Opening illustration: Watch a video clip on ‘more than rubies.’
Let us turn to Proverbs 31 and see what Lemuel the wise has written pertaining to a wife and mother.
Introduction: In the final chapter of Proverbs we have the character of a king according to wisdom, and that of the woman in her own house-the king who does not allow himself that which, by darkening his moral discernment through the indulgence of his lusts, would make him unfit to govern. In the woman we see the persevering and devoted industry which fills the house with riches, brings honor to its inhabitants, and removes all the cares and anxieties produced by sloth. The typical application of these two specific characters is too evident to need explanation. The example of the woman is very useful, as to the spirit of the thing, to one who labors in the assembly. This is the description of a virtuous woman of those days, but the general outlines equally suit every age and nation. She is very careful to recommend herself to her husband’s esteem and affection, to know his mind, and is willing that he rule over her.
If you were to look at various women’s magazines you would soon find out what qualities are being promoted for the “ideal” woman of the 21st century.
• Relaxed in manner, attitude and dress.
• Healthy (body, skin, hair, etc.) – Strong in mind.
• Independent – even if she is married.
• Aware and involved in what is going on.
• She’s making a place for herself in the world.
These are the “catchwords” of today’s contemporary woman.
What is the MISSION of a godly mom?
1. Exhibit strength and honor (v. 25)
• Strength - Strength of mind, magnanimity, courage, activity.
• Her clothing - Her ornament and glory.
• Rejoice - She lives in constant tranquility of mind, from a just confidence in God’s gracious providence.
• James tells us that benevolence to the poor and homeless is the sign of true piety – James 1: 27
• She is truly a spiritual woman with a Godly character.
• She is not afraid of the future (near or far) because her faith and good works cover her with honor and power.
• She is a person who is at ease in her conscience because her heart and hands are busy doing what is right.
• She is not guilt ridden or depressed because she is busy giving herself away to others she loves.
2. Impart wisdom (v. 26)
• Opens her mouth - She is neither sullenly silent, nor full of impertinent talk, but speaks discreetly and piously, as occasion offers.
• In her tongue - Her speeches are guided by wisdom and grace, and not by inordinate passions.
• And this practice is called a law in her tongue, because it is constant and customary, and proceeds from an inward and powerful principle of true wisdom.
• Her tongue is not for gossip but rather for edification.
• This is one of my own grandma’s qualities and one I have also found in my wife.
• Both never use their words to destroy but always to build others up beginning with myself and others.
• This is wisdom from above and the woman of the poem demonstrates that she has this.
3. Care for her family (vs. 27-28)
• She is a moral manager: she takes care that all shall behave themselves well; that none of them shall keep bad company or contract vicious habits.
• She can instruct them the Christian faith and the fear of the Lord, as well as she can teach them in their labor.
• In her house, diligence in business, and fervency of spirit, serving the Lord, go hand in hand.
• It is not that she isn’t concerned with the problems of her society (She does help the poor etc.) but the concerns of her home are first.
• When we take care of our own home first there are usually less problems in the world.
• She is aware of the needs of her family and the community and concerned about fulfilling them using all of her skills and qualities refined through years of service and practice.
• Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11: 3 that the man is the head of woman and consequently the head of the home but the writer balances out this picture by showing us that the woman is the heart of the home. When the head and the heart are in union with Christ as the Lord of the home, what a wonderful place that home is.
• She has this trustworthiness demonstrated by Good stewardship of her home and a Godly character and these bring her rewards:
• Her children are thankful that they have a mother like her – what a reward for a mother, grateful children.
• Her husband sees her as the best of all women and he is satisfied with her.
• Suggest his absolute fidelity and devotion.
• She knows that idleness leads to vice; and therefore everyone has his work, and everyone has his proper food.
• That they may work well, they are fed well; and every one, at least, earns the bread that he eats - eats not the bread of idleness.
Illustration: Many people have been richly blessed by what they learned at their mother’s knee. Consider John and Charles Wesley. Their names would probably never have lighted the pages of history if it hadn’t been for their godly mother who taught them that the law of love and Christian witness was to be their daily guide.
Susannah Wesley spent one hour each day praying for her 17 children. In addition, she took each child aside for a full hour every week to discuss spiritual matters with him or her. No wonder John and Charles were used of God to bring blessing around the world.
Here are a few rules she followed in training her children: Subdue self-will in a child and work together with God. Teach him to pray as soon as he can speak. Give him nothing he cries for and only what is good for him if he asks for it politely. To prevent lying, punish no fault that is freely confessed, but never allow a rebellious, sinful act to go unchecked. Commend and reward good behavior. Strictly observe all promises you have made to your child.
Let us honor our godly mothers today, not only with words of praise for them but with lives that reflect the impact of their holy influence!
4. Passing on an excelling legacy (v. 29)
• In the last few verses the author describes the rewards awaiting such a person and clear signs that she is a virtuous woman.
• Doesn’t hesitate to pass on the legacy to her kids, specially her daughters.
• Apparently Paul addresses this issue to one of his faithful and reliable helpers in Titus 2: 1 – 5.
5. Fear God (v. 30)
• Her motivating factors are not beauty or charm (social acclaim)
• She is a person that fears (respects /obeys) the Lord — this is what motivates her.
• But the fear of God reigning in the heart is the beauty of the soul; it lasts forever.
• Her desire to work well, to serve others, to develop a good character are inspired by her basic faith and desire to obey God, who wants all of his daughters to become women of value.
6. Fruitful works (v. 31)
• Her neighbors, friends and community see her as a woman of value and character.
• In the end the author summarizes the true essence of the value of this person — (v. 30)
• Let what she has done be spoken of for a memorial of her; let her bright example be held forth in the most public places.
• She is a great blessing to her relations. If the fruit be good, the tree must have our good word. But she leaves it to her own works to praise her.
• Every one ought to desire this honor that cometh from God; and according to this standard we all ought to regulate our judgments.
• This description let all women daily study, who desire to be truly beloved and respected, useful and honorable.
Notice some of the things that were not mentioned here or even in the entire chapter:
• Her looks (skin, hair, weight, height, figure).
• Her independence (Not even a question for her).
• Her knowledge / Education.
These were not mentioned not because they are not in themselves important but rather because they did not make her more valuable one way or another.
Notice however what was mentioned as important:
• Her work concerning her responsibility towards her husband, family, community (N.T. times = church).
• Her attitude of kindness and wisdom.
• Her confidence and lack of guilt.
• Her reward of praise from the three groups that she serves:
a. Family / Community/ and
b. Of course God Himself praises her because she serves Him and He wrote this poem in her honor.
• We have extremes in recognizing woman in or society. Either we have a day that honors only those women that have children (Mother’s Day) or the various organizations that promote those women who see themselves as feminists.
• I want to encourage those women who work hard in raising children but I want to include all those women who are striving to become HIS women of valor in our society, regardless of their status quo — and who are these women in our day?