Summary: One of the greatest shocks a saint will ever know is to realize that other saints can be cruel. A shattering realization. As terrible as this is, full recovery is possible! Even better, some have more than recovered, they were able to minister to others.


One of the greatest shocks a saint will ever know is to realize that other saints can be cruel. A shattering realization.

I would even go as far as to say this can be more damaging and even more painful than loosing a loved one. Some Christians will never recover.

As terrible as this is, full recovery is possible! Even better, some have more than recovered, they were able to minister to others.

Every saint is going to carry a cross. Every saint has his own personal dying to do. But some face an experience that will leaved them wounded and scarred for life.

There is no limit to the effect a real crucifixion can have on our life. To some they are left lame for the rest of their lives on the way to the grave still bitter and bleeding. Others come out a totally different person.

There is no way to prepare for this life changing event. Healing is the focus for sure. Destruction will be sure unless there is healing.

What was it? A verbal attack? Slander? Misunderstandings? Gossip? [Ive been lied on, cheated, talked about, mistreated, used, scorned, talked about just like the Lord...]

Physical, emotional, social, spiritual. The ordeal is for-real! The pain is present. The wounds are deep.

Now if you can name someone responsible for your trouble – drop it. The guilty one is someone else. The one who nailed you is the same one who nails everyone else. WHO WAS IT? Ask Jesus!

Was it the Jews? The romans? The religious? The government?

Who planned the cross? The same one who plans your's. Because we are believers, we are hidden in HIM!

SO! Who caused Christ to go to the cross? Put Him on trial? Arranged the false witnesses? Who picked the men that whipped His back? Who chose the ones to drive the nails into His hands and feet? Whose fault was it to cause our Savior so much agony and humiliation?

The same one who has done the same to you and me! THE FATHER!

It was the Father's will to put Christ on the cross and the same for you. The kicker? He willed it to be done at the hands of His own people!

Once we can come to grips with this: that it is God's will we are crucified, then and only then will recovery start. Reconstruction and restoration hinges on our ability to accept the terrible fact your tragedies and suffering come by His own hand.

If you reject this, then you weren't truly and totally crucified. A saint is always handled from God's own hand and His hand only!

So! How involved is the Lord? He arranges every detail. Not only writes the script, He selects the cast. He orchestrates and choreographs every scene. He is in charge of the lighting, the set, the stage, and the scenery. He chooses the main players. He picks the crew. Even the extras and walk on's

He even picks the audience. No one gets to die on a cross unobserved and unnoticed.

He picks the ones who lied and slandered on you. Those who ran their fat mouths and gossiped and whispered behind your back.

He wrote their parts. The harsh words thrown at you. He knew exactly what words to use to crush you. Words that would ring in your ears and echo in your minds for months if not years.

Your Lord wrote the script, directed every scene, called the cast, produced the whole event – even called the devil and gave him permission to abuse you.

Every emotion felt was ordered and planned by Him.

Rejection, pain, unfairness, innuendos, misunderstandings, more pain, demeaning, belittling, lost reputation, lost friends, lost focus.

And realize – It was your Father's will for you to taste those things.

God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ deliberately, with forethought, with studied reason selected the star [victim] YOU!

You – to be so viciously, heartlessly, brutally, publicly, totally crushed. There can be only one conclusion: WHAT AN HONOR!


NOW – How does one survive such an honor?

“Wait! God would never do me this way!” = O yes He would. He did. He has done it before. To His own son!

Accept this truth and yield to the Author and the Finisher! Once you do, healing, peace, joy, strength is soon to come!

The cross you carry didn't come from the hands of men. It all comes from the hands of your Father.

Stop blaming those you can see. What an Honor!

Its time for healing and restoration.