Summary: This is the 1st of 2 workshops done at the Nightvision event in Colorado (July 9-10, 2010) on practical ways to share the Good News. Please listen to workshop #2 as well!

Nightvision theme: Holiness.

Sins of Commission come to mind but sins of omission are an issue too.

We are set apart for Him as ambassadors.

Superbowl analogy.

Revival is here - Over 260,000 people hear the gospel and more than 174,000 trust Christ worldwide every single day (34,000 in SA, over 30,000 in China, 25,000 in Africa, 16,000 in Muslim countries and more all around the world)!

Visit: and

Acts 17:26-27 - He put you here to win your community to Him.

The hotter the desert the thirstier people will be.

We need to start giving them water.

In Jn.12:32-33, Jesus promises us that He is already drawing every person on this earth to Himself.

Jesus tells us in Mt.9:37 that “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

Ex. Jason (Erin led to Christ in Denver food court)

You have the privilege of being a part of the greatest revival in history.

Jesus gives us the Great Commission in Mt.28:18-20, saying, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Repeat after me: The Great Commission is MY responsibility.

In Mt.4:19, Jesus tells us something about all that follow Him. He says, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”

Repeat after me: Evangelism is MY responsibility.

Mt.13:1-9 - Sowing seed on the road, in rocks, among weeds and in good soil.

DCC - Be a seed chucker.

Few results = not enough seed sown!!!

Romania World Cup goal analogy - when we all share...Rom.10:18!

Activity 1 - Handout: check the statements you think are true about evangelism.

This activity will diagnose what lies are you believing and what fears you are fearing.

The 10 evangelism lies Christians buy into:

We have each believed some or all of these at some point - but you don’t ever have to believe them again.

Lie # 1 - You must have the gift of evangelism (hospitality, giving, encouragement, etc).

Many don’t share because they don’t feel like they are capable.

We would never say you must have the gift of hospitality in order to be hospitable, the gift of giving to give or the gift of encouragement to encourage.

Some will have the gift of evangelism but we’re all called to share the Good News.

Remember - Mt.4:19 - If you follow Christ you’re called to evangelism!

On the job training - practice!

Lie # 2 - Your personality, skill, knowledge, looks, style and actions validate the gospel and make it relevant.

Results - Many don’t share because they feel they aren’t a good enough Christian.

That’s the whole point of the good news!!!

1 Cor.1:27 - God chooses the foolish and weak things to glorify Him.

Results - Also, many people don’t share because they don’t think they have all the answers.

You never will! Do your best to prepare and then trust Him.

Lie # 3 - You must be friends first.

Mt.28:18-20 - Jesus called us to reach the whole world...

Practically impossible - Imagine how long it would take to befriend the entire world before sharing with them. I should be friendly but also open to sharing with anyone God puts in my path.

There are few places in scripture where anyone befriended someone before sharing with them.

Lie #3 can also be stated with the phrase "they don’t care how much you know till they know how much you care."

They need both!!! Love them and share with them.

How loving is it to not share the Good News.

Penn Jillette video.

Lie # 4 - You have to earn the right to be heard.

Jesus did that 2000 years ago and claimed to have all the authority to command us to share (Mt.28:18-20)

Lie # 5 - It is predominantly the poor we should reach out to.

Mt.19:23-24 - The rich are lost too!!!

The poor are without question close to God’s heart and we should do everything we can to help them but that is a different issue than evangelism.

The poor and the rich alike are lost without Jesus and we should strive to share the Good News with them all!

Lie # 6 - God doesn’t want us to offend anyone.

Mt.10:22 - Jesus promised men would hate you because of Him!!!

2 Cor.2:16 - We will be disgusting to some, but life to others!

Share in a loving and truthful way and then trust the results to God.

Like Gregory Koukl writes in Tactics, "Jesus’ teaching made some people furious. Just make sure it’s your ideas that offend and not you, that your beliefs cause the dispute and not your behavior."

If they get offended that is not your problem.

Lie # 7 - Methods are what produce results.

Remember - Mt.13:1-9 - Jesus said it was the amount of seed sown that produced results!!!

Lie # 8 - is a popular misquote of St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach always, use words if necessary.”

There are good Mormons, Bhuddists, witches and atheists - good works don’t give people the way to eternal life.

Good works are good and God tells us to do them but they are different than evangelism.

Both / and not either / or.

Words are necessary!

Rom.10:13-14 - “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”

I must share the Good News AND live as an example of the Good News.

Lie # 9 - Older people are stuck in their ways and won’t trust Christ.

On the contrary, dreams forgotten and relationships broken, many have never been more desperate.

Remember - Jn.12:32-33 - Jesus is drawing every person!!!

That includes the old!!!

Lie # 10 - Most people aren’t interested in spiritual issues and hearing the gospel.

Remember - Mt.9:37 - "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

Rom.1:16 - “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

Workshop Training:

Introduce concept of the 3 modes.

Natural Evangelism - Sharing with your sphere of influence throughout the natural course of your friendship.

Ex. Wally and Kelly

Body Evangelism - Inviting someone to church, a Bible study, a retreat, a concert or some Christian event where they will see the Body of Christ functioning (Jn.13:35).

Ex. Cade

Ministry Evangelism - Hardest & scariest BUT what we see most in the Bible.

It isn’t always as fruitful as the other 2 as far as decisions but...

It is the most effective at growing you and destroying fear and doubt.

It is the most effective for reaching large numbers of people.

Ex. Cyndi

And...It is tremendously rewarding (Philemon 6)

Joseph Video.

Introduce concept of the 4 sound barriers (will do more training on this tomorrow). Each of these barriers are what can make evangelism scary and/or difficult.

Sound Barrier #1 – Meeting someone and initiating a conversation.

Sound Barrier #2 – Moving from a general conversation to a spiritual conversation.

Sound Barrier #3 – Moving from a spiritual conversation to the gospel.

Sound Barrier #4 – Moving from the gospel to a decision.

Introduce concept of using tools for sharing: Why use tools? They will effectively move you through all 4 barriers:

Take the initiative in the power of the Holy Spirit and then trust results to God!

Ex. Dad & Tom Ray

Tool #1: Spiritual interest surveys (hand them out).

Ex. Harris

Pretty simple: Walk up and ask if they have 30 seconds for a survey (Video example)

Take good notes (on their answers, contact info, etc.).

Possible responses:

Already Christian - Thank them for doing the survey and say goodbye.

Not a believer/not interested - Thank them for their time & say goodbye.

Not yet a believer but are Interested - ask the following question:

“The whole reason this concert is happening is to encourage people in their relationship with God. Would it be OK if I shared with you how Jesus says you can have forgiveness, eternal life and a relationship with Him?”

Activity 2 - Get in pairs and go through the the SI survey together.

Tool #2: The “Knowing God Personally” booklet.

Key Principals to remember.

Expose the Gospel, don’t impose.

Go in love in the power and direction of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

Are you being filled with His Spirit – ABCD’S.

Make sure Christ is on the throne.

First talk to God about people (prayer), then talk to people about God (witnessing).

You are called to present the gospel clearly in the power of the Holy Spirit. Trust God with the results – Present the opportunity for a response but don’t force it.

Benefits of using the “Knowing God Personally” booklet.

It is a simple but complete summary of the full gospel.

Ex. Sarah (note posted on Facebook after hearing the 4L) - “Little yellow books scare me. But I wonder if the little yellow book had a point to it. If it did why haven’t I [followed Jesus] sooner? Frankly, the thought is terrifying. I wonder what family and friends would say. But I’m still in the midst of a decision. I need support, and I am frightened to tell so many of my friends what I am thinking about Jesus and God. I fear their ridicule. I know they can be cruel. But I’m searching my already tortured soul for an answer. I don’t want to be hurt anymore.”

It is a great conversation starter: “Have you ever seen the 4 Spiritual Laws?”

They begin with a positive – God loves you.

They clearly present how to receive Christ.

They give you confidence – you know what you’re going to say before you say it.

You can show a person how to receive Christ in a short period of time.

They are a transferable method for teaching others to witness.

Ex. Non-Christian leading another to Christ

They are concise but essential information is not left out.

Without an adequate understanding of the gospel there can’t be legitimate response.

How to share the “Knowing God Personally” booklet.

Avoid a “canned approach” by reading, then illustrating and finally personalizing.

Read the booklet out loud as it is written.

Finish the booklet before answering tangential questions.

Depend on the Holy Spirit, not yourself. It is the Holy Spirit that will convince that person.

Be aware of your listener. If there seems to be no response, ask questions like, “is this making sense.” Go back and explain everything they don’t understand.

Understanding the key issues of the gospel is vitally important!

Hold the booklet up so it can be clearly seen. Use a pen to focus attention by pointing at what you are reading.

Fold back the page that isn’t being read.

If you are talking to a group give each person a booklet and present as usual.

What to focus on when presenting the “Knowing God Personally” booklet.

Principle 1:

Intro Question: If you were to accidentally "check out of this world” (die) next week, where would you go absolutely for sure?

Intro Question: If you did die and and God asked what reason could you give Him for letting you come in and stay, what would you say?

Intro Question: Do you think that you have personal relationship with Christ or are you still in the process of getting that relationship?

Communicate God’s Love clearly

I often add Jer.31:3 - God has loved you with an everlasting love.

and Ps.139:17-18 - His thoughts for you outnumber the sand of the seas.

Explain eternal life.

Include any other pertinent verses or illustrations.

Clarifying question: After reading Jn.3:16 ask if they’ve ever heard that before?

This will tell you a lot about their background.

Clarifying question: Reading Jn.10:10 and then ask how they would you describe the abundant life?

Explain the abundant life (the ability to live above your circumstances and experience the fruit of the Spirit on a daily basis).

Principle 2:

Clarifying question: Why do you think that God gave the Ten Commandments?

Rom. 3:19­24 - Explains the relationship between the law and God’s grace.

Clarifying question: Why is sin such a big deal to God?

Clarifying question: After reading Rom.3:23 ask how they would define sin.

Rom. 6:23 Defines sin as not measuring up to God.

Clarifying question: Why does sin separate us from God?

Illustration: After Rom. 6:23: This verse paints a hopeless picture for man. The death penalty is bad news. It’s like a criminal waiting to be executed on death row. There is no hope.

Diagram: Explain the performance game (arrows).

Illustration: Jumping the Grand Canyon.

Illustration: Climbing to heaven on a six foot ladder.

Illustration: Swimming to Hawaii.

Clarifying question: How many sins does it take to separate a person from a Perfect and Holy God?

Clarifying question: Why can’t a holy God allow a sinful person into His presence?”

Clarifying question: Is there any possibility that man can get to God through his own efforts?

Principle 3:

Clarifying question: Have you ever seen what the Bible says is required for eternal life?

After Rom. 5:8, emphasize "Christ died for us."

Clarifying question: After reading Rom.5:8 ask what you have to do for God to love you.

Clarifying question: Why did Jesus Christ have to die for our sins? Why not Moses, Peter, Paul, George Washington or Mohammed?

Clarifying question: What if you talked your best friend into dying for your sins. Would his death qualify to wipe away your sins? Why not?

Clarifying question: Why was Jesus qualified to die for our sins and bridge the gap?

He lived a perfect life ­ He alone never sinned once.

He bodily rose again conquering death for Himself, thus proving that He could conquer death for us too.

He is God, and only someone greater than man could have a solution to our sin problem.

Clarifying question: What did Jesus establish for each person by dying for their sin? (a pardon).

Illustration: A criminal on death row could receive a pardon from a governor or president, but if the pardon is refused the criminal is executed.

Illustration: Suppose the son of a Judge is brought into court guilty of speeding. His dad, the judge, is sitting on the bench. If the judge is impartial he must give his son the same fine as anyone else. If the son does not have enough money he would have to go to jail. If his loving father doesn’t want him to go to jail he can come down from the bench and pay his son’s fine for him.

Basically, that is what Jesus did for us.

Clarifying question: Why won’t God force His pardon for sin upon us?

Clarifying question: If we reject God’s pardon for us, who then will die for our sin?

Principle 4:

Stress the word "INDIVIDULALLY" in the Law.

Stress the phrase "gift of God not of works" in Eph. 2:8­9

Describe GRACE - getting a free gift we don’t deserve.

Describe FAITH - Putting your complete trust in Christ alone.

Also in Eph. 2:8, ask, "What are we saved from?"

Clarifying question: After reading Rev. 3:20 ask, "What does the door open to?"

Explain the two parts:

Our part - to open the door.

His part - to come into our life.

Explain the difference between intellectual agreement and emotional experience (with respect to having a personal relationship with Christ).

Illustration: You may know a lot intellectually about a very beautiful woman, possibly more than anyone else does. You may feel really close to her emotionally and/or physically BUT that does not make her your wife. You become married to her when by an act of your own will you each commit yourselves to each other in an inseparable partnership.

The 2 Circles.

Define and contrast them well.

Don’t focus on conditional issues (happiness, wealth, health, etc.) but rather on core conditions (secure relationship with God, fruit of the Spirit, etc).

Ask the each question and wait till they respond before going to the next.

He who speaks 1st loses.

The Prayer: Ask the following questions to clarify where they are at:

Explain that this prayer is not a "Magic Formula," but that this prayer is different from any other prayer.

Clarifying question: “Can you think of any reasons why you need Jesus Christ?”

Clarifying question: Would you like to be the kind of person that God wants you do be?

Do you think that Christ would come into your life if you asked Him?

Do you think that this is something that you would like to do?

Be sure they understand that Christ comes into their lives and forgives their sins.

If they merely repeat a prayer without understanding that Christ comes into their life and forgives their sins they do not experience true salvation.

Never force, badger or push someone to receive Christ.

Can you think of any good reasons why you wouldn’t like to invite Christ into you life?

When do you think would be the best time to invite Christ into your life?

Would you like to take a few minutes and invite Christ into your life right now, or would you like to do this on your own?

Other questions you might ask depending on the situation:

What do you think would happen to you if you did invite Christ into your life?

If you want to know for sure that Christ is in your life, what should you do?

Activity 3 - Get in pairs and go through the “Knowing God Personally” booklet.

Vision for taking it home:

Taking it home - Handout with a worksheet on coming up with a top 10 prayer list! Remember the “Divine Order” - 1st talk to God about people, then talk to people about God.

Workshop #1 - Application Challenge:

James 1:22 - fear and unbelief come out of not applying - so let’s apply!


Be consciously filled with the Spirit.

Take the initiative in the power of the Holy Spirit - Use Spiritual Interest surveys and the “Knowing God Personally” booklet to share the gospel this afternoon and evening.

Trust the results to God.

Bring people that are interested or become Christians to the follow up tent.