Summary: A description of love shown by mother's - but given by God first.

Mother’s Day, 2010

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

- Honored to be called as your Pastor (ensure everyone has my contact info)

- Open door policy ALWAYS -- just call or come by

- Website is in design format and will be released next weekend

- Gone this week for work – home on Friday but have the cell

- Next Sunday after AM service meeting with the Deacons


- In your Bibles, go to 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13

- Mother’s Day is always a special day, because it should remind us of love

- It should remind us of the great gift of love that each of us has been given

- Fact: To be born, considering the alternative, is in itself a gift or act of love

- Because God has loved us, because God has demonstrated His love, by sending His Son to die for us – we can sleep not only with Mother’s love, but God’s also

- Let’s look at an incredible definition of love, and seek God’s face this morning

- Stand and read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 / Pray

Point 1 – There’s Hope for Us

- We must understand the context of this passage to be able to fully grab it

- On the surface, appears that Paul is simply telling us how to live, but there’s more

- Acts 9 records for us the conversion of Saul to Paul, and shows us the fear of God

- Yet, even in that fear – even in that despair – God showed mercy to Paul

- Paul was a murderer; he was an agent of the Romans; sent to destroy the church

- His life mission was to weed out and kill the followers of “The Way” (expound)

- But here, on the road to Damascus, God’s love was shown even to this murderer

- APP: If God could reach out and love a man like Paul – there’s hope for us

- Love is something we have as a gift from God for us, and to be used by us

- How we treat one another in this world is outlined in this passage

- TRANS: Let’s reflect on this passage and examine our lives before a Holy God

- Ask yourself, “What is Love?” (APP: Mother’s Day and beyond …)

Point 2 – What is love?

- As believers we must examine love, and comprehend how to show it … always

- It must be the central act that the whole world sees and hears, without delay

- Love is patient: How patient are you when things don’t go your way?

- Love is kind: Are you able to hug complete stranger; like a homeless person?

- It does not envy: God instructed us not to covet (Ex 20); we must grasp this

-- What we have is FROM God, and what we need will be given BY God

- It does not boast -- it is not proud: Love is not about us; it’s about Christ!

- It is not rude, it is not self seeking: Do you seek love for wrong reasons?

- It is not easily angered: patience; grace; mercy is underserved (mercy at cross)

- It keeps no record of wrong: Do you have a checklist of sins? Why? Consider if someone kept a checklist of your sins? (There is none righteous (Rom 3:10))

- Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth: Happiness is in the truth; being miserable and having that grey cloud always is NOT living in truth (ref 1 John 1:7)

Key Application ...

- Note this last verse here and the key word that is used (always means ALWAYS)

KJV: Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

-- It always protects: Shielded from danger

-- It always trusts: Having complete confidence and faith in

-- It always hopes: promise, being optimistic (there’s a future to be had)

-- It always perseveres: Refuses to stop, diligent, pursuing

- God pursued us intentionally to be redeemed to Him: Christ was the final way

- Romans 5:8 quotes, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

- APP: It does not matter who it is – our reflection of love MUST be shown

- Whether it’s loving our Mom’s today; or loving a stranger on the street – we must love in all things and be part of bringing people to Jesus Christ


- Paul knew this and in this passage he was remembering what he was given in life

- He was remembering that true love never fades, and never looks for ways out

- God’s love for us is unwavering; without excuses or apologies for being shown

- On Mother’s Day we remember the love that we have been shown; gift of life

- APP: But do we eagerly show that same love to those around us? (Expound)

- APP: Do we show others who the true and living God is/bring His love to all?

- As believers, we must follow in total submission to this love; willing to die for it

- We must be eager to love one another, for love is all that will matter in the end

(Invite singers)

- Love of Christ needs to be first – accept Him as savior: Salvation is calling

- Love of one another is a fruit of following Christ: Is repentance needed?