Summary: Resurrection Sunday! Jesus is Alive!! Hallelujah! This sermon looks back at the resurrection and the responses of the disciples the first time Jesus appeared to them. Thomas was the one disciple that didn't see Jesus originally and doubted the others seen


A tax accountant told our son about a guy who wanted to declare the loss of his Lincoln Navigator SUV on his tax return. The accountant told the man that insurance usually takes care of things like that and wondered what happened.

Here is the story. In the winter some guys decided to go fishing on the lake. It was frozen, so they parked the SUV at the edge of the lake and instead of going out on the ice to make a hole, they lit a stick of dynamite with a long-burning fuse and threw it out to break the ice open.

• Unfortunately, the dog thought it was a stick and went out after it.

• Fortunately, the dog retrieved it in record time and started back.

• Unfortunately, when they yelled at the dog to drop it, the dog ran under the SUV with the stick of dynamite in its mouth.

• Fortunately, the dog got burned on the muffler, came out from under the vehicle, leaving the dynamite behind.

• Unfortunately, the dynamite went off, transforming the SUV from a useful vehicle into a pile of junk.

That is supposed to be a true story. If you can believe all of that, you won’t have any trouble believing the resurrection of Jesus!


One lady wrote in to a question and answer forum. "Dear Sirs, Our preacher said on Easter, that Jesus just swooned on the cross and that the disciples nursed Him back to health. What do you think? Sincerely, Bewildered."

"Dear Bewildered, Beat your preacher with a cat-of-nine-tails with 39 heavy strokes, nail him to a cross; hang him in the sun for 6 hours; run a spear thru his side...put him in an airless tomb for 36 hours and see what happens. Sincerely, Charles."

My friends, He is risen!

How did you feel when you woke up this morning? Seen the sun outside shining bright, feeling well rested, glad to be alive? Today is the day we can thank Jesus for that!

So what is the big deal to this day? Jesus died on the cross, a gruesome cross unbearable for many to even watch who were there. So why is today a day to celebrate? What does this “resurrection” mean?

All four gospels give a recollection of Jesus’ journey from the cross. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were all close enough to Jesus that much of what they wrote about what they witnessed was similar. John though was the one disciple that refused to leave where Jesus was. Throughout the crucifixion, John stayed present at the foot of the cross. When Sunday came, John was still present and when Mary Magdalene came looking for him, she found him.

*Read John 20:1-18*

Many of us would feel this day similar to Mary; hanging on to the grieving of her beloved Jesus. What we remember to this day more often than not is the crucifixion and death of Jesus.

The resurrection was the moment of clarification to all of Jesus’ teachings of what was to come. With this being the importance of His teachings, He told Mary to go and tell the others of His ascension!

Today we are still meant to tell others about Jesus and the meaning of this day! Jesus still reveals Himself in our lives still today just like He intended to reveal Himself to His disciples.

But Pastor, what do you mean “INTENDED”? Didn’t Jesus reveal Himself to them?

Well, He did…but some of them didn’t even recognize or believe it was Jesus!

*Read Luke 24:13-35* The Road to Emmaus

This day is much like the conversation Jesus had with the men of the road to Emmaus.

The story is the same. The ending is forever. But our ears are still clogged with sin.

We hear about Jesus, We read about Jesus, We even talk to Jesus in prayer…but we still don’t SEE Him right next to us!


What’s even worse? Some even go farther and DOUBT the reality of Jesus’ actions for us! We doubt He really did it for us!

Luke 24:38:43, “And He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? “See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. While they still could not believe it because of their joy and amazement, He said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave Him a piece of a broiled fish; and He took it and ate it before them.”

*Read John 20:19-29* Thomas & Jesus

What did a picture of DOUBT look like?

1. FEAR – The disciples had their doors shut in fear of the Jews! (Verse 19)

a. Thomas displayed fear by his refusing to believe what the others had seen! (Verse 25)

2. WASTED TIME – Jesus was away 8 DAYS (verse 26) and during those days the disciples were still buzzing over seeing Jesus, yet Thomas still didn’t believe!

a. Thomas WASTED valuable time of HOPE and HAPPINESS with Jesus by choosing to NOT believe!

b. Time….how much have you wasted from Jesus due to unbelief?

3. BLINDNESS – Thomas had heard and seen the praise of all his brothers, yet when Jesus did come again, it took Jesus telling Thomas to place his hands where the nails were to SEE Jesus! (verses 27-29)

a. Blinded by a lack of faith, Thomas needed physical touch and visualization with his own eyes to believe; yet many similar signs of Jesus are around us every day and we miss them too.

b. What will it take for you today to gain a 20/20 vision with Jesus?

c. What are you still holding onto and waiting to have happen before you will place your faith and belief in Jesus?

Verse 29, “BLESSED are they that do not see, yet still believe!”

Blessed!!! What are you waiting for? Aren’t you tired of feeling left out of eternal joy and peace that Jesus brings? If you haven’t noticed, we don’t have a whole lot of time to stall in our decision for Him today…..He’s coming again SOON!


Every single day we make choices that show whether we are courageous or cowardly. We choose between the right thing and the convenient thing, sticking to a conviction or caving in for the sake of comfort, greed or approval. We choose either to take a carefully thought-out risk or to crawl into a shrinking shell of safety, security and inactivity. We choose either to believe in God or trust him, even when we do not always understand his ways, or to second-guess him and cower in the corners of doubt and fear.


He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End!

He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!

He is the Architect of the universe and

The Manager of all times.

He always was, He always is, and He always will be...

Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!

He was bruised and brought healing!

He was pierced and eased pain!

He was persecuted and brought freedom!

He was dead and brought life!

He is risen and brings power!

He reigns and brings Peace!

The world can’t understand him,

The armies can’t defeat Him,

The schools can’t explain Him, and

The leaders can’t ignore Him.

Herod couldn’t kill Him,

The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him, and

The people couldn’t hold Him!

Nero couldn’t crush Him,

Hitler couldn’t silence Him,

The New Age can’t replace Him, and

Talk show hosts can’t explain Him away!

He is light, love, longevity, and Lord.

He is goodness, kindness, gentleness, and God.

He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure.

His ways are right,

His word is eternal,

His will is unchanging, and

His mind is on me.

He is my Redeemer,

He is my Savior,

He is my guide, and

He is my peace!

He is my Joy,

He is my comfort,

He is my Lord, and

He rules my life!

I serve Him because His bond is love,

His burden is light, and

His goal for me is abundant life.

I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise,

The power of the powerful,

The ancient of days, the ruler of rulers,

The leader of leaders, the overseer of the over comers, and

The sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come.

And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size.

His goal is a relationship with ME!

He will never leave me,

Never forsake me,

Never mislead me,

Never forget me,

Never overlook me, and

Never cancel my appointment in His appointment book!

When I fall, He lifts me up!

When I confess failure, He forgives!

When I am weak, He is strong!

When I am lost, He is the way!

When I am afraid, He is my courage!

When I stumble, He steadies me!

When I am hurt, He heals me!

When I am broken, He fixes me!

When I am confused, He guides my path!

When I am in doubt, He reassures me! And….

When I feel dead, He reminds me He is ALIVE!