OT Reading: Exodus 34: 29-end NT Reading: 2 Cor 3:12- 4:2 Gospel: Luke 9: 28-36
We set tremendous store on first impressions. We can’t really help it, it’s all part of the human condition. That first impression may be based upon something as small as a name, or something about the visual appearance. Whether or not I have shaved today, whether my shoes are clean. Every so often these first impressions catch us out. The accent of the speaker isn’t what we expect, the story in the paper doesn’t reflect the reality, or the book’s contents don’t match the cover.
And all the readings this morning pick up on the importance of things that are beyond our sight: the existence and reality of the invisible. A country you might say, just as real as the seen.
One thing I find so encouraging about the disciples is how long it takes them to work out what’s going on with Jesus. Who he is, what his mission is. And if you remember that the first gospel wasn’t even written until 20 – 30 years after the first Easter it gives you some idea of how long it really took them to piece together how this extraordinary man, Jesus, could also be God himself.
No wonder that they are dazed and confused by what happens on the mountain. The teacher, friend and prophet that they are only really just beginning to understand undergoes this miraculous transformation. A change to his face (although we’re not told quite what) and a change to his clothing. Jewish readers would probably think straight away about how angels were said to appear, and even about that mysterious character from the OT – the angel of the Lord, the nearest way of seeing God. In that brief time on the mountain to see Jesus is to see the full and unhidden glory of God.
And not Jesus alone in all his splendour, but two others. The two greatest figures of the Jewish faith, there with him, talking with him. Moses, the servant God chose to bring his people out of Egypt. The one he revealed the covenant through, the one he told his name. The OT even goes so far as to say that God spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Now, once again Moses is seen in the presence of the glory of God.
The other, of course, is Elijah. The greatest prophet, the one who never died, but was taken by God up into heaven. Elijah was the one that the Jews of Jesus’ time, and many now, believed must come again before the Messiah would. Even today in Jewish households around the world there is a place set at the Passover table for Elijah.
Moses and Elijah, the two greatest figures in the OT from a Jewish perspective, and yet they defer to Jesus. They come to stand and talk in the presence of God incarnate, revealed in his full glory. The bringer of the old covenant meeting with the bringer of the new. The herald of the coming of God’s chosen one meeting him there on the mountain.
And if that’s not enough for the drowsy disciples, the enveloping cloud, the symbol and reality of God’s presence, enfolds them all. Just like Moses on Mount Sinai. The presence of the fullness of God. No wonder they were afraid! And the very voice of God “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.”
To all appearances before and after it was just another mountain. No different from any other. Part of the normal created order, always there. But suddenly in the midst of the ordinary world and in the presence of Jesus everything is changed. Heaven touches earth and for a short time the glory of God is visible. Did heaven “descend”, the mountain get “lifted up?” No, it’s just that the curtain between the two was opened and you could see into the heavenly. It’s not the touching place that’s only there for a short time, just the visibility.
The use an example from experience: the fullness of the parish is never absent. It doesn’t cease to exist when you pass out of sight of the rec, or over the river. You just can’t see it. Neither does the presence of the spiritual world. We just don’t see it, and often don’t look for it.
The saddest thing is that so often we don’t even really remember the closeness of the spiritual world either. And I say “we” because I include myself. All the daily stresses of living, all the mundane burdens, hide it, weigh us down and we forget. We forget that there are things beyond our immediate sight. But the presence of God has not left.
We may not be privileged enough to have those mountain top moments, but we are called to remember them and seek them. Dallington isn’t removed from the rest of the town. You can still hear the sounds of traffic on the main road, carried on the wind.
What are the sounds of heaven carried on the wind? The glimpses through the curtain? One challenge is simply to keep our eyes and ears open, the eyes of faith to look for the places where God is at work, the ears of faith to hear what he’s up to. Sometimes it as simple as remembering God’s presence and nature in our daily lives. The tax credit, the convenient parking space, the happy set of circumstances are gifts from God if only we would notice. And that’s not mentioning the little daily blessings, good health, safe journeys, even the good weather we ask for.
The events of the transfiguration, the holy mountain-top, follow on from Peter’s recognition of Jesus as the Christ in Luke’s gospel. He makes a statement of faith, based on how he has already seen God at work, after which he sees more. It’s that reminder that so often what we see depends on what we believe, and not the other way round.
Is there any other way to bring the readings to life, closer to applications. Well, let's look at them.
The reading from Exodus reminds us and informs us somewhat about how we may deal with the Epistle. We're reminded about how, according to Exodus, the face of Moses shone with the glory of God after their conversations. He displayed something of the glory, and the awesome power, of God. So much so that the people became frightened of him. The touch of the divine can instil awe and fear, so much so that Moses had to hide it under normal circumstances, except when speaking “the words of God” you might say.
Paul in 2 Corinthians, picks up and reinterprets the story, again with respect to the sight of God’s glory, particularly with respect to Moses and ourselves. After all it’s very easy to get down-hearted about how little we may see of God’s presence and plans. And here in the epistle are two things in particular to encourage us. But to pick the first up properly needs a refresher on the context of the reading. Verses 7-11 of the chapter, which we don't get, reminds us that just as Moses brought the Law from God’s glorious presence, so Jesus brought salvation, with even greater glory. His ministry far outweighs that of Moses.
The good news that Jesus brought, the relationship we can have with God the Father through the Holy Spirit is something far greater than that offered through Moses. It’s that which forms the background to the reading.
And this is where our reading begins. In the context of the greater revelation ushered in by Jesus we are told... “Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.” The great blessing and benefit and grace shown to us in Christ should make us bold. We have every reason to be both proud and grateful for all the things that has done for us, and the difference he wishes to make in others lives. We can be bold in discerning the hand and works of God, with no need to be hesitant, and uncertain, just as we can be bold to share Jesus with our neighbours.
You may, however, feel very inadequate about all this. How can I make a difference, when I so often don’t see clearly myself? How can I be bold when I daren’t tell anyone? It’s all well and good to talk about Moses, who talked to God face to face, and whose face shone with the glory of God, but what help is that to me?
Well, more than you might think! Each and everyone of us who loves and worships God through Jesus Christ is already showing his glory. “We… with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory (and) are being transformed into his glory.” Whether you recognise it or not, even whether you dare believe it or not, you and I are already reflecting God’s glory to all those we meet, simply in being faithful. However strong or weak we think our faith is we are already beacons of God’s glory. All this without needing to climb to the mountain top!
And there’s more too. It’s very difficult to notice changes in ourselves or those close to us sometimes. Say for example, your partner is on a diet. Because you see them all the time you find it hard to notice the gradual change, but ask someone who hasn’t seen them for a while, and they’ll notice. For most of us the changes God brings about in our lives are like that too. We may miss them, but others won’t!, As our faith grows and matures so the glory of God that we reflect grows ever brighter.
If that doesn’t help us to be bold, then nothing will! God is at work, even if so often hidden by the mundane. And we do need to be bold. Maybe more than ever before, certainly in the past few generations we live in a culture that doesn’t really see Jesus. A worldview that has veiled him, curtained him off. Jesus as the child in the manger perhaps. Jesus as the good man, perhaps. But nothing about Jesus as Saviour and Judge.
It is our call to show the light of Jesus, the very glory of God to those around us, so that we may help them to see through the mundane into the world of the Spirit, and to experience the love, grace and forgiveness of God.