Summary: A tactical preview of how we have to change our strategy for fighting our battles.

Fighting the Enemy from Far off Pt. 3

1 Samuel 17: 20-37


This story is one of great value and substance; it shows us how the enemy comes to fight the church and provokes us to think that there are many ways to fight the enemy without being noticed of our intent to kill him. This particular passage of scripture gives a very clear and exciting view of David who at this point has been anointed to be the next king and yet he is committed to his father and submitted to the king, though this king had lost his favor with God, he still has a charge to make sure this Philistine army and it’s champion do not get the victory over the people whom God had chosen.

Vs. 20-24 The text here indicates that David goes to do what his father Jesse commands him to do; this was to go down to the camp where his brothers were to see if all is well and to bring them food; when he arrives he greets his brother and sees the ARMIES making a whole lot of noise going nowhere (Shouting for the Battle), Army against Army and as he see and hears them he yet sees no progress with Israel but he sees progress with the Philistines because the champion (THE ENEMY) is there on the scene speaking according to the same words. The same words he had spoken for forty mornings and forty evenings; the only reason why the enemy continues to uses old material is because he has run out of material and he has nothing new concerning you, many of us are fearful when we hear our information repeated over and over, it’s a shameful place to be in fear when the information that’s repeated about you does not put you in immediate danger yet you run from the enemy because you are dreadfully afraid that the truth that he speaks will expose you. It is the enemy’s job to bring such an exposition that he will get you to flee away from your purpose. We may not know that if we run from our test we will never know the final answer.

Vs. 25-27 Now the men of Israel asks David if he had saw the champion, they continue in conversation telling David that this champion had come up to defy ( Challenge, Confront, Dare) Israel; as they continue to converse they tell David that whoever kills this champion (ENEMY) would be 1) Made Rich 2) Have the King’s Daughter 3) Be Tax Exempt; it is my position that we are more responsive if we can find a reward for our service, although this is not David’s intent it was certainly motivation to bring the enemy to his demise, in this life when we see the enemy trying to defy the armies of the living God (Church) (Body of Believers), we should find a source of motivation. David ensue anger toward the champion (ENEMY) that arouses him to the point he asks a question “WHO IS THIS UNCIRCUMCISED PHILISTINE THAT HE SHOULD DEFY THE ARMIES OF THE LIVING GOD?” The uncircumcised in this time is an expression of disapproval by God it is one who is not in covenant with God.

Vs. 28-33 Now it comes to pass when David’s older brother overheard his conversation, he now has a conversation with him (Eliab) that his anger causes him to speak his heart against David implying that he knows David’s intent for showing up while they were in battle, David has to show a reverence because this was his older brother who has a responsibility in this custom to chastise as needed; nevertheless, David asks a question, “IS THERE NOT A CAUSE?” (“Is there not something to fight for?”). It is interesting to see David’s brother respond with jealousy as Joseph’s brothers did with him. David knowing who he is, is yet humble to who in time to come he will have charge over, yet he does not act as if he is he acts as if he is not, because his time had not yet come, he was yet a servant and understands his position in God and Man. As the words are heard they report David to Saul. It is my position that people will put you out front not because they feel you are qualified but because they are too scary to be where they have suggested you to be.

David whom Saul had sent home earlier now has a conversation with David and in the midst of the conversation David switches gears and brings himself to a place to encourage Saul to encourage all man; “Let no man’s heart fail because of him (THE ENEMY) (THE CHAMPION); your servant will go and fight this philistine; immediately Saul doubts David’s abilities and says you are a youth and he a man of war from his youth. The development of my understanding has given me knowledge to appreciate the fact that great leaders are born and not made. The champion was made a leader he was not born a leader. David on the other hand was not made a leader was not made a leader. David pleas to Saul and lets him know that he is a warrior at heart and he has the experience on his resume to prove his case. He tells Saul YOUR SERVANT used to keep his father’s sheep and when there was an attack I was qualified to kill the enemy from far off, the text suggests that he used strategy to kill the enemy from far off. He further states that it was God who delivered him from the paws of both lion and bear and thus will deliver him from the uncircumcised philistine. The same God that delivers you from every other attack will deliver from all attacks if you will abide in God bible declares he will abide in you. We must learn to strategically plot out our attacks against the enemy. We will never be successful trying to use a tactic that did not prove itself to be a success. I do know that if you take the lord with you he will fight your battle.

The difference between Saul and David is: saul had favored his way to this battle and David has faithed his way to to what would become a victory. Your favor will only take you so far but your faith will take you all the way.