Summary: The natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is needed today.

Do you have the Spirit? Part 2

JCC 25.04.10 am

Read 1 Cor 2:9-16

Key Verse: V 14

Human intellect cannot understand the things of the Spirit

The theologians have a term for the human nature, ‘The Adamic nature’

Paul in another place refers to the natural man as the old man or the old nature

Rom 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him...

Eph 4:22 That you put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts

When you try to talk to someone about spiritual things, you may as well be talking to a Brick wall unless the Holy Spirit is there

There is absolutely no comprehension unless the Holy Spirit opens your heart and their heart

The Lord gave us eyes to see with, not to hear with, just as our ears are to hear with, not to see with

You might say with equal logic, the blind man cannot appreciate the beauty of a sunset.

The deaf man cannot know the sounds of a beautiful orchestra

They lack the faculties by which these things are known

And so it is with the spiritual person and the natural person

You are deaf, blind and dead without the Holy Spirit

The wisdom of God is spoken in mysteries

The eyes, ears or intellect cannot understand Him

The five senses are of no use when dealing with the spiritual world

Common sense tells you that spiritual things need spiritual discernment

The spirit senses spiritual things just as the natural is aware of natural things

The natural man cannot (emphasis) receive

Intellect can understand theology, but it has to be your spirit that understands God

The Holy Spirit needs to reveal things to us

V 9-10 Eye has not seen, ear hasn’t heard, BUT!!!!!!

But it has been revealed to ‘us’ to Christians

We forget that we cannot do what God wants us to do without His Spirit

You can shut out this message and you can shut out God

But He has spoken through a prophetic word to us and we need to listen

He is also speaking through His word

And He is speaking through this message

You may think you know all this, but do you?

Do you have the Spirit?

I said last week that God isn’t known by external means like going to church, reading the Bible and praying

It’s what is within you

What goes on in here? (Point to the heart)

Only you and God know

Only the person knows what’s within them

You can fool me, I could fool you, but He knows

You can live with a carnal Christianity or a half measured life, but you will be missing out on so much

He has so much to give us, if only we will receive

Bible study of itself doesn’t reveal anything

The Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon’s and many religious institutions study the Bible and in quite some depth

That is not a valid foundation for saying you have the Spirit

Only the Holy Spirit can reveal the Lord to you and through you

Because only He knows what’s in the heart of God

This is why it is vital that I and the oversight seek the Lord for the Church

It takes an act of the Holy Spirit before you or I can understand the bible

2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

Jn 3:27 John answered and said, ‘A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven’

Some people may read the bible and try to interpret it

2 Peter 1:20 But scripture is of no private interpretation

Also it is interesting how some people will try to read the Bible and find that it doesn't make any sense to them

They can read a chapter and find that they don't understand what they have read

Just like people can read scripture and have no real regard for its authority

There can be two Christ’s in your life

The one you sing and read about etc

And the One who sitting waiting to be active in your life

We also think we can talk each other into spiritual things

I cannot talk you into spiritual things, but when the word is anointed some will hear

Some will respond

But others will not

You may respond, but the person next to you may hear nothing

It is a mystery, but God reveals to whoever He wills

Preachers are not salesmen

I cannot persuade you into anything, God alone does that

If I do persuade you, would it be fruitful?

Maybe, but if He persuades you it it will be much better

We also cannot ‘gossip the gospel,’ because only the Holy Spirit can talk people into spiritual things

But a warning, you can teach people anything, but if it’s not of the Spirit, it’s of no value

And many may know about Him

So where are you in relation to the Holy Spirit?

Ministers even teach the word, but it will be only intellectual if the Holy Spirit hasn’t enlightened it

Are you taking this into your:


Or spirit?

One glimpse from the Holy Spirit will teach you more of Jesus in a moment than years in a college or sitting in a bible study

Tozer said: ‘You only know Jesus has much has the Holy Spirit has revealed Him to you; you cannot know Him any other way’

You may try, but it will be in vain

Without him you can do nothing

We cannot resurrect a church on knowledge alone, no more than we can resurrect our own life

We cannot build this church on know-how and man-made ideas that seem good to some

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

This is why we all need to catch the vision the Lord has for here as well as for our own lives

Stop striving over who and what, and pray for the Lord to show us by His Spirit

You need to be a part of the whole thing here or you are part of nothing

There is no place for people wanting to go it alone, or to be a spectator

But be warned, if the Holy Spirit speaks to us and we don’t obey, who is accountable and to whom?

We all should have some accountability

We all need to be obedient

But first we all need to be listening

Paul was very intellectual, one of the top 6 in the world it is claimed

He knew it not just by the text of the OT, but by the light as the Spirit revealed it

He was able to write to the Church via the Spirit

He could never have done it through his knowledge and intellect

Well he could have, but it would have been be a dead letter that each church received

What value would that be to any of us?

Christianity also does not depend on, science, the natural, the world or anything else

You cannot test or weigh spiritual things with science

What science does investigate, is not spiritual things, but earthly

Measuring and making sure it is a fair test in science cannot be done with God’s Kingdom

Illustration: Two scientists were talking about Balaam’s donkey and one said it was physically impossible for the donkey to speak. The vocal cord it has proves it couldn’t have taken place. Then the other one replied, you make a donkey and I’ll make it talk. If God can make a donkey, he can surely make it talk.

Literature tells us how to pray, how to study, how to experience miracles and the power of God etc

But not one can achieve anything in life if the Spirit doesn’t illuminate us to truth

The Holy Spirit is the teacher, and one of the gifts to the church is a teacher; it doesn’t rule out teachers, but the witness is from the inner spirit

The Holy Spirit excludes the flesh, human ability, and human intellect

It is a miraculous enlightenment

If you are trying to know more about God, ask the Lord to show you

1 Cor 2:16 For who has known the mind of the Lord? But we have the mind of Christ

So what are you going to do about this message?

He can show you more in a moment that you can learn in a lifetime

So do you have the Spirit?

Did the disciples have the Spirit before Pentecost?

Were they Christian’s then?

Of cause they were

But what was the second part of their conversion?


We are a Pentecostal church

Let us prove we are

Let us live as though we are

We need to put the Pentecost back in here

We need the Holy Spirit in here

And it’s not just down to me or the handful who show any evidence of the Spirit

We all should aim for spiritual things

We all should be aiming for experiencing the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit

We all should be reaching for greater heights in God

John 20:22 Jesus said, receive the Holy Spirit

This was prior to Pentecost

So what was different about what happened here, and the day of Pentecost?

There are many theories

Some say it was regeneration, but they already had acknowledged who Jesus was

Others suggest it was something like the OT prophets experienced

And there are other, but the one I agree with is this one:

I believe Jesus gave them a taste of what to expect, a sample if you like

Why wasn’t it the outpouring?

Because Jesus hadn’t ascended into heaven and the Holy Spirit couldn’t be poured out until He had

Tozer was anointed and filled with the Spirit 2 years after his conversion

It was not at conversion

In my life it was about 9 months after my conversion something else happened to me that gave me understanding

True revival has come when God’s people start to hear Him and obey Him

Not through emotionalism or crowds

Not through appeals by someone to act out something resembling the move of God

We must be filled and only by the Holy Spirit

You can be filled outside of a gospel message, it doesn’t have to be here or any other church service

But, you must at one time or another, BE FILLED!

You can get away without being filled with the Spirit, but you will have no impact in your own life, that of others, or in the life of the church on a spiritual level

You can be a good upstanding Christian and still NOT be filled with the Spirit

No Spirit = no power, no gifts, no fruit

No real understanding

You can even have something that seems like the real thing

But don’t be fooled

Make sure what you have is the real thing

What about those who don’t receive the Holy Spirit?

John 14:17a the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; They speak out of their own hearts

The world recognises its own language

He who is not of God, does not recognise us

The world cannot receive

The teaching of church is that there are two different people in the world

Different in every way

Hostile and incompatible

We cannot be reconciled to each other

It’s the natural enemy

Jesus witnessed this hostility

The disciples witnessed it

The early church new this

Contradiction of two spirits

Born twice

The one born of the flesh persecutes the one born of the Spirit

No compromising of our position or reconciling of the two

We shouldn’t have to make our Christianity appeal to the world

They are not the same as you and I if we now Christ

Christianity doesn’t need to be made acceptable to the world

The world are baptised into the spirit of the world

It’s evil and blind

Full of lies, greed, lust etc

The world hears those of the world

The world cannot receive the things of the Spirit

It takes a work of God to have this new Spirit

You know what family you belong to

We try to bring everyone together and try to find a common denominator to make people feel at ease with us

They are not of us

They are a different spirit

The Holy Spirit convicts

Unless the Holy Spirit shows you your sin you cannot or will not do anything about it

We can have a coffee with someone but having coffee with a fellow believer is far different – it’s fellowship

We have things in common

There are people religious by nature, but these are not necessarily fellow Christians

They may look alike, but inside there is a difference

They will not get on

Cain and Able

Two brothers but contrary to each other

If you are a Christian you are odd

But you cannot tell one from the other today

Intermingling and mixing

During the war, men wore the uniform of the other side to infiltrate and get into the enemies camp

We should have the life and power of God within us

We should be at war with people

We should have troubles because we are not the same

They won’t like you and won’t want you around

Do you feel rejected?

Good, then you must be light shining against the darkness

You must be salt savouring the world, not the same taste

Not everyone is bad that’s not a Christian

If fact many are really nice people

But there are lost people and found people

No matter how nice they are, they belong to a different people

No one can receive Him, because they have another spirit

They have the spirit of Adam, not of Jesus

The spirit that fell and is not restored

They may listen to us

They may think we are offensive

They may ask you lots of questions

The one who nods and smiles

Ex 33:14 ‘is it not by your going with us, that we are distinguished from all others ‘ paraphrased mine

John 14:17b but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

He will be in you = Pentecost

We shall look further this evening