Summary: The story of the Good Samaritan told in a different way.


Luke 10:29-35


A. Note the going down

Road from Jerusalem to Jericho - about 18 miles descending about 3000 ft.

1. Minding his own business

Stripped, beaten, robbed of all he had.

a. Wounded - probably resisting the theives

Our own strength and wits poor defence against sudden onslought of Satan

b. The morally wounded and disabled in battle of life found lying everywhree along highway of human existence.

c. The names are legion of those sunk into ditch of a city slum - stripped of reputation, having their hopes and prospects wounded to the death.

2. Left him 1/2 dead.

No power - weak - had to wait on compassion of someone or wait to die

a. With regard to eternal things - how many are 1/2 dead and are quite unconscious of it?


3 Attitudes towards helpless and unfortunate


By chance - only place in NT this word used.

Sarcasm - many priest in Jericho - would travel back and forth as their turns to ministry came.

Priest going from Jerusalem to Jericho

1. Priest probably could not have determined if dead or alive without touching him.

a. If touched him and he was dead then he would be ceremonially unclean

2. He could be sure he was not omitting to help someone in need only by going to him

But he passed by on the other side.


Came and looked on him.

Type of man who is inquisitive, but not compassionate, wants to know everything, but do nothing.

This man came to his side of the road and then passed by on the other side.

1. Other Side

A. Was path of multitude

No doubt they saw, but indifferent

B. Was easiest side

1. Saved selves a lot of bother and time

2. Religion without Christianity - Religiosity

C. Was Most Pleasant Side

1. Never pleasant to help bind up wounds, witness the trouble and suffering of others

2. They who travel on the other side.

a. Take blood out of the Gospel

b. Take suffering from Christ

c. Take sacrifice out of salvation

d. Take the cross out of Christian living


Samaritan came where he was and had compassion on him.

Jews had no dealings with Samaritans.

This Samaritan had compassion on one who was living at enmity with him.

This Good Samaritan bears the features of the despised Nazarene, who comes to seek and save the lost.

1. He came where he was.

Christ comes to us - seeks us out in our stripped and wounded conditions

2. He had compassion on him v. 33

Loved us - gave himself for us.

3. He bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine.

Wine - antiseptic - cleansing

Oil - Sooth soreness - Holy Spirit

Christ binds up up and pours in His Spirit to heal us and give us new life.

4. Set him on his own beast

Set him on his own beast and walked

Christ lifted us up to his place to present us faultless before the throne.

5. Brought him to an Inn

Saved of the Lord finds shelter from life's storms

New friendships, new home, Haven, harbor.

6. Took care of him

He not only delivered him but cared for him.

Christ careth for you and I

7. Left Promise Concerning Him

Man left enough to care for the man about 2-4 days.

2 denari - 1/12 denari a day for food and shelter.

Cared for him and left enough over - promised more if needed - he would pay when he comes again.


The other side is the least expensive side. It costs money and time to help those in need.

Costs something to help one who is lost find Jesus.

The other side is the most conspicuous side.

Samaritan's ministry done in apparent obscurity. He who does most boasts least.


What is your ministry today?

What is it you are hesitating in doing for the Lord?

Tonight - Only you and God know if you are doing all His will for your life.

Tonight let US determine to be like Jesus.

To take advantage of opportunities He presents to us to minister to others.