Text: “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother…” (John 19:25).
Today is Mother’s Day and it is nice that the day was set aside as a special day to recognize mothers, but in reality, every day should be Mother’s Day. Mothers deserve to be praised on a daily basis. It was our mother who brought us into this world.
John Quincy Adams said: “All that I am my mother made me.”
Abraham Lincoln said: “All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”
Dwight L Moody declared: “All that I have ever accomplished in life, I owe to my mother.”
Napoleon was a wise when he said: “Let France have good mothers, and she will have good sons.”
Andrew Carnegie frequently acknowledged the tender interest and influence of his mother.
Benjamin West declared: “A kiss from my mother made me a painter.”
Henry Ward Beecher once said: “The memory of my sainted mother is the brightest recollection of my early years.”
President McKinley provided in his will that, first of all, his mother should be made comfortable for life.
Garfield’s first act, after being inaugurated President of the United States, was to stoop and kiss his aged mother, who sat near him.
Julia Ward Howe, when ninety-one years of age, said: “We talk of forty horse-power. If we had forty mother-power it would be the most wonderful force in the world.
It was mother who took care of us when we were in the infant stage. It was mother who made sure we had food to eat and milk to drink. It was mother who lay awake at night or held us in her arms when we were not feeling well. It was mother who changed our diaper and bathed us.
Mothers are special people who provide unconditional love for their children. They reach out to their children and want the best for them. They stand behind their sons and/or daughters regardless of the situation. Words of inspiration and courage flow from her mouth as well as the love of Jesus shines from her face.
Sometimes children or young people cause heartache for their mother, but regardless of the hurt, her love is still present for her child. That love is present because the love of God is within her or abides within her. Jesus said, “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you…” (V 9) Mother says, “I love you because I have the love of Jesus in my heart.”
The Father gave mothers some really neat attributes. He gave them the fruits of the Spirit which are: “love, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22, 23). It is true that God gave these to each of us, but for some reason, mothers have better control of them and seem to exercise them more gracefully.
Story: “She Does Not Love Us Less, but More!”
“To think of mother is to recall her unselfish devotion, her limitless, unfaltering love through good and evil report, never wavering, but growing stronger and stronger with the years; and to remember that she asks nothing in return for herself; she asks of us and for us that we be good men and women. If we fail, she does not love us less, but more. She possesses wonderful, constant, miraculous mother’s love!”
----------John Burke, Former Governor of N.D.
This is the way I think of my mother. My mother did not have a selfish bone in her body. She was always willing and ready to give without seeking return. She felt the same about the neighbor children as she did her own. Mother was certainly devoted to her entire family. As children, we did not realize what a heavy load she carried.
She prepared the meals; washed our clothes; maintained a nice clean place to live; took care of us when we were sick; canned vegetables and fruits from the garden and from the orchard; baked her own breads, cookies and other goodies.
Her love for us was always evident and there was never a time when we were in doubt. We didn’t always get everything we wanted, but we received what we needed. She was always interested in what was on our mind. Mom attended our school activities and was very proud of our accomplishments.
God’s Word tells us about a young virgin girl, named Mary, engaged to be married to a wonderful and understanding man named Joseph. God chose Mary to be the mother of His Son. Mary was the most privileged mother that ever lived. An event took place without her ever knowing a man.
God sent an angel who said to Mary, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” (Luke 1:28). One might ask why God chose this young poor girl to bring His Son into the world. Didn’t God know that this event would bring shame upon Mary? God had a plan to redeem mankind and this plan involved a beloved mother.
God knew Mary would not understand how or why this was going to take place and Mary was a little bit afraid until the angel explained how and why this would occur. The angel said to Mary, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.” (Luke 1:30, 31).
Mary probably did not understand fully the reassuring words of the angel, but she did not disobey God’s wishes, instead, she was obedient to the highest degree. She was a humble young lady who had faith and confidence in her Maker.
Mary was a chosen vessel who would become the most highly honored mother in the world. She would be the only women ever to be impregnated by the Holy Spirit. This would be the one and only Immaculate Conception. This did not come about by accident, but it came about because man was a sinner living apart from the Father and could only be redeemed through a Savior.
Mary had no idea what pain and agony she would suffer during the life of Jesus just as a mother of today has no idea of the hurts and disappoints she will encounter as a mother. Most mothers will say that the pain of childbirth is certainly no picnic, but the birth of the child is well worth the discomfort.
Mothers suffer when a child drifts from the straight and narrow road. Mary’s child was obedient, but there was a time when he stayed in the temple after the celebration of the Feast of the Passover. Scripture tells us “…the Boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem and Joseph and His mother did not know it; but supposing Him to have been in the company, they went a day’s journey, and sought Him among their relatives and acquaintances” (Luke 2:43, 44).
Today, mothers get just as excited when they can’t find their child just as Mary became excited when Jesus was not found among the other people in the company. Many mothers have experienced their child not coming home from school on time; visiting a friend without letting mother know; wandering away at the mall or the fairgrounds, or simply being out playing with friends.
When Joseph and Mary couldn’t find Jesus, they went to look for Him. This is exactly what parents do today. It doesn’t make any difference if the child is young or old a mother’s feeling of love never changes toward that child.
When Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the temple listening and talking to the teachers they were amazed at what they heard. Their twelve year-old son was speaking and discussing Scripture that should have been beyond the understanding and comprehension of someone his age. Mary sounded a bit upset when she said, “Son, why have You done this to us?” (Luke 2:48).
This would be the response of any loving Christian mother. Why did you do this? I was worried about you. I was afraid something terrible happened to you. I don’t want you to do this again.
Jesus response to His mother was “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49). Mary did not understand what this was all about, but she believed Jesus and trusted Almighty God because He had given her His Son to bring into the world.
A Christian mother will always trust and be obedient to the Father. She knows that children do not come into the world by accident. She also knows women are chosen by the Father because they are special.
The love of God that a Christian mother possesses is the same love that she shows toward her children. A Christian mother keeps God’s Commandments in her heart and abides by these Commandments.
She lives the Word of God and sets the example for her children to follow. There is joy in a mother’s heart for her children when they are near and far. Her love for her children is the same as the love of God in that it will never fail. Listen to this story.
Story: “Love Never Fails”
A mother kept a candle burning every night for ten years. One night, very late, a poor, wretched woman came in from the street. The aged mother said to her, “Sit down by the fire.”
The stranger asked, “Why do you keep the light in the window?”
The old mother replied, “That light is for my wayward daughter. She left home ten years ago. I am praying for her return. I have kept a light in the window for ten years! Others often blame me for worrying about her, but, you see, I love her. I am her mother. Often, in the night, I open the door, and look out into the darkness and cry, ‘Lizzie, Lizzie!’”
The woman from the street began to weep. The aged mother looked closely at her and said, “Why, how cold and sick you seem! You must have trouble enough of your own!”
Then suddenly the mother exclaimed, “Can it be? Yes! You are Lizzie! My own lost child! Thank God that you are home again!”
How thankful we can be that Mother loves us.
------------------The Wesleyan Methodist
A Christian mother’s love never fails. It does not fail because it is the love of God that abides in her. A Christian mother will breathe this same love into her children as God breathed it into her.
A Christian mother will teach her children to love one another as she loves them and as God loves all His children. A mother’s love is so strong that she would lay down her life just as Jesus laid down His for each of us.
Story: “I Will Die – Let My Baby Live!”
There was a brilliant young member of a noted family studying in one of the great universities. His physical development was near perfect. Tall, broad-shouldered, brawny, graceful in bearing, and quick in movement, he was soon well-known as an athlete.
On the field he was invincible in contest, being lion-like in his contact with opponents. But when the games were over, in the hours of study and social interaction, he was found to be unusually sympathetic, considerate, and kind.
In the company of young women he was always the true gentleman, a model of refinement and courtesy. And even in private he never referred to them except in the purest terms. The word Mother was most sacred to him; and whenever that word was used in his presence, he became silent: sometimes he even shed tears.
One day someone asked him why he was so rough and lion-line in athletics and so gentle at other times, especially toward girls and women.
He said, “I never like to refer to this, but my father told me that when I was being born, mother’s case was most serious. The doctor said to father, ‘I cannot save them both. Decide quickly which one shall live.’
My father stood speechless I was told, not knowing what to say. Mother, who had overheard what the doctor said, responded ‘I will die: let my child live.’ Thus mother gave her life for me!”
----------------------Calvin S. Stanley
“For God so-loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son....” (John 3:16). A Christian mother has the same love for her children because she has the love of God in her.
The love of God enabled Mary to remain sane when events began to take a turn in the life of Jesus. His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane; His trial; His flogging and the burden of carrying the heavy cross weighted deeply upon her heart. As she witnessed the Romans driving the spikes into his hands and feet, her love for Him and God the Father never faltered.
Jesus’ mother never left Him. Scripture tells us that she “…stood by the cross of Jesus with her sister Mary and Mary Magdalene” (John 19:25).
Mary never anticipated Jesus earthly life would end this way. She raised Him as any other mother would raise her son. She looked out for Him and watched Him. She was deeply concerned about His daily activities.
This is the way a Christian mother is supposed to be. Mary was as much a protective mother as any Christian mother. She hurt when He hurt. She cried when He cried. She didn’t understand why His own people were against Him.
A Christian mother does not want to see her child mistreated, hurt, or misunderstood. Mothers want the best for their children. She wants them to have the joy and happiness she has in her heart.
She wants them to have a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior. A Christian mother is a blessing sent from Almighty God and she will be blessed as she carries out what God has planted in her heart.
Thanks Mom! You are special and you deserve the honor of your children for all that you have done and for all you do. You are there for your children without expecting anything from them. You are forgiving no matter how you are hurt. You work tirelessly and without complaint to make a better life for your family.
You raise your children following the commandments of God. You teach them the way they should go and the way that will honor the Father. You teach them right from wrong, but knowing they will make mistakes and at times stray from the straight and narrow, but you are forgiving just as Almighty God is forgiving.
You know and you teach us that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 26:1).
When something seems too difficult or impossible, you remind us of these words: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). You tell us this is the way you have made it through rough times.
You remind us that we are “…the salt of the earth…and…the light of the world…and…to let our light shine so the Father will be glorified” (Matthew 5:13, 14, 16).
You taught us to “…Give to him who asks you…and…bless those who curse you and do good to those who hate you and persecute you” (Matthew 6:42, 44).
During our times of need, you taught us that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).
You lived the Word of God and believed Jesus when He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
Thanks Mom!
I want to close with this little story:
Story: “Fractions and Mothers”
A teacher in one of our schools put this question to little James in the arithmetic class, “James, suppose your mother made a peach pie, and there were ten of you at the table – your mother and father and eight children – how much of the pie would you get?”
“A ninth, Ma’am,” was the prompt answer.
“No, no, James. Now pay attention,” said the teacher. “There are ten of you. Ten, remember. Don’t you know your fractions?”
“Yes, ma’am,” was the swift reply of little James, “ I know my fractions, but I know my mother, too. She’d say that she didn’t want any pie.”
--------------------Presbyterian National
Thanks Mom! You are special each and every day. You are a blessing to your family and a true child of our Father. God bless you, Mom. We love you.