s just because I know that abuse of power is all around me every day and I got to stay cold less Arminianism makes me lukewarm and I find myself sanctioning them with a positive when it suppose to be a negative one. I believe the law of sin and death is angry at me without a cause; I’ve got to be careful less they try to murder me since they got the power to murder and justify it.

Jesus said be careful for nothing if they hated me they will hate you; I saw a friend of mind that went to school with me but he done changed because of a certain Job. Arminianism has the power to change a person after they get elected into an office or get the job that they wanted or went to college to get. I pray for myself because everywhere I go the phone rings inside the employer’s office; I don’t think the law of sin and death has any plans stopping the discrimination on me. I’m bigger than that. I believe that all this work I’ve done for Jesus over all these years is greater than the four or five years a legion of demons have assigned themselves to me because I went to college. It’s really a blessing to see these kinds of things because it only lets me know how serious I’ve got to be about leaning on Jesus for support and protection and stay happy for all that he has allowed me to accomplish with all the Arminianism, and it’s not justice, the more people you know in this world the more Arminianism and the more corrupt nature with error and heresy. I thank whoever for reading this sermon, and I thank Sermon Central for making this possible.